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  1. S

    How accurate is the Apple Watch's pedometer?

    I'm on the verge of buying my first Apple Watch. The major thing I'd use it for is fitness tracking, especially miles walked and steps taken. How accurate —and how reliable — is the Watch in those departments? I've recently compared two iPhone SEs (both the original model) and an iPod touch...
  2. matovsky

    Universal Roman - budget weight loss

    FEATURES: ・Minimalistic with the highest information value of the application. ・Weight loss calculator: Individual Meal Plan for men and women. Just enter your body weight — you get a detailed meal plan for every day. ・Control the process of losing weight. ・Achievements and Awards. ・Convenient...
  3. flogga

    Apps Pedometer app that can work as a trip meter

    I'm chasing an app that can show me the steps for a certain trip, not all day. So I press Start walk for hoewever long and then press Stop and it gives me how many steps. I have downloaded many apps but none that I have found seem to have this feature. It seems that it would be simple to...
  4. HappyDude20

    iPhone Native Pedometer? Perhaps Within Health App?

    I just purchased a new iPhone for my grandma and she is asking if there is any pedometer app that allows her to check how much she walked at the end of the day. She has no interest in owning an Apple Watch and I’m wondering if perhaps this exists within the native Health app? Or perhaps...
  5. pearapps

    iPhone Steps+

    Steps+ is the best app to track of your steps on your iPhone (+ Apple Watch). Whether you want to lose weight, or just track what parts of your day is the most active, or anything in between - Steps+ is the pedometer application for you! With unique features such as; an hourly breakdown of...
  6. 1

    iPhone Steps Counter - Smart Pedometer

    Dear All, I have created this thread to post about my simple Pedometer app for iPhone and iPads. Please install and give your valued feedback Get Steps Counder Pedometer on AppStore Steps Counter App is a pedometer that is simple yet accurate for calculating the number of steps when you go...
  7. M

    3 different step totals: which is accurate?

    Here are my current step read outs by app: Activity: 94 Health: 127 Pedometer++: 173 Do I have my settings messed up somewhere or is one known to be more/least accurate? It would be nice to have a better gauge of my steps activity, especially when gunning for 10000 steps. One day my read outs...
  8. D

    Pedometer App that DOESN'T need signal?

    Hey gang... Started a walking regimen recently, and also someone who avoids excessive phone/meat (my body/head, of course) exposure. Are there any decent iOS apps that will count steps using ONLY the accelerometer function, so I can use app while in Airplane mode? Ideas?
  9. R

    Can you display steps on watch face?

    I currently have a Garmin Vivoactive but I am thinking about switching to an Apple watch. Counting steps is a big deal to me and really a deal breaker on whatever watch I keep. The Garmin shows my steps on the watch face and this is one of the main reasons I like the watch. I've looked around...