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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2013
After jailbreaking my iPhone 5 that is still on 6.0 I cannot save SHSH blobs with TinyUmbrella. Getting this message:

For version [iPhone5 6.1.2 (10B146)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 04/22/2013 16:57:56.681 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone5 6.1.2 (10B146) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.

How can I save my 6.0 SHSH blobs in case I need to restore my device back to 6.0?


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
You cannot save 6.0 SHSH blobs anymore. There is no way to get them off of the device, because it is an iPhone 5. You cannot restore an iPhone 5 with saved SHSH blobs.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2013
Thanks a lot for a quick response.

Does it mean that if something goes wrong I will not be able to restore it to 6.0 and the only option would be to go to 6.1.3 that is not jailbreakable?
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