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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Engadget reports that Apple's discussion forums are starting to see reports of poor performance on the company's new 27-inch iMacs introduced last week. While users have reported several issues, including inappropriate spinning down of the hard drive and corrupted Snow Leopard installations, the primary complaint seems to be poor Flash performance.
The most common symptom seems to be incredibly slow Flash video playback, but people are also claiming that there's a bug forcing the hard drive to spin down, that there's a corrupted Snow Leopard build preinstalled, and even that the problem is bad permissions, which is basically how an OS X user gives up trying to figure things out.
Engadget notes that it has not seen any such problems with its own machines, suggesting that the issues may not be universal. Regardless, the volume of complaints indicates that there may be a relatively significant issue that will require Apple's attention. The company has yet to acknowledge or comment on the issues, but is likely to be studying them to determine possible causes.

Article Link: Apple's New 27-Inch iMacs Experiencing Performance Issues?


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2009
Flash performance on SL is just abysmal, no matter what machine you're using.

My unibody MB played flash without a hicup on Leopard... now, if I try and watch youtube it'll be about 45 seconds before the fans start to kick into high-gear. The processor percentages the flash plugin eats up are just astronomical.

I'm assuming this is an Adobe issue, but who knows -- maybe it's some weird interaction with the 64-bit Safari?

All I can say is that SL made me find, install, and fall in love with ClickToFlash!


macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
I hope the problem can be fixed. That would really be a huge disappointment for someone that is getting their first Mac.

[Update] Can Adobe send their programmers to training so they can write better Mac apps?


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2008
Brea, CA
shouldn't the "spin down" issue be solved by installing the Performance Update 1.0 that was sent out prior to the refreshes?


macrumors 68030
Oct 17, 2007
Fort Worth, TX
The solution is NOT to play your .flv files in Safari or FireFox, but download everything to disk and play it locally, using VLC player. This eliminates the problem completely.


macrumors 68000
Jul 15, 2006
As if we needed another reason to ditch the crap technology that is Flash! :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2006
South of the Border I-95

Did not see anything in the video.

Your post says numerous complaints, some people will complain just to complain and than you have some that just want to join the crowd and have no idea of what the problem is.

Out of all the people that are more than likely say " Yea I had that problem since I got it " How many are actually going to pack it up and take it to the genius or ship it out before asking the obvious question " Should I take this back to the Apple store "?:eek: Distance should NOT be a problem if you took the time to go the distance i.e. driving to buy the system than jump back in your gooney goohoo mobile and get this fixed. :D


macrumors 68000
Feb 5, 2008
Northern CA
I can't get over how big the screen is lol. In the video he actually has to pan the camera over just to get the shot of activity monitor


macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2005
What if you were to watch the video on a bugged iMac? Would it implode?

I got a prompt to update my Flash software a couple days ago... Was it a new version or just that I was not up to date?


macrumors G3
Sep 20, 2006
There & Back Again
The solution is NOT to play your .flv files in Safari or FireFox, but download everything to disk and play it locally, using VLC player. This eliminates the problem completely.

That would seem a little time consuming if all you want to do is watch a video on YouTube - or 20 of them.

Xian Zhu Xuande

macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
I haven't experienced any slowdowns or performance issues with Flash under Snow Leopard on any of a few computers, but I'm also not using the new iMac. (Well, other than Flash for OS X being generally inferior to Flash for Windows).

The solution is NOT to play your .flv files in Safari or FireFox, but download everything to disk and play it locally, using VLC player. This eliminates the problem completely.
Useless advice for normal users, and much more complicated than it should ever have to be. Why should someone have to muck around with the .flv files when they could normally just view them in the browser?


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
I've heard you can correct this by logging into a Guest Account. It just works.


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2004
Flash plug-in. The craptastic molasses-ware that everyone wants.

Keep it off the iPhone.


Staff member
Apr 2, 2008
I get almost exactly the same issues with Flash on my macbook, I don't think its an issue with the imac just an issue with flash and Snow Leopard in general. Macs just cannot run flash properly.

Mikael K

macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2007
Users should wait for 10.6.2 updates that should be released soon, the update has been reportedly targeting graphics and video related issues across the system. The new imac may not have a good driver set-up in 10.6.1 which apple could in 10.6.2 or later via a EFI update. I remember when the last set of imacs came out there were some video issues that apple corrected in short order.


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2006
Far from universal, and it will be fine

Every time new hardware is introduced, Apple or anyone else, there are bugs. It is simply impossible to test every single hardware/software/application combination for every possibility. Apple doesn't typically comment, but they do typically resolve these issues in a timely fashion.

There was a similar thread when the last iMacs were released, and the issue was resolved within a week. Just a bit of patience...

Xian Zhu Xuande

macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
I wonder if anyone experiencing this issue (the new iMac one) has tried to re-install or un-install/re-install the latest version of Flash? Or tested across multiple browsers?

All I know is that my mac is going to remain inside my box until Apple says something.
These issues are rarely ever wide-spread. If you want to worry about it head to some local Mac dealer or an Apple Store and try it on one of the new iMacs to see what a normal machine does. Check the discussion forums to see what solutions people are reporting and whether others aren't experiencing them. I wouldn't lose sleep over it, and both problems, regardless of how widespread they may be, could be easily corrected. If the hard drive was spinning down at inconvenient times (I don't buy that one just yet) you could temporarily set it to avoid spinning down and make sure it sleeps when you're not using it.

I get almost exactly the same issues with Flash on my macbook, I don't think its an issue with the imac just an issue with flash and Snow Leopard in general. Macs just cannot run flash properly.
I've never had problems like this on any Mac, and that includes the dozens of client Macs I've worked on over the years. If you've got performance like what you're seeing in that video something is wrong. Flash is not as good on a Mac as it is in Windows, but my issues have been more along the lines of more resource-intensive Flash apps, resource usage, and general stability.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
Not having any issues yet, but it seems that these users had the units for about a week. After I put all of my normal software on it, I will surely check to see how it plays out.
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