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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Think Secret has a peak at Photoshop 7.0 for Mac OS X:

Photoshop 7.0 will sport a new anti-aliasing engine that takes advantage of OS X's Quartz layer, along with live transformation previews, workgroup functionality, and a new file browser. It will also boast significant enhancements to text manipulation, featuring a text tool that allows you to wrap text around shapes, a spell-check function, and the usual text editing tools.

Screenshots also available.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Most of the links don't work

The splash screen is sucks. Most of the image links don't work. I wonder if they were asked to be taken down or not?

I sure hope the splash screen doesn't end up looking like that.



Ahem... Ugly splash screens are always used for Adobe beta products, excluding Adobe GoLive for some odd reason. There's a reason.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
I agree too, the splash is ugly. Photoshop 6's splash was a true beauty. O well... We always have Resedit... ;)

I think the image's are still up, I checked them about a minute ago.

Do any of you know what happened to MOSR? They no more seem to be posting new articles. Every time I connect it gives me the message "Connection Refused"!


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2001
seattle, wa
images are there

Some of them are just slow to pop up. Yeah I had seen some splash screens for the 6 beta and they were jsut scary looking. I am sure we will have something nice when it arrives... in Jan?



macrumors 68030
It's a BETA splah screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't you guys realize that the splash screen is only for the BETA version, and not for the real one!!!!!!

The thing is.. is it gonna be in January, or ..... don't tell me.... in the spring??????

Another little thing... Photoshop 6.5 or 7???? Looks too similar to 6 to be 7...



macrumors 68030
Nov 4, 2001
Pulled from site

anyone know where else the images could be found? They've been pulled at the request of adobe...


macrumors member
Jun 13, 2001
Atlanta, GA
If we use Illustrator 10 as an example -

Illustrator10 betas started appearing on the web early September. Illustrator10 shipped at the start of November.

That's 2 months between leaked betas and shipping date.

If this holds up for Photoshop, we should have PS7 by the start of February.

My guess is that Adobe will announce, preview and hype at MacWorld San Francisco, start taking preorders at the end of January, and ship sometime early to mid Februrary.

But of course, this is just an educated guess...

Oh, and to anyone speculating why they relabelled it PS7 instead of PS6.5... The difference is clear...

If it was a .5 upgrade, Adobe would charge between $99-$149 for upgrades. For a .0 release, Adobe will charge $199.

Purely a cash intake/marketing decision...


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
The question is... Will the Mac OS X version be version 7, and the windows one will stay at 6? I wonder if they will bump up the windows version at the same time?!?

So if Adobe is committed to OS 10, where is Macromedia?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
Good one GP. It's not like I own any Macromedia apps, but its just that every "committed" developer by know has launched about 2 apps for Mac OS 10. Macromedia has only launched Freehand 10 (is that right?) and adobe promises that it's entire lineup will be available for Mac OS X in the next 6 months (5 now.)

Logically in my opinion they should call it version 6.5 or version "Photoshop X". But I don't think they will do that since they marketing issues discussed elsewhere in this forum seem to be logical. But can they really charge for a "Mac OS X" copy? With no new features (or realatively little), it seems it will be hard for this product to take off from the ground.


FLASH 6 is going to be available for X

I've seen the beta for flash 6 and in the documentation it says that flash 6 will require os 10.1. i'ts going to rock!


macrumors regular
Jan 15, 2001
Directly under the
Took down the pics...doh!

They took down the pics....well....hopefully Adobe will include a better option for sizing your text, 5.5 was perfect but 6 reverted to what everyone else was doing just certain sizes like 8, 10, 12, 14, anyone know of PH 7 have the correct text sizes or we back to what PH 6 did?

Rob Bentley


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2001
Adobe will want to keep their version numbers consistant between Mac and PC, so I would be very suprised to see them call the product Photoshop X.

Also, they'll only call it Photoshop 7 if there are enough new features to justify the name on PC as well as Mac.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Only for Version 10

If the timing was right for a release of Photoshop 10.0, I'm sure it could very well possibly be called "Photoshop X."


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
not those pictures, but...

I do have a screenshot from a Photoshop for X sighting about a week ago. I can email to anyone who wants it.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 7, 2001
Of course...not a .5 but full jump

Similar to what Virtual PC did, instead of just updating the software and updating a .point release, it looks like they are going up another number so they can get more money. Grrrr....Granted, when Photoshop comes over to OS X (which I think it should have done a long time ago), then I will have most of my main applications over on OS X. VPC and PH were my last two apps I wanted on OS X, and now that VPC is here, PH is all that is left. Oh, and Carbonizing more Blizzard games like Diablo II or Diablo I wouldn't hurt, either.


Photoshop 7.0

I'm running it. It is pretty cool. The splash screen isn't as neat nor as funny as their usual beta screens, but the icon is amazing...first half transparent icon I have seen in my dock. Very cool. Also of note is that Imageready is now also dubbed as 7.0, rather than 3.5 or 4.0.

Kid Red

Not everything ThinkSecret says...

It's ok. I don't know why they are going to call it 7.0, there isn't much added. It doesn't rember the palette locations, and font management is now a pain. OS X doesn't recognize all my fonts like 9 did but I haven't tried suitcase for X yet because I read some negative things about it. Scroll wheel doesn't work when running in 9. Wierd.

You get spell check, find and replace, (only works in X not 9) a few new text buttons like inDesign, new icons which I think are ugly and distacting, they look too thick, too embossed. Switching between apps is slow as earlier noted.

New tools- Healing brush and patch tools.

Healing brush seems to be a stamp tool that feathers the edges after cloning the pixels. Not sure why that's useful.

Patch lets you move pixels within a selection and then feathers the inside edges. Again, not sure why that is useful.

Art history brush (that's new right?)It does all kinds of brush effects.

File browser- THANK GOD!! After 6.0 came out WITHOUT ' MAKE PREVIEW' i haven't been able to view thumbs of graphics that I needed to open up. So I had to resort to SimpleImage and MediaPro. No more!. This is basically graphicconverter image browser built in. Navigate to a folder and it makes thumbs of the images, then double click and it''s open. Yo can even delete images from it!

Slower than 6.5. Slower opening files, slower running filters, just slower over all. (beta of course)

ImageReady has a few new additions to it. But nothing mind boggling. Image Ready 7.0 or Adobe Eelpout 7.0 depending on where you look. What happened to Image Ready 4.0?

So, didn't see the "wrap text around 3d objects' as I think thinksecret said. And not sure about the new anti-aliasing from quartz looks the same as in 9.

So, maybe they'll add some more stuff, this was 043.


macrumors newbie
Jul 10, 2001
The art history brush is not new. i would really like to see the pix if anyone has them.


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Re: again...

Why are there no many negative views for Photoshop!! Why does it matter if the new version is 6.5 or 7 (apart from cost)!! Surely, the most important factor is that we have it compatible with OS X and soon!!
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