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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2002
I was planing to get a XT 350, now I found a used 300D kit for 400 Euro (about 500 Dollar). The XT 350 (body only) retails for about 700 Dollars here. In any case I'll get a 50mm 1.4 USM with it, 24mm and 100mm marco further down the road.

I am not concerned about losing a couple of pixels, but have no idea how important other features like metering etc would be.

Please do not recommend getting the D50, I am all set on Canon (+ good friend of mine has some nice EF-lenses …).

One more question: can I use lenses from my old Canon-A1 film camera (very good 50 and 135mm)? (would not mind manual focus and aperture as long as the metering works).

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Bay of Fundy
localghost said:
Please do not recommend getting the D50

okay, get a Pentax *ist DL, better camera & lens for same price or less. :p

I'm just kidding, seriously the 300D is alright, but it's pretty cheaply made and I didn't enjoy holding one at all. it takes decent photos but you can do better. If you're sticking with Canon then save up for the 350D or wait for them to come down in price


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2002
Basically its 300D + zoom lens vs. xt 350 without.

Getting EF lenses (no or just cheap EF-S) is the best investment in the future i guess. the plan is to get a cheap body and invest on lenses only during the next 3-4 years ... .

But thanx for the advice, I'm hesitating to get a used one anyways.

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Bay of Fundy
nothing wrong with that plan really, I have similar mentalities. I know the body i got wasn't top of the line, but it is more than adequate as I refine my art and collect lenses that I can use when I upgrade the body later. have you thought of a 350D (body only) and finding a used lens somewhere? there are tons of good ones if you know where to look or you know someone that will sell you one. while used might not sound great if you look you can often get ones as good as (sometimes better than) new ones.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
localghost said:
One more question: can I use lenses from my old Canon-A1 film camera (very good 50 and 135mm)? (would not mind manual focus and aperture as long as the metering works).

The Canon digital camera can use any EOS lens. Those are the ones with the electric contacts that send data and power between the body and the lens.
Canon completely changed the lens mount when they started autofocus.

Nikon did keep their "F" mount and if you hear about people using older manual lenses they are most likely using Nikon gear.

My D50's meter does not work with manual lenses but that's OK with a digital camera. You can guess an exposure, take a test shot and then use the histogram display to fine tune the exposure

The 300D does have kind of a light cheap plastic feel to it but it's not cheap quality. It works well and the image quality is very good


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The 300D Rebel is a bit bigger than the 350D Rebel XT, and that's a good thing. You'd be very happy with a 300D. I know people recommend getting a 350D with cheap lenses or whatever, but I'd rather have a 300D and new lenses. ;)

Actually, it'll depend on the condition of the used 300D. I'd always rather have a new camera rather than used, but I guess you should ask the seller why he's selling it to get all the info out of him.
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