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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
How can I get iphone serial port I/O
I have read the thread ""
But while I open "/dev/tty.iap" file then failed.
how should i solve this?
or Is any other way to connection with iphone serial port?:confused:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
I assume you are using a jailbroken phone? As this certainly won't work with the normal SDK.

Yes ,my iphone is jailbroken.
I don't really understand witch is normal SDK or not.
the include files <unistd.h>, <fcntl.h> ,<termios.h> ,is this normal SDKs?
Or another way to access the serial port?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
If you want to connect the iPhone to a serial port you might be able to use a Bluetooth serial adapter with iPhone OS 3.0.

Do you mean this:
iphone bluetooth ->bluetooth device ->my serial device ???
if this then it's too bad, but way the dock connector have 11,12,13 pin for serial port .
Doesn't any body did this?


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2008
I thought this is what the external accessory framework in OS3.0 was for? I haven't really looked at it but it seems appropriate for communications through the dock connector.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Using the official SDK you can't open the serial port. You can talk to "blessed" external devices using the dock connector API but you need to spend some time talking to Apple to get the external device approved.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
Using the official SDK you can't open the serial port. You can talk to "blessed" external devices using the dock connector API but you need to spend some time talking to Apple to get the external device approved.

Do you mean "made for ipod/iphone"?
I have read that ,but the process is too hard to me(couse of my English..)
Is there any guide to do this?
or some code is also good, thanks.


macrumors regular
Mar 30, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Do you mean this:
iphone bluetooth ->bluetooth device ->my serial device ???
if this then it's too bad, but way the dock connector have 11,12,13 pin for serial port .
Doesn't any body did this?

If you google on "bluetooth serial adapter" (without the quotes) you'll find links to a lot of these adapters. I've never used one of these and I'm not sure if the iPhone can communicate with them, but it could be worth looking into.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Do you mean "made for ipod/iphone"?
I have read that ,but the process is too hard to me(couse of my English..)
Is there any guide to do this?
or some code is also good, thanks.

Basically, no. You need to talk to Apple if you want to do anything to do with external devices.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2010
If you google on "bluetooth serial adapter" (without the quotes) you'll find links to a lot of these adapters. I've never used one of these and I'm not sure if the iPhone can communicate with them, but it could be worth looking into.

I tried it. I got a cheap serial Bluetooth adapter and it actually works fine. It does however take a few minutes to get it configured and setup.

the live

macrumors newbie
Dec 7, 2010
You either need to be a big manufacturer in Apple's MFi program, or have a hacked/rooted OS on the device.

I have read about the MFi programm and i am only a private person so this is no possibility for me. The App I would develop is only for a couple of users, so the requirement of a jailbrocken iPhone is no problem.

Because this will be my first iPhone App, it would be very helpful to have a sample code of something like this.
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