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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
On Dec. 18 2008, the Office for Mac Team posted a blog to update the status of Mac MSN.

In that blog, they said they "are now on the path to implement A/V support in the personal service", and it was "a huge milestone that will enable us to continue moving forward with Messenger for Mac development". The posted that update because they "can’t wait and are dying to share with you the progress we’ve made so far."

Today is Dec. 18 2009. It is now officially a year. In this year, Google has developed a browser and operating system. That Office for Mac team can't even deliver a beta update to a chatting program. What else can I say?

I hope any of that team member can see this post because their blog has disabled comment (I can see why).

PS, the link to the one-year-old-update: An-Update-on-Messenger-for-Mac


macrumors 68000
Nov 14, 2008
Hahahaha, this is just getting more and more ridiculous every day. It's truly unbelievable how incompetent they are. It's been ages and no progress at all. Shame on you. MSN Messenger for Mac = a piece of crap compared to the Window$ version of it.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2009
Does anyone actually use MSN for chatting anymore? I thought we gave it up at the end of the 90s.


Oct 27, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Does anyone actually use MSN for chatting anymore? I thought we gave it up at the end of the 90s.

People use it. Ever been on Omegle? :p

I stopped using MSN because of the lack of video-chat.

I use Skype or iChat to video-chat with my family back in Canada.

Its truly amazing that they haven't updated this App. MSN for Mac is stuck in a timewarp....... it has the same functionality as it did 10 years ago.


macrumors 65816
Aug 20, 2003
Ontario, Canada
The beta version (8.0.0) has been leaked on the internet for a while. I've had it for atleast 6 months. I don't use it though.. I can't remember if video and audio worked but it is there in the program. I'm sure it probably does.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2006
I sure hope for once they will make a really good MSN client. The current one is just outdated.

I would really like a new modern interface. The current one takes up way too much space and is kinda ugly. Also, it would be nice if they could tell us what's up with Messenger...


macrumors regular
Dec 1, 2009
I wonder why they even bother - Adium has blown everything else out of the water.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2007
I guess it is one guy working on it, or something. In any case, there must be politics involved. They probably constantly evaluate if it makes sense to develop and support applications for a competitor's OS. Apple is doing the same.


Aug 6, 2008
Manchester UK
I use or used to use video chat on msn all the time on my pc laptop. Since switching to mac its one of the things that i miss the most from windows world. I use amsn but it is very flaky and adium is no good to me because i need the video option to chat to my cousins and mates 200 miles away.


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2009
Since, over the last year or so, Microsoft has shown a more open-minded stance towards open source, even going so far as to release software under the GPL, perhaps MSN for Mac can be dropped and resources diverted to making libpurple (and from there Adium) a better WLM library/client?

OK, i know that's probably a bit unrealistic, but releasing the protocol specs and the codecs used in their AV implementation would probably be a great help.

Best of all would be for Microsoft to transition their client to the official standard for IM, XMPP, but i know that's not going to happen (at least until all the other IM providers are using it).


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2006
So what’s up with Messenger? One of the most frequent questions we get here on Mojo and in forums is that you – our customers and community- want an update on timing for A/V support in the Messenger personal service, especially since we shared our plan to deliver a beta of personal A/V in 2009. Here’s the update: progress has been slower than expected due to the challenge of connecting to the most current A/V code running on the Windows Live servers. We will not have a beta available in 2009, but we are close: we are in “dogfood”, and we plan to have the beta available to you by next March. We know how anxious you are to use this new version, but I want to ensure we are delivering a top quality experience before we ship, and we will have that in March.


macrumors member
Aug 7, 2008
try that forum link again, seems that they are so incompitent, they cant even keep thier blogs running


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2008
I dont understand why aMSN can do video and Audio... but they can't?:confused:

Because it might not be a matter of "can't", it might be a matter of "can't do it good enough". Also, I suspect they're targeting compatibility with at least the next version of the Live server-side stuff, not just the stuff that's out there today.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2008
Does anyone actually use MSN for chatting anymore? I thought we gave it up at the end of the 90s.

Depends what country you're in, Im from the UK and it's the most popular IM here, In Germany they use ICQ which I had never even heard of before, and Im told AIM is most popular in the US.

Am I right thinking the Mac team at Microsoft is really small? that would explain why it takes them forever to do anything, plus if MSN messenger isn't dominant in the US then maybe they are reluctant to spend money on developing it.


macrumors member
Nov 27, 2009
Continuing with seb-opp's post, I'm in Canada and MSN seems to be the most widely used messenger here as well. I've been using it for at least 9 or 10 years now with most of my circle of family and friends also exclusively on MSN. I have Skype too but know of almost no one that uses it which therefore almost renders it pointless to me, even though it's a great service.

I really just don't understand the issues with the display pics, I can see some of my contacts pics and not others. Of course there are many other issues with Messenger:Mac but we all know that.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
Does anyone actually use MSN for chatting anymore? I thought we gave it up at the end of the 90s.

I suppose you live in the US. Truth to be told, MSN is the most commonly used IM in most parts of the rest of the world. At least EU & Asia as I know personally.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
I guess it is one guy working on it, or something. In any case, there must be politics involved. They probably constantly evaluate if it makes sense to develop and support applications for a competitor's OS. Apple is doing the same.

On the other hand M$ is getting into the disadvantage concerning their own services. Providing a fully functional MSN version for Mac is actually a huge market in Mac terms. Most people, I know owning a Mac and living outside the US, can't use iChat because they are neither willing to pay for a ME subscription and further have most of their IM contacts on MSN.
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