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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 3, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I usually print out my Mailing Labels from Microsoft Excel on my PC but now that I've switched machines I'm trying to do the same thing on my Mac. I still have the same spreadsheet but for the life of me I can't figure out how to print labels.

Any help or an easier way of doing this?




macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2007
mailing labels

I would also love to know how to print mailing labels from address book or Pages that include the Company field.


macrumors G4
Jul 17, 2002
I usually print out my Mailing Labels from Microsoft Excel on my PC but now that I've switched machines I'm trying to do the same thing on my Mac. I still have the same spreadsheet but for the life of me I can't figure out how to print labels.

Any help or an easier way of doing this?

There is nothing magic about printing labels. To your computer and printer, a label is simply an area on the label sheet. Put ink or toner in that area and you've got a label.

You don't say how you have your labels setup in Excel. The obvious way is to place labels in cells. Excel:mac does an excellent job of maintaining compatibility with Excel:win. Printing out Excel spreadsheets can be something of an art on any platform. Make sure that your cells are properly formatted--same font, same size, same weight, etc. More importantly, make sure that your cell dimensions are explicitly set to match the dimensions of your labels.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
The easiest way is to create a table. Use a ruler to measure the label size and the sheet margins. Duplicate those dimensions in the table and document settings. Set the cell borders to no line. Create a paragraph style for your text and apply it to the entire table. Save the result as a template (assuming you want to use it again).


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 3, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for all the tips. The actual easiest way to create labels has been to move it into mail and click "print labels" :D


gone awol

macrumors newbie
Nov 8, 2007
help - stoopid person here!

'Thanks for all the tips. The actual easiest way to create labels has been to move it into mail and click "print labels" '

JoshFink - move it into mail & click print labels....?
Sorry - I don't mean Mail (email program?) where is the print labels option?
I know this is simple but I can't figure it out. I've got iWorks on trial and think it's great & will buy it but I do need to print labels easily.

(Microsoft finished me off!)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 3, 2007
Atlanta, GA
'Thanks for all the tips. The actual easiest way to create labels has been to move it into mail and click "print labels" '

JoshFink - move it into mail & click print labels....?
Sorry - I don't mean Mail (email program?) where is the print labels option?
I know this is simple but I can't figure it out. I've got iWorks on trial and think it's great & will buy it but I do need to print labels easily.

(Microsoft finished me off!)

Sorry for being vague. What I meant is that I just created the contacts in mail that I wanted to print labels for.


paige findley

macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2008
Fredericksburg, Texas
Address Book Label Printing

In Address Book:
File > Print... > toggle the triangle next to your printer of choice > choose "Mailing Labels" from the 'Style' select menu.
Hope this is helpful (it's my first time to post on this forum!)


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2008


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2007

I'm trying to print labels. Not mailing labels. These are for file folders and only contain last names. With my PC I did this easily using Word and the Avery template. How on earth do I do this with Mac??

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
You can probably download Avery templates, but don't bother because you can easily make your own. Start with a blank page layout template and insert an table. Now add the right number and size of cells, and that's it.


macrumors newbie
Oct 31, 2008
Mailing labels

How can I print multiple copies of the SAME label on an Avery template using the address book print function. I have not been able to get more than one label on a page.


macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2009
Avery Template Worked

I tried importing the template from the avery website and it worked beautifully. I just used the one made for any Word, downloaded it and then opened it in iWorks. Thanks for the suggestion!


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2009
Somerset, England
Mailing Labels with iWork Pages

Hi, I'm new here, and new to Macs, so maybe this has been answered before somewhere but this thread doesn't seem to come to any definite answer to my problem.
I need to print sheets of address labels using iWorks Numbers as my data source - I don't want to put all these address into the address book. I can set up a sheet of labels with the merge fields repeated on each label - no problem. However, merging this gets me 14 identical labels for the first record on the first page, 14 for the second record on the second page etc. How can I get 14 labels from 14 different records on one sheet? It's dead easy in MSWord - I can't believe that Apple haven't included this so I guess I'm missing something somewhere - any suggestions?


macrumors newbie
May 17, 2009
Printing labels & merge with Pages

Hello: Did you receive an answer to this? I, too, want to print Labels, Name Badges, etc, via a mail merge, in iWork Pages. I understand how to accomplish the mail merge in pages, but I cannot find a template, etc to use for the labels or name badges. I have been using my iMac since March and really find it to be a huge improvement over a PC, but I am still struggling with certain aspects of formatting, etc. Thank you.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2008
I have just downloaded "Avery DesignPro" for Mac, and it works great, and it talks with your address book to get the data, perfect.

Printing straight from address book was OK, but you always had to start on the first label on the sheet, there was no way to print say on the 6th label only.

The Avery program allows you to do this, straight from your address book, or print free form text you can just type in.

This has solved the only problem I ever had with MAC over PC. Now it's just perfect!


macrumors newbie
Sep 25, 2009
Printing Labels from Pages

I, too, am having a problem printing labels. I've been working on a solution all week and thought I had figured it out; however, it didn't work. I used an Avery template #8160 which is 30 address labels per page. I successfully figured out how to get the fields I wanted on the first label. However, after doing the mail merge (from data stored in Numbers), it created a whole page of the same label for each item I had in the database--30 labels each! I have 650 items so that would have been that many pages! Does anyone know how to make the Pages document go from label to label instead of creating a whole page? I feel like I'm pretty close but I can't figure it out. I've only had iWorks for 2 weeks so I'm not thoroughly familiar with it. Thanks for anyone who can help!


macrumors newbie
Oct 6, 2009
iwork, graphics and printing labels

I posted this question as a new thread and didn't get any replies. I'm hoping by attaching it to this thread I might get an answer from someone already using iwork.

iwork questions:

I want to print a full page of labels with graphics/photos. Specifically, a full page of identical labels with 3-4 pictures and several text boxes. (I use the labels on wine and beer bottles). Will iwork 09 - specifically Pages - do the job for me? I'm not talking about importing address files.

Additionally with iwork, can I make a single page document and import 15-20 pictures from iphoto and still add text - kind of like a collage?

I used to be able to do this with the old version of Word. The new 2008 Office Mac2008 student/home version does not work (been there done that with the Microsoft support staff).


macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2009
Printing labels

I too have struggled with this for far too long. I have MS Works on my PC which is dead simple for making labels. I am an editor and I have 500 or so labels to print every two months. Now that I have a Mac (had it two yrs) I am still making labels on the PC because I cant figure out how to do it on my Mac.

There is some kind of problem between MS Works and Mac Mail. I also have Avery Design Pro and that doesnt let me do it either, unless I want to type out all 500 names and addresses, and I sure dont want to do that!

I have had help from many PC and Mac people and we have not yet found any way to take my MS Works file and turn it into something that will print labels on a Mac. I keep an old PC around just for the ability to make labels. Some day that computer is gonna die and I am gonna be out of luck unless Mac gets it together to find a simple way to print labels. That's my only complaint about Apple computers. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
Thanks :(
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