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new product

Why would they call an imac, flat panel or otherwise, a "new consumer product"? In my opinion it will be another ipod type venture, but the flat panel imac will be there also.


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2001
Maybe... is another digital hub product? The words "innovative, revolutionary, and different" all sound a lot like the iPod invitation to me. I would love to see another Apple "hub" product, but I would much rather see a new iMac!


I hope you are right about the new imac, I have a 400mhz imac DV and I would love to see an all out revision of the imac platform. To be called revolutionary though, it will have to have an LCD and some mad features... maybe touchscreen technology, any thoughts? By any thoughts I mean any thoughts as to what would be considered revolutionary and different about a new imac.



macrumors newbie
Jul 10, 2001
Dont forget the most important word!

Maybe it's both an imac and something new maybe G5?


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001

Im sure Apple has something under their sleeve for a new digital hub device, but I also think they will be releasing the new iMac. It really needs some life breathed into that poor thing. Its almost 4 years old.

As far as a new G5? I doubt it. Count on the Apollo, or G4 7460 with processor speeds in the 1.6-1.2 range. I doubt they will call it a G5.

If we have learned anything from Apple's past (and the Apple faithful), rumors always typically over-predict, not under predict. Remember what was going around before the iPod launched? Based on the rumors I saw, I thought the thing was supposed to fly you to the moon and cure cancer. (complete with your entire music library, of course)


Revolution 2

Desktop/Tablet hybrid.

Everything plugs into the base unit (digital hub) and you can take the tablet with you.

The tablet is the 15" LCD we keep hearing about. Touch sensitive with speech and handwriting recognition as the HCID.


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2001
best guess

It's a new MPEG-4 recording/playback device much like a VCR.. it will start shipping along side the new MPEG-4 equipped Quicktime 6. It will have standard SVGA and S-Video outputs, but will also have an ADC for and optional Apple flatscreen LCD panel. And yes, the LCD panel iMac will also make it's long awaited debut.


It's not a computer!

By "Revolutionary", Jobs nowadays seems to mean a new twist on an old idea (iPod vs. MP3 Player). "Revolutionary" could mean making several popular things a computer does available in a device without the computer or the high price. Apple needs something that appeals to the cheap computerless masses, so I'd guess it's some sort appliance that combines games, music and the web.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2001
Montgomery, AL USA
No G5s. Appleturns changed their story. They believe that it will be higher speed g4s, with a 933 being mid or low end range. Also new iMacs. I don' t think apple is going to sink mad money into a PDA right this moment. I am wondering if those old rumors of the iMac being a portable Tablet could be true, which would revolutionary. Or maybe they are going to make a PVR like the tivo that works with iMovie like the iPod works with iTunes. Interesting thought.

As for my predictions, No G5s until summer or late next year, LCD iMacs with new "revolutionary features," and possibly a new digital device like the iPod.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2001
It's the iPhone = Cell Phone!!!

why else would they send the release in the netherlands?


macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2001
New Devise is....

I have word its a Digital MP3 devise like HP's that works through your stereo. However, this on contains an Airport Card that will sync with iTunes 2.5 wirelessly. Also has an ethernet connection for a broadband line to use with internet radio stations. Anyone think the new iMacs will have a G4??



macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2001
South of Boston, MA
New iPod

Alright I just heard that it's going to be a new iPod which will all only MacUsers the right to pirate music from Universal. It's going to be called iSteel.

FYI: I had to stop streaming music to my desk at work, because I was sucking up so much bandwidth. So I went out and bought an iPod and all of the anti-Mac Techno-nerds are jealous of my new toy. One is actually thinking about buying a Mac just so he can get an iPod. No lie. Maybe Apple does no what they're doing.


macrumors newbie
Nov 19, 2001
Well, my first venture into the world of

I have a friend who works fors for a Japanese computer magazine. He heard Apple was looking at launching a new digital camera and the delay in Photoshop X was due to getting the products to sinc more easily to import pictures directly to PS X. He can not confirm this, but it sounds pretty good to me. Let's remeber the digital hub is more than just music.

I would also be first in line to buy a new iMac. LCD would be great. The screen will not be detachable, but a new input device that connects via firewire and is a square screen-like tablet with handwritting recognition wpould be great too. And something that will sell to all current Mac users, not just a new product. Let's remember, there are a lot of people who have bought Macs in the last 1-2 years, who may not be looking at new Macs now, but connectable items.

Can't wait (and MacWorld Expo Japan in not far off either)



macrumors 68030
Sep 13, 2001
Portland, OR
10.2 and the G5 release date

First of all, I'm *almost* positive that the G5 won't be released in January. There's already a new G3 for the iMac, and the existence of the 7460 (G4++) has been confirmed by Motorola. Most of the rumors have it running at 1, 1.13, and 1.26Ghz. So unless they're releasing a completely new line of computers they won't have anything to put the G5 in.

I would expect that the G5 will be released with 10.2 (most rumors have it coming out in March, which interestingly enough is when the rumors say that OSX will be the default boot system on new macs).
In summary, I think we'll see:

LCD iMac 800mhz-1ghz (PPC 750fx) : Jan
New G4 1ghz-1.26ghz (PPC 7460): Jan

10.2 (64 bit compatible) : March
G5 1.2ghz-1.6ghz (PPC 8500): March
OSX default boot system: March


macrumors regular
Dec 12, 2001
my point of view (iEyes or iBalls)

revolutionary, huh...

OK, it's probably a pair of iEyes or iBalls.

In a few years everybody will dump their oldfashioned eyeballs and replace them with the iBalls.

Of course you can switch one or both from normal view to iView. With these iOrgans screens are gone. And with the new iPorts all around we're allways plugged in to something and we don't need VR-helmets anymore.

I see miSelf driving around, half observing the road, half absorbed in an iMovie, licking my isCream. Sorry, I forgot a moment that the steering is done by the iDrive (AKA the idontDrive).

Oh ehhh... miEars just told me that someone hacked the iBalls and rebaptised the set as iMate.

Yes, iThink so iAm.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2001

If you read the article well, you can almost guess what it is.
Why do they mention the Netherlands?I am Dutch and maybe I'll do an "interview" myself. : )


macrumors 6502
Nov 19, 2001
London N8, Late-16th Century
Re: O M G

Originally posted by iwantanewmac
If you read the article well, you can almost guess what it is.
Why do they mention the Netherlands?I am Dutch and maybe I'll do an "interview" myself. : )

You mean it's the long awaited iBong...;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
You guys......

That article is just talking about the new iMac. For cripes sakes! Mac users always have such a tendency to over estimate Apple. Jobs is just trying to build some hype for the new iMac. Its as simple as that.

Or, I guess it could be the iBalls.
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