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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
Installs on my devices went fine, did iPad 2 AT&T, iPad 3 AT&T, iPhones 4, 4s

iPad 3 AT&T now has mobile hotspot and a clock app

Some bugs I wanted to see if others were seeing on 4s AT&T :
AppStore is buggy in spots, in 'featured', in the sliding row beginning with 'AppStore essentials', it doesn't fully slide to all the selections on the right.
Going in to purchases crashed most times for me, when I do get in it'll actually show iPad only apps which of course don't install.
In general AppStore experience has a buggy feel with even a occasional blank app icon.

I absolutely hate how contacts groups works now, so backwards. Before you could go back and forth between groups easily. Now you must , hit group button, select a group then hit done to go in. To change, you hit groups, unselect the group you selected before, hit the the group you want and then hit done. Hope that made sense, it's a very bad change.

Sometimes hitting Siri doesn't get to the 'asking what you want' part, hitting the Siri circle doesn't activate it.

Posting to fb from notification center won't show in the fb app on your newsfeed as if you had posted in app instead. It will show on your timeline.

I'm just picking on negatives I've seen so far, there are improvements as well. Just feels buggy in parts.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
On a iPad, the AppStore scrolling issue is there as well

A few others,
Apps purchased after ios 6 update don't show in purchased section

Purchasing app on one device didn't initiate an auto download on other devices, and I did confirm the setting is set right to do that

Assuming bulk if not all AppStore issues are tied to it just not being turned on properly from apple's end yet.

Wouldn't mind confirmation of the fb posting thing and the changes to contact groups though.


macrumors newbie
Mar 8, 2008
iMessage and FaceTime aren't activating.

Settings - FaceTime shows a blank page or freezes.

Settings - Messages freezes.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
FaceTime and iMessage work for me, I'll try to replicate the video YouTube one

Could you guys confirm my issues?

This sure doesn't feel like a final software

I don't get that YouTube issue unless I'm doing it wrong


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
Yes I am on a data share. I was one of the few for which it makes sense for.

As far as hotspot, yeah I been tracking this for some time with no one having an answer on it. Hopefully this good and not yet another glitch hehe.


macrumors 65816
Sep 5, 2012
Los Angeles, California
Yes I am on a data share. I was one of the few for which it makes sense for.

As far as hotspot, yeah I been tracking this for some time with no one having an answer on it. Hopefully this good and not yet another glitch hehe.

I got my wife a Verizon iPad specifically because of it's hotspot capability (and 1GB/$20) data plan. I was pissed then that AT&T didn't enable the hotspot, I'm pissed now because they have on the shared data plan - which I have also converted to with the rest of my family's devices.

So AT&T was saving it for the shared data plan - such bad marketing and another reason for individual users to jump ship to another carrier - I guess it will never be enabled on individual data plans.

Sorry, off-topic but just had to put it out there.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
I got my wife a Verizon iPad specifically because of it's hotspot capability (and 1GB/$20) data plan. I was pissed then that AT&T didn't enable the hotspot, I'm pissed now because they have on the shared data plan - which I have also converted to with the rest of my family's devices.

So AT&T was saving it for the shared data plan - such bad marketing and another reason for individual users to jump ship to another carrier - I guess it will never be enabled on individual data plans.

Sorry, off-topic but just had to put it out there.

No reason to be sorry, you are completely right. It's a jerk move by them.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
Facebook is screwy when you post. It doesn't always show up on your news feed even when using the Facebook app. This isn't a bug with iOS 6, it's some moronic algorithm they use.

I don't have any freezing on my 4S or any of the other issues really except for the AppStore and iTunes Store bugs. I suspect those are server side though and will be ironed out before iOS 6's launch.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2006
Homesharing is buggy for me with both the 4s and iPad 3. After playing back music or video, it stops responding to touches, to pause, skip, etc. It'll still play the music or video, however. I've restarted all devices and iTunes. My other 3 devices on iOS 5 have no probs with. I did an update as I couldn't be arsed to do a restore. Would be interested to see if anyone else has similar probs.


macrumors member
Sep 8, 2012
Earphone remote wont work to start / stop iPod controls, nor skip tracks but Siri control using headphones is ok.

Siri in Australia sounds like Siri before ios 5.0.2.. a bit more robotic and extremely inaccurate. Doesn't run slang ATM.


macrumors 6502
Mar 18, 2011
Issues I have noticed on my AT&T 4S is that iMessage & FaceTime disable themselves automatically and have to turn them on again and wait for the activation.

When I turned on iTunes Match all the downloaded music to the device was erased so I turned iTunes Match off an synced my music manually. There was a warning popping up that this would happen but I never lost music stored on the device was iOS 5.1.1

Also some applications are having issues with iOS 6.

Vonage - Does not display contacts even though it asked if I wanted to share contacts

Navigon - Have to restore in app purchases each time and even then they do not work because once enabled they require the app to be restarted. But restarting the app causes have to restore in app purchases again.
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Mar 20, 2012
Homesharing is buggy for me with both the 4s and iPad 3. After playing back music or video, it stops responding to touches, to pause, skip, etc. It'll still play the music or video, however. I've restarted all devices and iTunes. My other 3 devices on iOS 5 have no probs with. I did an update as I couldn't be arsed to do a restore. Would be interested to see if anyone else has similar probs.

I'm having this exact same problem as well. It's really the only major bug I've encountered. I've had some hiccups with the App Store but they seemed like more of a server-side issue than an iOS 6 issue.

Buggy final releases aren't new. 6.0.1 will show up sooner or later.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2006
I'm having this exact same problem as well. It's really the only major bug I've encountered. I've had some hiccups with the App Store but they seemed like more of a server-side issue than an iOS 6 issue.

Buggy final releases aren't new. 6.0.1 will show up sooner or later.

Thanks for confirming that. Yeah, update will come soon. I just hope it's gonna be OTA and not a totally new GM as that's possible as well.


macrumors 68040
Oct 22, 2011
Newcastle, England.
iOS 6 is running really well on my iPhone 4. The only issues I have encountered are the App/ITunes stores (but they are server-side problems and will be fixed before the public releases next week) and some 3rd party apps, but that's up to the developers to releases updates.

Overall it feels snappy and I'm loving the tweaked and faster safari!


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2011
With the GM some apps got fixed for me and now some is quitting when I launch it so I guess that developers will update thier apps for ios 6 soon when it's official release.


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Facebook is screwy when you post. It doesn't always show up on your news feed even when using the Facebook app. This isn't a bug with iOS 6, it's some moronic algorithm they use.

Its bizarre, it shows up on your timeline, but not your news feed. Yet it shows up on your friends news feed.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
I have some problems with reminder and auto-lock. When I set time in reminder it jump to year 1738. Beside,auto-lock sometimes doesn't work.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2006
This truly is the buggiest GM of iOS we've ever seen. :mad:

I have encountered most of the issues listed. The iPad apps showing on an iPhone under 'Purchased' is particularly bad. If you accidentally install one it will hang.
Performance of the new App Store is so poor as to be unusable.

Get your s* together Apple, you cannot release iOS6 to the masses in its current state.


macrumors 68000
Oct 11, 2011
This truly is the buggiest GM of iOS we've ever seen. :mad:

I have encountered most of the issues listed. The iPad apps showing on an iPhone under 'Purchased' is particularly bad. If you accidentally install one it will hang.
Performance of the new App Store is so poor as to be unusable.

Get your s* together Apple, you cannot release iOS6 to the masses in its current state.

I hope the issues with the app store are server side that they will get worked out before next wednesday


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
I've been having a problem with the App Store on my 4S. Every 3-4 times that I open the store, the genius and updates buttons switch and it won't connect to the network. I get an error saying so as well.. I have to force quit it and retry.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
i ended up backtracking to ios 5.1.1 today due to the bugs. it's ridiculous how much more smoother my experience became. it wasn't the easiest transition back for the devices i 'downgraded' but all are working much, much better. really concerned if this gm 6.0 is really what they expect us to use. ios 6 just seems to lack refinement that has been apple's m.o.

i really tend to harp on the little things and while the direction they took contacts may be irrelevant to others, to me it was a huge deal because it sort of sends of signal alarms of a lack of quality control. I can swallow the app store bugs since those are all server side issues but there are a handful of other bugs too.

again, i'll go back to contacts, i don't want to go to where they are going with that. i absolutely loved organizing contacts in to groups and flying effortlessly between groups. that is now gone. I didnt realize how backwards ios6 has gone in some situations until i went back to ios 5 today. maps is totally, totally backwards on ios6 compared to ios 5/google.
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