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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2012
Hi guys!

I have the following issue - to get a camera snapshot from my IPOD to my computer with a frequency around .1s. The goal isn't to display the images as a slide-show, the goal is to further process the incoming images. All should be as real-time as possible.

A way, how to do it, would be to install a software which converts the IPOD into webcam ( or and to receive the snapshots from the stream by a script which permits a further processing. The possible solution should be the following Python script
However, I haven't have success with that, more precisely, I am able to see the slideshow from the stream in my browser but the script does not work (in the case of mini-webcam, I does not see the image; in the case of IPcam, the script results in the error "505 HTTP Version not supported"). On the other hand, my friend with Android machine and the IP webcam soft ( had success.
Because I am not skilled Python user, I don't have idea how to make that working.

I hope that the task could be done through a terminal script. The idea is to send a snapshot from the IPOD to my laptop via ssh. However, I haven't found any IPOD terminal command which would take an image. I was searching for something IPOD-like equivalent to the Linux commands listed here

So, is there any suggestion? And is it even posible to send the snapshot with so "high" frequency?

Thanks to all!
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