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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 22, 2007
I'm wondering what the file size apps and games tends to be (lowest and highest).

I currently have 10.45 GB of music and will probably put 8-9 GB on the touch.

I'm unlikely to transfer movies or TV shows although if I do it would only be one or two at a time. I will however transfer video podcasts.

So save for big expansion of my music, or video podcasts (which I could easily remove), do the apps and games hog space? I will probably have quite a lot.

I'm planning on getting the 16GB model but, as most people do, I'm wondering whether the next one up is worthwhile. There as £70 difference between the two. I was however planning on getting the in-ear w/ remote headphones (£55) and a dock (£30) so I'll only get the 32GB if it seems necessary.


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Applications, for the most part, are not huge. A lot of the ones I downloaded weren't even 1mb, but it will depend on what you download. If I'm not mistaken my largest app was 12mb, but I can't recall for sure. Even if you plan to use a lot of apps, I think that 16gb would cover you for a while.

However, if you plan to continue to download apps and music, or possibly videos down the road, you may find that 16gb doesn't last very long for you. If you want to have more room to grow, 32gb is the way to go, if you want to save some money and possibly have a full iPod in a few months or a year, the 16gb would still be a good choice.

The best thing to do, in my opinion, would be to go to iTunes and download the apps you are interested in before buying your iPod. This will give you an idea of how much space they will take up and how much you will really need. But, from my experience they are not huge, so you could download quite a few with the space you have remaining (keep in mind the limit of how many apps you can put on the device as well, so that limits how much space they can take up)

I personally was going to get the 8gb and put only my favorite music on, with all the apps I've downloaded (I have a hard drive MP3 player full of my entire collection of music) But I decided to go with the 16gb instead so I would have the ability to add and not worry about filling it up too fast. I also plan to use the video feature, but like you don't plan to keep those on there all the time... My music and apps are the only thing that would stay. For me, I think 16gb will last a good while before I fill it, and I'm pretty sure it would work for you as well, but it is the slight doubt I have that makes me think the 32gb may be worth it for you... But again, it depends on how much music you plan to add down the road and checking the apps for size that you are interested in.

Good luck with your decision and enjoy your iPod!!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 22, 2007
Thanks for replying.

Good idea about downloading a few apps first.

I didn't know there was a limit to the number of app you can install. What is the limit?

I'm thinking the 16GB should be find. I can always remove some of the less listened to music if I really need to save space. I suspect if I did have the 32GB I would probably fill it just for the sake of filling it up.


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
There was a discussion on this earlier and now I can't seem to find it. I believe there are a total of nine pages that you can put apps with 15 on each page. I believe in the discussion, however, they were saying a total of 144 apps, including the home screen and dock apps. I'm not sure of the exact number, but I believe that is close.

I am thinking that 16gb would be good enough for you as well. It is easy to remove anything to add somethign else, it just is not as convenient as having a larger capacity player. But, I agree that the 32gb would likely result in filling with songs that you don't really want. I find on my hard drive player, about half of it is songs I don't like and of the other half, maybe half of those songs are actually songs I really like. So for me to take about 75% of my music library and not worry about not having it on a smaller capacity player. Even with out the number of songs on a smaller player, I find that I actually enjoy the playlist on my smaller players better than my hard drive players because it is a smaller selection of music I really enjoy.

Overall, I know you will enjoy your iPod no matter what capacity you choose.

Also, one thing I forgot to mention. I'm not sure if this is still the case or not, but I know when I was looking at 1g touches, there were a lot of cases that said they were only compatible with 8gb and 16gb touches. So I'm not sure if the 32gb was slightly larger, or if all the cases I was finding were for older iPod Touches. So, if they were a little larger, I'm not sure if this is the case for the 2g as well... Hopefully someone will have more insight for you on this issue.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2008
Also, one thing I forgot to mention. I'm not sure if this is still the case or not, but I know when I was looking at 1g touches, there were a lot of cases that said they were only compatible with 8gb and 16gb touches. So I'm not sure if the 32gb was slightly larger, or if all the cases I was finding were for older iPod Touches. So, if they were a little larger, I'm not sure if this is the case for the 2g as well... Hopefully someone will have more insight for you on this issue.

They're all the same size. The cases you're referring to were likely made before the 32gb version was released. (as it was released after the 8gb and 16gb)

Same goes for the 2g, all the same size between the different capacity models.


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Thanks for the info... I'm sure this will be very helpful. I didn't think the 32gb would be larger, since it is a flash player, but every case I was finding said the same thing, so I thought it may be worth mentioning. Thanks for clearing things up.

I've not downloaded any games like that, I've only downloaded the more basic games and productivity type apps. I know I didn't have any nearly that large, so this will definitely be informative as well.

Based on those apps, I would say if you plan to download some of the larger sized games, then you may still want to consider the 32gb. However, if you plan to download the more basic apps, you should be fine with 16gb. Again, if you are willing to remove things to have more room for new things, then the 16gb should work find even with the larger apps.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2008

Everyone is only debating whether to get the 16 or 32 GB nowadays :eek:.

I feel so out of place- 8GB has, and for at least another year will be, enough for me. It fits: 9 TV Episodes, 2 Audiobooks, 1GB of songs, and all of my Photos (about 1,000). :apple:

What's wrong with me?!?!? :D

The new Star Wars game is a little over 20MB. Not sure if it's the largest though.

EDIT: Spore Origins is nearly 80MB and Asphalt 4 is 90MB!!!

Texas Hold'em is HUGE- 127 MB I think!


macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2007
whenever you sycn your touch you have the choice to check or uncheck any thing in your playlist be it songs video or apps, so a 16gig would seem to be plenty IMOP. after all how many times would you watch the same movies over and over.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2008
whenever you sycn your touch you have the choice to check or uncheck any thing in your playlist be it songs video or apps, so a 16gig would seem to be plenty IMOP. after all how many times would you watch the same movies over and over.

Believe you me, it's hard to get through all the video on an 8GB before you have to charge it- and that's if you have the brightness on low and Wi-Fi off.

I'd say 16GB is MORE than enough for anyone. Of course, it depends on how often you can access your computer. I'd get a 32GB if I was on a shared/family computer, because I'd hate having to sync every day for new content with other people looking over my shoulder. Guess it just depends on your life and personal preferences, huh? ;)


macrumors 68000
Sep 23, 2007
I am buying one tomorrow. I also am trying to decide which one to get, 16 or 32 GB. I have a 160 GB Classic with 85 GB of Music/Videos on it. I only want to put my favorite music on the iPod touch, as my 160 lives in my car.

I made a playlist and started adding CD's that would have to be on the touch. When I was done adding I was up to 12+ GB, with many CD's marked as add if I still have any space left. That doesn't leave me with much room, if any, if I go with the 16 GB.
I guess I will end up with the 32. I can add the final CD's I want, and still have some room to play with.


macrumors 68040
May 9, 2006
The size really is a personal choice and depends on how you use your iPod. I went back and forth on it and ended up buying the 32 gig. I have much more music than 32 gig, but a lot of it is old and not in the current rotation. I currently have about 12 gig of music, 8 gig of movies about a gig of pictures on it. I could have squeezed down into the 16 but while the 32 was another hundred bucks, I have more flexibility with it in the future.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 22, 2007
Well I got the 16 GB a few days ago. So far it's great. 16 GB was the right choice I think. I've put on 9 GB of music, 160 MB of video, 212 MB of apps, and have 4.69 MB free space.

Although some issues however:

Podcast descriptions.
How could Apple have not included such a basic feature!

Sync music/manage iTunes.
I checked the sync music box on my iPod touch, but did not check the sync podcasts box. However podcasts were automatically transferred over. Is it not possible to sync only music but manage podcasts? It would seem so given each tab has its own sync check box.


macrumors 65832
Sep 7, 2008
do you rly want to know?
Well I got the 16 GB a few days ago. So far it's great. 16 GB was the right choice I think. I've put on 9 GB of music, 160 MB of video, 212 MB of apps, and have 4.69 MB free space.

Although some issues however:

Podcast descriptions.
How could Apple have not included such a basic feature!

Sync music/manage iTunes.
I checked the sync music box on my iPod touch, but did not check the sync podcasts box. However podcasts were automatically transferred over. Is it not possible to sync only music but manage podcasts? It would seem so given each tab has its own sync check box.
i pray that you meant 4.96 GB cuz that is horrible if thats the total formatted space u get.:eek:
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