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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I use to connect with this program
all years, even now in mavericks, from my mac, to my pc.
No problems till now.

Now that I have upgraded my pc, in windows 8.1, I cannot see the remote desktop of my pc on my mac.
I alternatively used, this new one microsoft application too
but none of them worked.

I am quite sure that it is not a mac problem, but something is going on with windows 8.1.
Because I made an upgrade from previous win 8 installation and not a completely new installation, this means that windows kept all my settings, application etc, and this is true.
I say this, because all the appropriate settings in my mac and pc, was made years ago. (network settings in pc, sharing, local policies, enabling remote connections etc). So, it is useless to look at web pages prior to win 8.1 circulation.
It seems that there is a new restriction in win 8.1 that blocks my mac from seeing remote desktop. I looked at windows firewall, I permit remote sessions there.

Of course, teamviewer works fine, and 'cord' almost fine(I have not mouse support for some reason, but I can see pc desktop).
I also want to say, that I can connect through 'finder' and share files with pc. (These setups made years ago, and work fine).
But the best choice is microsoft's application, for several reasons.

So can you please guide me to find out what prevents me to connect remotely to win 8.1 pc?


macrumors newbie
Nov 7, 2012
Which version of Windows 8 are you using? Certain versions do not allow you to Remote Desktop in.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I make software update in my mac, everyday.
Today, microsoft released a new version of 'remote desktop' which plays fine.
Problem solved!
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