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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
London, UK
Well, title says it all!

1) Do you work for Apple? What position? At a retail store? Do you like it? etc

2) Would you like to work for Apple? Retail Store? At the company? etc


Myself, I don't work for Apple but I wouldn't mind at all to one day.


macrumors 601
Oct 16, 2006
You do realize that no one who actually does work for Apple is going to be allowed to post a response to your question, right?

Even if they just work in a Apple Store?

I'm thinking of working in a Apple Store as a first job, seems like a nice place (the one I go to most often does, anyway).

Maybe I will work on OS X development later on...

question fear

macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2003
The "Garden" state
They can, they just say anything about Apple's stategy and future plans.... then they'd be really bollocked.

Actually, no. Many members who began employment at Apple posted "goodbye" threads because they were no longer allowed to post on rumor sites. They can read macrumors to their hearts content, but have indicated they will most likely be fired for posting.

Even if they just work in a Apple Store?

I'm thinking of working in a Apple Store as a first job, seems like a nice place (the one I go to most often does, anyway).

Maybe I will work on OS X development later on...

Especially Apple Stores. They apparently will fire you if they catch you posting on rumor sites. It makes sense for two reasons; one, you don't want employees shooting their mouths off about shipments and availability at the retail level, and two, many companies have policies regarding blogging/posting about your employer. Some places will have you sign a waiver in your employee handbook about it. There have been cases of employees being fired from various jobs for blogging about their employer, positive or negative.


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2007

I think i'd like to work for them, maybe just in a retail store or something, don't really have the skills to do anything more interesting.

Is the staff discount worth having?


macrumors 601
Oct 16, 2006
I think i'd like to work for them, maybe just in a retail store or something, don't really have the skills to do anything more interesting.

Is the staff discount worth having?

:eek: Theres a staff discount!!!!

Now im really interested!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2008
I would love to work for Apple, and would try to get a job there if there was more than one Apple store in my state. It is an hour away with good traffic, a little too much of a commute for a retail job. :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
London, UK
I think i'd like to work for them, maybe just in a retail store or something, don't really have the skills to do anything more interesting.

Is the staff discount worth having?

I'd be attracted to it if there's a staff discount!

Just think, if you get to Steve Jobs' level, you could just ask for a Mac and they'd give you one! lol


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2007
Even if they just work in a Apple Store?

I'm thinking of working in a Apple Store as a first job, seems like a nice place (the one I go to most often does, anyway).

Which Apple Store is that? My local (Regent Street store) is appalling. Possibly one of the last places on earth i'd want to work. Just because it's your beloved apple doesn't mean it won't still be retail hell! Rude staff, desperate staff (commission?), annoyingly smug staff (one actually said to me 'we like to keep you on your iToes!'. i nearly vomited), huge communication problems between various aspects of the store...I only go there when i have to.


macrumors 601
Oct 16, 2006
Which Apple Store is that? My local (Regent Street store) is appalling. Possibly one of the last places on earth i'd want to work. Just because it's your beloved apple doesn't mean it won't still be retail hell! Rude staff, desperate staff (commission?), annoyingly smug staff (one actually said to me 'we like to keep you on your iToes!'. i nearly vomited), huge communication problems between various aspects of the store...I only go there when i have to.

Mine is the Bluewater one, theres someone there I know and have a good chat with every time I go, plus if I bring my iPod Touch with me and get it out, someone who works there will come and talk to me about if its good etc. and I show them its jailbroken, and one time the sales person gethered a few people around to see it, and asked how I done it! Theres loads of other stuff I could say, but it would take up the whole thread!

EDIT: I have to add this, my iPod Shuffle broke and I took it to the Genius Bar, made a appointment and even got a earlier one by taking to someone who was doing nothing, then they told me the warrenty had expired, and I explained how i got it for my birthday and everything and they replaced it with a fully working refurb right there for free! I dont have Apple Care or anything BTW.


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
I applied for a job during a hiring event last October. Went to the Michigan Ave. store in Chicago and was interviewed with other prospective employees. Managers from all the Apple stores in the area were there and I had a fun time even though I didn't get the job.

If you're going to apply for a job at Apple, be sure to remain calm. We were asked amusing questions such as what the most embarassing song on your iPod is, why you wanted to work here, and what brought you to the Apple community in the first place.

Near the end of the group interview, we were asked to get in groups of 2-3 and present Leopard to the managers. I thought my group did a nice job, but I was probably put as the weakest link. My performance was great, I guess it was the fact that I wasn't wearing a three piece suit that was the death knell for me. I was so underdressed compared to others...


macrumors 604
Jun 10, 2006
Just think, if you get to Steve Jobs' level, you could just ask for a Mac and they'd give you one! lol

I actually wonder if even Steve Jobs can walk into an Apple store and take a free computer... because technically wouldn't that be stealing (even if they give it to him)? But behind the scenes, of course he gets what he wants.


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2007
Yorba Linda CA
I want to work for Apple...I can't express how much I want to work for Apple.
In a store,Marketer,AppleCare, anything. Thats the problem. I don't know what to study in colledge. But I will find out and work for Apple! I want to work in a store for sure as a Mac Specialist first. :)


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2007
51.50024, -0.12662
I'd be attracted to it if there's a staff discount!

Just think, if you get to Steve Jobs' level, you could just ask for a Mac and they'd give you one! lol

I actually wonder if even Steve Jobs can walk into an Apple store and take a free computer... because technically wouldn't that be stealing (even if they give it to him)? But behind the scenes, of course he gets what he wants.

well he is did create the Macintosh. i often wonder what Mac Jobs uses. of course he uses all different prototypes and ones scattered around the campus but i wonder if he has a Mac that he uses most of the time (excluding an 8 core Mac Pro super computer with 32 GB of RAM).


macrumors member
Apr 29, 2007
1- I do not work for Apple, but one of my closest friends works at the Apple Store here. He is getting high on the "food chain" and has offered me a job, but many aspects of the job don't really appeal to me. He does learn SOME information about upcoming products, but I usually find stuff out before him from my reading of macrumors multiple times daily. He also doesn't even tell me (one of his two closest friends) about new products. All he has ever said to me is "You will be excited for Tuesday. Trust me!" he then laughs cause he knows how much I love Apple and likes that it bothers me he can't and won't tell me the info. The one perk I get from him is he gives me his "retired" shirts that they wear once Apple let's them keep them. My favorite one he gave me is my "say hello to iPhone" shirt!

2- I am currently in college working towards my Bachelors in Computer Science. My plan/goal is to apply for Apple's Paid Summer Internship for college students, and then work for Apple once I have graduated. The internship program is AMAZING! I suggest everyone go read about it even if you aren't eligable to apply foe the position. It's just really neat the way Apple has set up their hiring process for new employees fresh out of college. So until that day that I am programming the next version of Mac OS or iTunes, I will still be here posting. Then one day I will check macrumors and laugh to myself about how close or far away the rumors are to being truth! ;)

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