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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
I'm not sure if I totally understand the concept of File's owner. So I have a question about this.

As I understand it, the File's owner is the link from a nib to the outside.
And one way is to set the controller of the nib to the file's owner. Is that correct?

For example, if I have a menu item that opens a dialog from another nib, then I can respond to a click on that menu item like so in order to show a dialog for converting numbers between different base systems:

-(IBAction) showConvertNumberToBaseDialog:(id)sender {		
	convertNumberToBaseController = [[ConvertNumberToBaseController alloc] init];
	if (![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ConvertNumberToBase" 
		NSLog(@"Error loading Nib for ConvertToBase dialog!");

So here an instance of the ConvertNumberToBaseController is set as the file's owner of the corresponding ConvertNumberToBase nib.

Would that be correct?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Ok., so after some research I can answer my own question. I can do what I has done - which is to use a single controller as both the coordinating controller and the mediating controller.

Usually it is best not to combine both roles into a single controller, as I have done, but for some situations it is suitable.

More can be read here:

The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
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