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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 20, 2014
Get inspired! Artful sets your desktop wallpaper to a random piece of public domain fine art from a collection of over 68,000 works.

This is my first app on the Mac App store, and my first Swift app. It was something to scratch my own itch. I wanted to be exposed to more art and knew that the best way was to have it right in front of me on the computer, so I collected public domain art and made an app to periodically display a random work as the wallpaper. So far my favorite artist discovered this way is Giovanni Battista Piranesi, for his etchings of Rome. My girlfriend describes the app as "Pandora for art."

direct app store link:

Feedback is welcome. I set the price point at $5 because it covers my costs (AWS mostly), it's less than an art museum admission, and it is about the same as a Starbucks coffee. Cheers!
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