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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 19, 2013
My jailbroken ipad 4 is in apple loop mode and connects/disconnects by itself when connected to the PC. The loop occurred after respringing an installed app from cydia. I have iLex Rat on the ipad and wish to run it but can't get the ipad to fully connect to the PC (it shows my ipad name but continued to try to connect). It also doesn't fully connect to iFunbox for me to run iLex Rat. What are my options so I can keep my jailbreak?
I've also tried hard reboot, volume button but doesn't work.
The only thing I can think of is using Semi Restore since the ipad is detected by the program but my concern is that the iPad may disconnect while restoring and plus ive heard ilex rat is much better. Please help.
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