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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 19, 2011
After a few minutes of using IOS7 on my iPhone 5, I started getting a feeling of nausea and my head started to hurt. I've tried turning on the "reduce motion" thing in general settings and it doesn't seem to help. I can't use it for more than a minute or two before the nausea kicks in.

Anyone know of any way to disable all the zoom/motion stuff? If there isn't, I think I need to find a way to revert to IOS6.

Now I have to go lay down.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2013
The zooming animations look cool the first hour or so but after that it gets really annoying. Why Apple chose to not being able to disable them is beyond me.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Yeah, it's unfortunate that in addition to having some control over parallax there's no control to the extra fading/zooming/etc. animations.


Jun 29, 2008
New York, NY
absolutely zero difference between ios 6 and ios 7 with reduce motion on. If you feel otherwise, it's in your head.


macrumors 601
May 1, 2013
absolutely zero difference between ios 6 and ios 7 with reduce motion on. If you feel otherwise, it's in your head.

The slower smoother animations and layering effects can cause motion sickness too. ;)

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Use a solid background. That might help.

I suffer from the same thing too. I hope they push out some more accessibility controls to deal with it, otherwise I'm going to have to sell my iPad if more and more apps start adding weird things to take advantage of it.


Oct 25, 2010
absolutely zero difference between ios 6 and ios 7 with reduce motion on. If you feel otherwise, it's in your head.

sorry, got one iP5 with 6 and another iP5 with 7 sat here and even with reduce motion set to on there's still a major difference between the two

on the ios6 one launching an app sees it zoom up to fill the screen from centre outwards

on ios7 the app-launch zoom is dependent upon where the app is positioned on screen

e.g. in a 3x3 square of icons in an ios7 folder view a 'top left' app icon position in the grid sees the app zoom up from top left to bottom right, whilst a 'top right' app icon position sees the app zoom up from top right down to bottom left etc)

I'd guess the zooms themselves are more dramatic because of this, and coming from multiple directions is going to add up to a whole lot more perceived motion than ios6 for some folks.

I guess they could always arrange their most used apps in centre positions of folder 3x3 grids for the ios6 style zoom..


macrumors 68040
Sep 10, 2013
If you get motion sickness this easy that is kind of sad.

It may be sad. But that shouldn't make any less of the person. Some people get seizures to flashing lights... it's sad in the true sense of the meaning.

I was wondering if the parallax effect would cause it for anyone.

To answer your question, OP, to the best of my knowledge, you can't upgrade to iOS 6 once you're at 7, barring alternative methods that might come up.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2013
I've been using IOS 7 on my iPhone 5 for the past few hours. And I agree, these animations are making me nauseous and have motion sickness.

I've turned off parallax, but the biggest thing that giving me a headache is the constant zooming in and out when you open and close apps.

I think there's many people in the same boat like me who cannot watch 3D films or play FPS video games like Halo, cause after 10 minutes, I feel like throwing up. And the feeling doesn't away easily. And I don't get used to it, even over time...

I really hope Apple puts out a fix to disable these animations for the many users who experience problems with motion sickness.

Otherwise, I may have to sell this phone, no joke. I've had the last 4 generations of iPhones, but this is that big of a problem for me...


macrumors 601
Jul 24, 2008
Pacific Northwest, US
sorry, got one iP5 with 6 and another iP5 with 7 sat here and even with reduce motion set to on there's still a major difference between the two

on the ios6 one launching an app sees it zoom up to fill the screen from centre outwards

on ios7 the app-launch zoom is dependent upon where the app is positioned on screen

e.g. in a 3x3 square of icons in an ios7 folder view a 'top left' app icon position in the grid sees the app zoom up from top left to bottom right, whilst a 'top right' app icon position sees the app zoom up from top right down to bottom left etc)

I'd guess the zooms themselves are more dramatic because of this, and coming from multiple directions is going to add up to a whole lot more perceived motion than ios6 for some folks.

I guess they could always arrange their most used apps in centre positions of folder 3x3 grids for the ios6 style zoom..

It's even worse than that. I couldn't find the kid's iPod so I used the wife's iPad on iOS 6. So if the iPad zooms differently than an iPhone on iOS 6 I apologize. :)

In iOS 6, when launching apps the other icons slide directly to the sides of the screen without zooming and disappear quickly. In iOS 7, everything on the screen zooms towards you like you are falling into it (with Reduce Motion turned on). *Much* more motion and makes me feel queasy after awhile. I'll learn to look away like I did with TiVo menus but I want to be able to turn it off.


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2009
Naaaaaaarfolk, England
Heck, I get a migraine (and hot sweats) from playing 1st person shooter games so I'm really sensitive to such things, but the animations in iOS don't have any effect on me.

If you're suffering from these animations, then I suggest that you might want to take a look at your wider environment - fluorescent lighting, lack of natural daylight, etc - or get an eye test that includes a test for astigmatism.


I also find iOS 7 visually disturbing. After disabling parallax and other 'subtle' motion with the "Reduce Motion" setting, I still find the numerous full-screen zooms unpleasant.

After several iPhone sessions of a few minutes each today, I have a lingering sense of motion sickness. Any advice about controlling the environment would be beside the point, I think: I've been using the device from a variety of seated positions, under either natural or artificial light. I have a similar response to immersive 3D games, unfortunately, after about half an hour of play.

Given these problems, I hope that Apple provides a way to disable full-screen animations soon. Otherwise, for the first time in several years, I may need to replace my usual iPhones and iPads with new Android devices, somewhat reluctantly.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2008
Somewhere in the brainstorming session of a sleazy marketing company : "Hmmm... What could we do to hurt iOS 7's image using a viral negative campaign?".

Edit: Sorry if anyone really has these issues, but I can see this thing getting overblown quite easily.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2008
Why are you making fun of a medical issue... :confused:

I'm not saying that these people are lying, but it does happen to make it a perfect smearing campaign against iOS 7 when nobody can doubt any of their claims without sounding like a bad person laughing about a medical issue...

(I can feel I will be highly criticized for this post...)


A political take on an ergonomic issue is essentially irrelevant.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2008
A political take on an ergonomic issue is essentially irrelevant.

It's irrelevant if it's true... But whatever, while I really believe you, I can see other people using this either as a joke and/or to bash Apple in the future, and that tickled me.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2013
This is a real issue affecting many people.

If you know people who get carsick while reading in a moving car or get seasick easily on a boat or get a headache watching a 3D movie, then these are the same people who can get motion sickness and nausea from these apple iOS 7 animations and movements. For me, it's mainly the constant zooming in and out of apps.

Besides the fact that I think the constant zooming in and out can get gimmicky and old after a while, this issue causes a headache for me. And like I said, I might seriously consider selling this iphone because I check my phone 100 times a day.

Maybe this issue only affects 5-10% of the population, but that still means it potentially affects millions of users. It is a real issue.
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