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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
HP has posted their HP Music website at

The special section on HP's website promotes Apple's iTunes jukebox software:

HP and Apple have partnered to bring the award-winning iTunes music jukebox software onto your PC and into your digital world!

The download link takes you to a special HP/Compaq "Download iTunes" page on Apple's site. This version of iTunes is HP ), but is otherwise visually identical to the standard version of iTunes for Windows.

HP and Apple announced in January that they would be releasing an HP branded music player and bundling iTunes with their computers.


macrumors newbie
Nov 14, 2003
I want to see an HPod in person. Just that color makes it look sort of bulky and outdated to me, but in person things usually have a greater appeal. And I'm all for the affiliation.


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2003
Los Angeles
Do you think many potential Apple customers will buy hPod's b/c they like the color? Do they support Mac's or only PC's? (sounds like a stupid question, but who knows??)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2003
you wish
The greatest duet on record!

Great to see Apple get some credit on the HP site! Lots of PC users have a negative perception of Apple. Hopefully this embrazing of Apple tech by a PC vendor may help change many peoples views.

Little by little...


macrumors 68020
Nov 8, 2003
New Zealand
Rick Friele said:
Is there a need for a HP version of iTunes?

Yes as long as it is still iTunes. I think that we will get a NZ version at somestage that will be based on iTMS. Nothing wrong with variety in music stores as long as they lead to Apple

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
The HP page is very elegant. Click "music off" and the sound fades out slowly. Click "music on" and it fades in again. Nice touch.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
i'm afraid that the "hp" version signfies that they're going to develop a version of iTunes that's custom to HP... i don't think this is a wise move, unless it's something silly like an HP logo dropped in somewhere... If they start customizing it too much, like adding HP-only features, and rearranging things, it could put a lot of stress on iTunes development in general... Unless of course HP is making their own mods, but i doubt Apple would let that happen.

Apple, you've done a good thing, just don't screw it up by developing a proprietary version-- for an otherwise competitor!



macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2003
Los Angeles
deejemon said:
Yes they're the same, but if HP are going to give it its own identity (different color, HP startup logo, different name), having it appear as an iPod would tend to destroy that illusion, even if it is well known that it really is an iPod in Smurf clothing.

I remembered someone saying it still has an Apple starup logo.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
paulwhannel said:
i'm afraid that the "hp" version signfies that they're going to develop a version of iTunes that's custom to HP...

it's probably just to keep track of song sales



macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2002
Apple themselves said the hp ipod would boot with an apple logo....
I don't get it.

What's in it for Apple? Aren't itunes and itms just devices used to pedal ipods? Then what's the good of letting them pedal somebody else's ipod clone? that's where the profit is.

I mean, maybe it's for marketing for apple, you know, everybody sees how well apple apps work, but still, it doesn't seem worth it, b/c they are getting enough of this just by people downloading itunes for ipods, sharing, and the visualizer. But given that it's free, aren't they just subsidizing a competeing player?

Help me.

I don't get it. I don't see the dollar signs.


macrumors 68020
Nov 8, 2003
New Zealand
dontmatter said:
What's in it for Apple? Aren't itunes and itms just devices used to pedal ipods? Then what's the good of letting them pedal somebody else's ipod clone? that's where the profit is.

I mean, maybe it's for marketing for apple, you know, everybody sees how well apple apps work, but still, it doesn't seem worth it, b/c they are getting enough of this just by people downloading itunes for ipods, sharing, and the visualizer. But given that it's free, aren't they just subsidizing a competeing player?

Help me.

I don't get it. I don't see the dollar signs.
The .aac is an open source codec but HP would have to licence Apples DRM from them which is part of the iTMS and of course Apple will get a small cut from every hPod sold by HP. Considering that HP has about 40% of the world wide PC market and is bundleing iTunes and the hPod with its PCs with 107,000 distribution channels world wide compared to Apples 8000 distribution channels, I would say that this will benefit both companies very well.

Most PC buyers are not too concerned about how stylish their PC is just as long as the PC works when they take it out of its box and plug it in and push the on button. If they can play music and/or carry it around with them on the device that they purchased with their PC then all is well and good in the PC owners home.

Savage Henry

macrumors 65816
I doubt it'll be customised too much to make any difference. Spending money, time and resources on that would be an enormous waste. The money is in the harware, and if HP want to make some moola then they've got to do all they can to shift the HPods. iTMS is the best thing out there so I doubt they want to risk breaking it or making it too niche. Just a small distinctive association to the HPod should do it.

Not that I'd buy one.

Anyway, Winmacguy is right, both companies should do very well out of it.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
dontmatter said:
What's in it for Apple? Aren't itunes and itms just devices used to pedal ipods? Then what's the good of letting them pedal somebody else's ipod clone? that's where the profit is.


Scenario 1: Apple keeps the iPod to itself, keeps iTunes to itself. HP and DELL etc... all make partners to bundle WMA based music players. As we all know, people don't generally change what comes on their computer. Over time, most people have WMAs, don't work on the iPod. Apple can't sell ipods.

Scenario 2: Apple/HP partner to install these on HP's machines. More people buy AAC songs and want an iPod... either HP branded or Apple branded. iTunes grows and becomes the standard. (besides, Apple prob does make money for every HP ipod sold)

Remember... power = money.



macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2003
Virginia, USA
Hpod Buyers Advice

I'm ready to buy an ipod (and I'm not averse to getting an HPod if its a bargain); what do you all think about the buying climate? (I did check the buying guide, Arn) I really like the form factor of the mini but I need at least 20 gigs and could fill 40; I read somewhere that apple has ordered 60gig drives for upgrades to ipods; I guess my dream is a 20 gig mini. Has anyone heard anything about a release date of HPods, or rumors of upgrades to the existing ones?


macrumors 6502
Sep 10, 2003
Did anyone notice that when you click on "Download iTunes" from the HP website, that when directed to the Apple site, you are by default signed up for news about Apple and Apple products? :D I guess that really isn't a surprise, but this looks like a stealth "Phase 2" of the Switch campaign.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2003
you wish

micvog said:
Did anyone notice that when you click on "Download iTunes" from the HP website, that when directed to the Apple site, you are by default signed up for news about Apple and Apple products? :D I guess that really isn't a surprise, but this looks like a stealth "Phase 2" of the Switch campaign.

Wicked Steve.

It´s almost as if I want to buy an HP computer just to experience the Apple influence!


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Doctor Q said:
The HP page is very elegant. Click "music off" and the sound fades out slowly. Click "music on" and it fades in again. Nice touch.
What about the endless parade of stock photos of generic happy young hipsters? I hate this carp. I hope this deal at least brings Apple some cash, because if they cozy up to HP or other bland tech giants for too long, the dullness might start to wear off on them. Yuck.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
The see the partnership with HP as a good thing. It is better for the alliance than for HP to be a competitor. It just gets Apple into more markets.


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2003
Sacramento, CA, USA
Hmm, I really liked the background music at the HP music page. Anyone know if it's HP only, or from a particular artist?

Oh, BTW, kudos to Apple and HP with this partnership. Hopefully this "trogan horse" Apple is planting in PC's will have some good effects on the future.
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