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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 12, 2009
So even trying to do a simple thing like getting an index of a string is not easy in objective C.

with characterAtIndex I get handed the unicode of the string, so their must be a method to convert the unicode to string.

Were the people who created objective C kind enough to include a method to convert a unicode back to a string, or must I take out the unicode chart and do it all myself?

int hi = [@"hello world" characterAtIndex:1];
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:mad:"%d", hi];


macrumors 65816
Mar 22, 2007
So even trying to do a simple thing like getting an index of a string is not easy in objective C.

with characterAtIndex I get handed the unicode of the string, so their must be a method to convert the unicode to string.

Were the people who created objective C kind enough to include a method to convert a unicode back to a string, or must I take out the unicode chart and do it all myself?

int hi = [@"hello world" characterAtIndex:1];
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:mad:"%d", hi];

Have a read of this article - it might help. By the way, I'm no expert I was just intrigued by your posting and did some googling. There may be better articles/explanations/guidance available from others.

In short, it seems a bit messy... :(



Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
int hi = [@"hello world" characterAtIndex:1];
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", hi];

This looks pretty dangerous to me: characterAtIndex returns a unichar, not an int. Whilst this may well work, I'd say it's not a good idea...

And NSString does provide a way of turning an array of characters into a string: stringWithCharacters:length:. Just add you character to a unichar array with a single element and call this with length 1.


macrumors newbie
Jan 7, 2009
A character is not a string, hence the names of the methods. (But I agree that it's confusing at first.) If you really want to get part of a string, use the "substring..." methods.
NSString *helloFirstLetter = [@"Hello" substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)];
As far as I can tell, the "characters..." methods are there for when you need to work with textual data that is not already an NSString and/or cannot easily be converted to one by the factory methods. From the linked article:

For those who need to do their own low-level processing, and who are willing to handle Unicode complications themselves, we provide access to UTF-16 directly via characterAtIndex: et al., and to other representations with getBytes:… and related methods.


Nov 25, 2005
So even trying to do a simple thing like getting an index of a string is not easy in objective C.

with characterAtIndex I get handed the unicode of the string, so their must be a method to convert the unicode to string.

Were the people who created objective C kind enough to include a method to convert a unicode back to a string, or must I take out the unicode chart and do it all myself?

int hi = [@"hello world" characterAtIndex:1];
textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:mad:"%d", hi];

What do you actually try to achieve?

There are lots of methods that manipulate the contents of a string, and they are usually there for some reason.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 12, 2009
These posts helped very much, I finally understand now why my program was crashing into pieces.

For some reason when I looked at the return value type "unichar" for characterAtIndex I thought it meant it would return unicode :rolleyes:.
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