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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 11, 2008
When I started creating my caching class I was sure I'll use it always on the main thread but it turns out I need it in multiple threads because UIScrollView in tiled mode draws the tiles in background threads. So now I need my cache to be thread safe.

I had to solve two problems: One, mutable array/dictionary holding cached images, and two, returned objects could dissapear while being used in another thread.

Am I doing this right?

- (UIImage *)cachedImageForAddress:(NSString *)imgAddress
   UIImage  *retImage = nil;
   @synchronized(self)  {
      retImage = [self.imageDictionary objectForKey:imgAddress];
   return ([[retImage retain] autorelease]);

- (BOOL)cacheImage:(UIImage *)newImage forAddress:(NSString *)imgAddress
   BOOL  retVal = YES;
   @synchronized(self)  {
      if (![self.imgDicKeys containsObject:imgAddress])  {
         [self.imageDictionary setObject:newImage forKey:imgAddress];
         [self.imgDicKeys addObject:imgAddress];

         // See if thre's too many
         [self trimImageDictionary:self.imageDictionary
      else  if (![self.imageDictionary objectForKey:imgAddress])
         NSLog (@"Inconsistant image cache!");
         retVal = NO;
   return (retVal);


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2008
There's a race condition in your getter. The returned value could be invalidated on another thread between the time you get it from the dictionary and when it's retained. I think you need to retain it inside the @synchronized block.

I don't understand what the keys array is for.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 11, 2008
There's a race condition in your getter. The returned value could be invalidated on another thread between the time you get it from the dictionary and when it's retained. I think you need to retain it inside the @synchronized block.

Oh, thanks for the tip. Now it looks obvious. ;)

I don't understand what the keys array is for.

I wasn't sure if allKeys property of the dictionary would always have the oldest element at zero index so I created my own array. Plus, in few methods I compare counts of objects in dictionary and array just to make sure there wasn't some sort of a mixup.
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