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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
Had some library troubles with iTunes 9, and decided to do a clean install of not only the program, but of Snow Leopard itself. I was waiting on an iTunes update to come out before I decided to re-load my library in, since I didn't want to risk repeat problems (I've always been one of those bleeding edge-ers, and this is the 1st time I've ever had a problem/held back...guess I learned my lesson). 9.0.1 is out and seems to address the problems I'd been having, but I caught the "start fresh" bug and I want to start over with iTunes. No playlists, play counts, etc need to be saved.

I do have a full backup of my previous system (thanks SuperDuper!), and I'm wondering what the best way to get all of my music back into iTunes is.

-Do I use the Finder to simply drag the contents of my old "iTunes Music" folder into the new "iTunes Media" folder?

-Do I drag the whole folder and drop it onto the iTunes window? (I'm worried this method won't put iPhone apps, ringtones, audiobooks and podcasts in the right place).

-Do I use the import function?

Notes: prior to making the backup, I did upgrade to/select iTunes Media Organization

I did see THIS article: but it says it's old and I wonder if it applies to iTunes 9.

Thanks for any help!


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2008
I am not positive. I have only backed up to DVD-Rs (15 of them:) ), although i am going to get another external HD soon just for iTunes. I would think That you would go to file/add to library/ and then choose where your back-up is.

When i reformatted a few weeks ago, i just simply put in my back up discs, and went from there..
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