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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 26, 2013
Can someone please provide advise on how to install and access Asterisk on my Mac OS X Snow Leopard the right way?

I have tried following instruction available on the internet and managed to install it through terminal. I cannot access locate the files.

I've also tried installing it using Macports. Again I managed to follow instruction to install the software.

I am afraid I may have to different installation on my machine with access to neither. I am new to both methods. Not sure where to go from here.

There seems to be very little resource available on this subject. Would someone please help me with this?

Thank you in advance!

FYI: The version of asterisk I was trying to install was 11 and the version installed using Macports seemed to be 1.6. Very confusing stuff. pls help.
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