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macrumors newbie
Sep 15, 2007

Never buy from They are not a UK company and they do not sell UK spec items. Their website is at best misleading, but actually downright fraudulent. They export from the USA, but illegally complete the customs declarations in your name (as the importer). At best this makes you liable for any UK import duty and VAT (not included in the web prices); at worst legal action could be taken against you for fraud.

If you must buy, and I can't think why you would with all the bad reviews on the Web, make sure you have some sort of buyers protection through a credit card or PayPal: you will need it. If you do use PayPal and raise a dispute, do not under any circumstances cancel the dispute until you have the refund in your account. BestPricedBrands, if they reply at all, will try to con you into cancelling the dispute before they do the refund. Under PayPal rules this means that you cannot reopen the dispute when they subsequently fail to repay you.
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