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macrumors 65816
Original poster
The law firm of King & Ferlauto has filed a class action lawsuit against Apple in Superior Court for the State of California for the County of Los Angeles.

The firm alleges that Apple has violated the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act by not supporting certain G3-equipped models of Mac systems with the same features in Mac OS X afforded to more recently developed G4-based systems.

MacCentral spoke with attorney Thomas Ferlauto.

(Now, my eyes usually glaze over when it comes to "things of Law", so I'll leave further comments regarding the lawsuit up to my learned MacRumor posting buddies, but I admit I was quite taken aback at the attorney's comment at the end of the article, to wit):

Ferlauto doesn't want people to think that he's filing this suit out of malice, either -- he said it's motivated more by a sense of betrayal.

"I love the company and I love their products," he told MacCentral. "My next computer will probably be
another Mac." :eek: :confused:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2001
Honestly, I love the company and the products also...that's why I would NEVER join a class action lawsuit against Apple for any reason. I'd rather eat my money (to an extent) than sue them.



macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
totally cool

thats pretty lame.

Any money I won in a class action law suit against Apple I would use to buy
more Apple Hardware. Hmmmm. Sound like a good idea all of the sudden.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA

I agree that is lame. That is about the same thing as sueing cause I can't run OSX on a Macintosh LC III. Duh...

"The firm alleges that Apple represented in a press release published in May of 1998 that Mac OS X would be "fully optimized" for PowerPC G3-based systems. More recently, however, G3 users migrating from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X have discovered that they've lost features like DVD playback, support for hardware graphics acceleration using OpenGL and hardware-accelerated QuickTime movie playback." I have something special in my computers cause they are both G3's and play DVD's and Quicktime movies just fine in OS X 10.1.2?
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