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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
To your left or right
Mod Note

Please refrain from quoting images. If you want to see the picture that a post is referring to, you can press this button:

For large images, please use
) to post your desktop screen shot.

Let's keep this family friendly. If your image is NSFW or borderline just don't post it. If it's questionable and gets reported, it will be deleted.

Please include links to the full-size original in your first post so that people can download it if they want. This will help stop the hundreds of "link please" posts.

If you can't/don't want to share (for example your own work), that is fine but please state that in the post when showing your desktop.

Many members here will either be displaying their cover art using CoverSutra or Bowtie. In addition, the members with a lot of text information on their desktops are using the Geektool preference pane. Sweet Geektool scripts can be found here!

Basically please try and provide as much information as possible about your desktop and setup as there will no doubt be questions asked so best to get the information down first time.

Please report any posts you feel need attention by clicking on this icon:
. Thank you.


Post your desktops for the month!

Desktops threads from previous months this year:

January Desktops
February Desktops
March Desktops
April Desktops
May Dektops
June Desktops
July Desktops
August Desktops
September Desktops

Here's mine…


  • Screen shot 2009-09-30 at 3.30.44 AM.jpg
    Screen shot 2009-09-30 at 3.30.44 AM.jpg
    465.4 KB · Views: 3,177
  • Be Original.jpeg
    Be Original.jpeg
    220 KB · Views: 472


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
To your left or right
Please share your geektool's script or send the link from the geektool's thread.

here is what i use,

create 7 shell scripts using GeekTool 3

1st - Current weather (replace YOURZIP with your zip code)
curl --silent "" | grep -E '(Current Conditions:|F<BR)' | sed -e 's/Current Conditions://' -e 's/<br \/>//' -e 's/<b>//' -e 's/<\/b>//' -e 's/<BR \/>//' -e 's/<description>//' -e 's/<\/description>//'

2nd - Weather forcast (again replace YOURZIP with yours)
curl -s | awk '/Today is/ || /Tomorrow is/' | textutil -convert txt -stdin -stdout -format html

3rd - Weather Image downloader (this pulls the image and puts it in a temp folder otherwise the actual image will not show, replace YOURCITYINFO with yours found on Yahoo Weather)
curl --silent "" | grep "forecast-icon" | sed "s/.*background\:url(\'\(.*\)\')\;\ _background.*/\1/" | xargs curl --silent -o /tmp/weather.png

4th - Day of the week
date +%A

5th - Month and day#
date +%B-%d

6th - Time
date +%l:%M

7th - am/pm
date +"%p"

then create an image geeklet
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