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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 14, 2008
hey guys,

Ive been using FCPX for almost a year now. I started out on IMovie.11 What annoys me is that so many video editors insult me and say why do I use these programs. I find them very powerful and user friendly and it allows to just create rather than grab the manual sometime like I did with FCP7..

does anyone feel any kind of way when using like FCPx. I love it.. Just curious..


macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2009
Stop listening to other peoples comments about FCP-X. You are happy with it. Any more comments just say "If you are willing to pay what I should be using.......You know the rest.
God invented woman and they are still with us.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 14, 2008
Stop listening to other peoples comments about FCP-X. You are happy with it. Any more comments just say "If you are willing to pay what I should be using.......You know the rest.
God invented woman and they are still with us.

you are right. im more than happy with it.. I love it...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2009
I use it and dont give a toss regards what they say. As long as you can edit and show a good end product.
I will say no more on this subject.:)


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
its a tool, some are good at doing certain things. I really like FCP since college and i'm really comfortable with it. If apple ever decides to release the new mac pro i'm going to give FCP X a try along with Premiere.


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2010
I also like FCPX. Its my editor of choice and I love what they have done with it.


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2013
I never say what tool I used to accomplish something. I love it when people say WOW! What camera did you use to take that!! and I say oh my old iPhone3GS and they are completely shocked. Yet if I said here is a photo I took with my iPhone 3GS then show them their arrogance will instantly hate the photo because they already made up their mind it would be crap after hearing what the tool was.

I find it more annoying saying I use a mac these days because the general uncreative population hate them and i am sick of explaining why I use them. So I only show the work I do that gains their interest then I show them the way I work and they see I use a mac and shut up really quick.

Had a friend who is full on Apple hater watch me work once. He was bagging Macs and saying that Windows can do everything macs can do. Anyway, I was pressing space bar for quick preview in files. He asked me "How're you doing that?!" I just said oh just pressing space bar. I had a quiet laugh since I know PCs can't do this. He shut up really quick with his bagging after that most simple small feature that barely scratches the surface of os x. Haters gonna hate and it is usually the ones who are the sheep that have never used the competition. Small, weak minded people who have nothing to create so they judge instead and usually in a negative way.

I used Premiere Pro back in 2005, hated it so much that it made me hate video. I just started on Final cut pro x two weeks ago pretty much brand new to video again, learned it in a week with Larry Jordan and love it. The program gets out of the way so my creativity can flow, the program looks nice not cluttered like the competition yet still has all the features of the other applications. Couldn't be happier. Also the price is much better than competition. You know when other companies copy Apple design that Apple are doing it right. ;)

Sorry for the long speech but just want to make life easier for you by showing you the way I think when it comes to haters. :)


macrumors 68030
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Disregard what others say (would you let peoples opinion of your spouse/significant other effect your relationship? Extreme example but whatever). People don't like change, especially the old (but not always), I know how to use a variety of NLE's and after using FCP X using other NLE's is like riding a bike vs riding a motorcycle...going to FCP X for me was like going to OS X for the first time from windows, I was SOOO frustrated with OS X at first but then I stopped over thinking and realized that in OS X everything wasn't burried in 20 menu options it was right where I expected it to be, right where I would have guessed. FCP X was the same thing for me. Don't get me wrong I'm currently learning Avid MC7, its not HORRIBLE but allot of it is just stuck in old archaic crap mode, and where something in Avid MC takes 3 or 4 clicks in FCP X it takes 1 click if it hasn't already done it already. Media management in FCP X is great too, I don't want to say its better than Avid because with Avid collaboration is MUCH easier than FCP X (although I haven't collaborated with Avid on any major projects aside from small videos with minimal edits needed).

Anyways, the FCP X thing burned allot of editors from the first version of it since it really was barely usable (no XML's, and a bunch of other stuff) and I think peoples memories are just too long and unforgiving (rightfully so, you get paid to edit you don't want to screw up something, "if it aint broke dont fix it!"). HOWEVER 2 years later that stigma has gone down and I'm hearing about editors using FCP X, even some professionals, their posts online are slowly adding the X at the end of "I was using FCP" so I think the "shame" is going away hehe. Regardless there are some very high end workflows that utilized FCP X entirely, Apple has some of them show cased on their website if your curious. Don't be ashamed because if you can cut a video in 15 minutes on FCP X and someone is on Avid Symphony 3 and taking an hour to do the same who's the faster editor now?

I loved video and film editing since I was a kid but I knew what the software was like and I just plain had no desire to put up with the bag of hurt of NLE's when I was younger but now with FCP X I just get to work and I'm not worrying about my NLE limiting me. I just throw the media in and start cutting and its like typing a paper of up.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
...People don't like change, especially the old (but not always)....

I have to call this out, sorry :). I know you added the caveat of "but not always" but really, the simple statement is "People don't like change", full stop. Young, middle or older, especially when they have a favorite set of patterns or workflow, hate having the rug pulled out from under them. What is true is that if you are old enough to have gotten experience in a tool or a workflow and you make good money at it, and the realities of life take over (mortgage, bills, work stress) and you combine it with "People don't like change", that's where the "especially the old" comes in.

My own philosophy is to be an expert at many different ways of doing things and focus less on a specific tool or flow and be great at solving problems because you never know what the next game changer will be. And there will be one. Always. And sometimes it does take a generational shift to move things on, but as you say, "not always". :)


macrumors 68000
Aug 23, 2011
hey guys,

Ive been using FCPX for almost a year now. I started out on IMovie.11 What annoys me is that so many video editors insult me and say why do I use these programs. I find them very powerful and user friendly and it allows to just create rather than grab the manual sometime like I did with FCP7..

does anyone feel any kind of way when using like FCPx. I love it.. Just curious..

if it works for you that's cool..but FCP 7 is still good..more manual skills...FCPx is considered iMovie pro.


macrumors 68030
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
if it works for you that's cool..but FCP 7 is still good..more manual skills...FCPx is considered iMovie pro.

Thats still bashing it. and FCP X automates things but it does NOT automate creativity or thinking or the skills need to be an editor. All the people who praised FCP 7 and hated FCP X are no different then the rabid Avid users who are so narrow mind to think that Avid is the best NLE ever and that Premiere Pro, and FCP could never match it. I open FCP X its so easy to find things, but then again I wasn't force fed Avid or FCP 7 for years and brainwashed into thinking the old slow ways are the only good ways. I'm learning Avid right now but honestly its not that great compared to Premiere or FCP X, for sharing projects Avid is soooo smooth, I can tell but FCP X is fast and easy to use, Premiere Pro is powerful, and pretty easy to get the hang of and its coming from a company that created Photoshop, After Effects, etc. Everytime I open up FCP X or After Effects I swear I learn something new and its fun, when I open up Avid I feel like I'm about to write a 1000 words instead of painting a picture.


macrumors 68000
Aug 23, 2011
Thats still bashing it. and FCP X automates things but it does NOT automate creativity or thinking or the skills need to be an editor. All the people who praised FCP 7 and hated FCP X are no different then the rabid Avid users who are so narrow mind to think that Avid is the best NLE ever and that Premiere Pro, and FCP could never match it. I open FCP X its so easy to find things, but then again I wasn't force fed Avid or FCP 7 for years and brainwashed into thinking the old slow ways are the only good ways. I'm learning Avid right now but honestly its not that great compared to Premiere or FCP X, for sharing projects Avid is soooo smooth, I can tell but FCP X is fast and easy to use, Premiere Pro is powerful, and pretty easy to get the hang of and its coming from a company that created Photoshop, After Effects, etc. Everytime I open up FCP X or After Effects I swear I learn something new and its fun, when I open up Avid I feel like I'm about to write a 1000 words instead of painting a picture.

Okay..i forgot to mention IMO. Honestly...I didn't care much about simplicity as much as how to work with it skillfully. I'm recently new with editing, but i did try both 7 and x...and I was wondering why some ppl preferred 7 over x and why some preferred x over 7. These complex learning of skills are amazing in 7...and that's my opinion...and i tried iMovie as well. I don't think simplicity would challenge me enough.... It's true that editing standards may have changed for x version...still I see why they wanted to separate this "technical work" and "simplicity put it there." I think this is more of pride...
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