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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
Kauai, HI
Right now I use the iHome clock radio to charge my video ipod. I only need to connect to my computer to sync new songs.

The problem with using USB to charge the phone all the time is that is the computer goes to sleep it will stop charging.

SO, has anyone tried the iHome yet?


PS: My SO bought me the clock radio but we cannot use it in the bedroom. The display is so bright it is like sleeping facing a streetlight. BUT it is nice in the office.


macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2006
I use the iHome clock radio to charge my iPhone sometimes.

Also, you do realize that the display can be dimmed, right? It has three settings. Granted, even the dimmest one is somewhat bright, but it's nothing like the otherworldly intensity of the default setting.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2007
I use the H5 model and it works great. You do get the "Not certified to work with iPhone" warning thing but I tell it don't turn anything off. The controls on the radio for play/pause, ffwd work fine. The iPhone starts playing music and then after maybe 30 seconds the screen dims to a point that it is no brighter than the display of the clock. Sleep timer also works. The cool thing is that when the phone rings while it is docked, the ringer plays through the speakers so it is nice and loud. I haven't tried it as an alarm clock yet but I would assume from my other uses that it would work. I have not experienced any speaker interference due to the phones radio as I have seen on trying some other speakers.


macrumors 6502
May 15, 2007
I use the H5 model and it works great. You do get the "Not certified to work with iPhone" warning thing but I tell it don't turn anything off. The controls on the radio for play/pause, ffwd work fine. The iPhone starts playing music and then after maybe 30 seconds the screen dims to a point that it is no brighter than the display of the clock. Sleep timer also works. The cool thing is that when the phone rings while it is docked, the ringer plays through the speakers so it is nice and loud. I haven't tried it as an alarm clock yet but I would assume from my other uses that it would work. I have not experienced any speaker interference due to the phones radio as I have seen on trying some other speakers.

Works great for me as well. The speakers must be shielded really well. After purchasing my iPhone I stayed at a hotel and the cheap alarm clock/radio made sounds like it was going to blow itself up, even with the iphone located across the room. I had to disconnect the clock's power. I was worried this would be the case with my iHome but apparently it is not. Very pleased with the iPhone so far.
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