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Apr 12, 2001

Apple CEO Tim Cook is at the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection which is occurring now, and he is expected to speak for approximately 10 minutes beginning at 11 a.m. Pacific Time, ahead of a presidential address set to take place at 11:15.

The summit is being streamed live on YouTube and can be watched below.

The White House is expected to unveil its next executive action on cybersecurity at today's summit. The event includes tech executives, academics, government officials, with several panels on topics like payment security, and improving cybersecurity practices at consumer oriented businesses.

Update: During his speech at the Summit, Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted Apple's commitment to privacy and security, once again pointing out that Apple makes its money by selling products and services, not by selling personal data.

"Our customer's trust means everything to us," said Cook. "We spent decades working to earn that trust. Privacy and security are built into every one of our products and services." He went on to detail Apple's use of encryption across hardware and software, and its security monitoring, which goes on 24/7. "We set the industry's highest standards," he said. "And we are deeply committed to living up to them."

Apple Pay was a major focal point of the speech, and Cook described how it's far more secure than a plastic card with a magnetic stripe. He also once again pointed out that Apple does not track Apple Pay data and he announced a partnership with the federal government that will see Apple Pay available for many government-related transactions in September, such as admission into a national park. Federal cards issued to veterans and for Social Security payments will also be compatible with Apple Pay.

Cook also spoke on the importance of government, business, and citizens working together to provide greater privacy and security.
Security and convenience can work in harmony. This is a world of greater privacy and a world where criminals find it much more difficult to carry out their crimes. No single company or organization can accomplish this on its own. We are committed to engaging with the White House and Congress and putting things into action.

When it comes to the rights of customers and citizens, we're all talking about the same people. People have entrusted us with their most personal and precious information and we owe them nothing less than the best protections we can possibly provide by harnessing the technology at our disposal.

We must get this right. History has shown us that sacrificing our right to privacy can have dire consequences.
Cook's speech has ended but can still be viewed via YouTube at the 2:23 mark in the video.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaks at White House Cybersecurity Summit


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2011
Upper Midwest
Tim's pronunciation of "impordant" always cracks me up. Glad to hear Tim sticking up for the privacy of information. I'm glad Apple is taking a hard line on this issue, both because it is impordant and because you can't say the same for your data with Google and Android phone makers.


Does it get awkward when TC asks the Govt to stop spying? Or do they wink and nod as it's an inside joke?
I imagine them basically not giving a **** and maintaining business as usual. Probably laugh it off. In terms of giving a wink between the government and Apple, I hope not... :confused:


macrumors 65816
Apr 18, 2010
Even his prepared remarks are delivered in that slow uninspiring whisper that he employs at Keynotes. Very strange.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2013
Facebook and Google are all about compromising privacy and exploiting personal and private information. For them to say anything about government surveillance is truly the pot calling the kettle black. Regardless of their poor rack record however, stay silent on these matters is absolutely not the right thing to do. If you turn a blind eye you’re part of the problem.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Uphill from Downtown
Is there any doubt that iCloud is fed directly to the NSA data centers?

I hope there is doubt! I am not a conspiracy guy at all but its hard to trust when *someone* decides they dont really need any permission/approval to do whatever they kinda want.


Tim's pronunciation of "impordant" always cracks me up. Glad to hear Tim sticking up for the privacy of information. I'm glad Apple is taking a hard line on this issue, both because it is impordant and because you can't say the same for your data with Google and Android phone makers.


I imagine them basically not giving a **** and maintaining business as usual. Probably laugh it off. In terms of giving a wink between the government and Apple, I hope not... :confused:

Same here - I hope not. But what the hell do I really know. :eek:


macrumors 65816
Jun 8, 2012

They are all working together against the rest of us who blindly buy buy buy, consume consume consume - we are too comfortable to realize what is Really going on. We vote with our buying power and we're onto a really poor path here people :D


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
why not this...

The fourth amendment promises security of the person except-- and then spells out the ways we can be searched under a warrant and probable cause. I don't see, as far as the Internet is concerned, any guarantee under any circumstances not to be subject to lawful search and seizure. My hesitance was always the well-worn phrase around the time when the clipper chip was proposed that "a back door for the police makes a perfect back door for criminals and other bad guys." True, when you talk about fixed hardware. The DVD showed us how quickly fixed media could be hacked.

But that model isn't true in software. You can make two keys for an account, and hold one, the government's key, on a secure proxy site. Then a judge would issue a warrant, and if they handle the proxy storage well, they search your personal effects. That would have to leave a clear forensic trail in case some cop does an unauthorized search.

That would, constitutionally, be the same system we have in the real world. It would hold for all residents and citizens of the United States. Obviously, the details would be different for other countries. Complete privacy is not only a myth, it's a destructive one.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2007
Jefferson, WI
Is there any doubt that iCloud is fed directly to the NSA data centers?

Yes there is doubt that Apple is providing that access. However I fear that the NSA is exploiting zero day holes they have discovered and not reported though so that they can steal data like the malicious and unethical computer users that they appear to be (With the protection of hidden courts and shady lawyers loose interpretations of the law). Google and Facebook just sell your data to the highest non-governmental bidder though. I believe that Apple and Microsoft are the "Good Guys" when it comes to privacy, but maybe I am a fool. I also hope that I am wrong about the NSA leadership, but I am not a fan of the safety at any cost attitude.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Is there any doubt that iCloud is fed directly to the NSA data centers?

Yes there is a great deal of doubt on that. Apple has to comply with the NSL's to hand over a specific person's data (if its on the cloud), but that is it.

Apple and their original leadership has had a history of not being real friendly with the Govt (their current CEO appears to breath the same air on user privacy - you're net seeing Google or Microsoft CEO's say / commit to this stuff - which is very gratifying).

As for companies who are truly handing everything over to the NSA, we actually know who it is, you have only to look at Microsoft (called out in the Snowden docs as a fantastic partner) from very early on (and have not said they'd stopped):

Google, of course, your personal data/information is the product - they gather everything you do (searches, emails, locations etc.) and keep it all forever - so while I don't think they have any interest in being fantastic partners with the NSA (unlike Microsoft) they have such a honeypot of information you know the NSA is all over them - hacking them as we found out.

Beyond that - to really have some expectation of privacy with your smartphone (with regards to the NSA), you really need to not to have your phone storing its data in the cloud (otherwise NSL's can get to it) and Apple is the only manufacturer that gives a good user experience like that (through itunes everything automatically links and updates locally with your desktop no cloud necessary - Android and Windows Phone depend on you using their cloud to have a reasonable experience - and they'll mine that data there)...not sure how long Apple will keep that experience available but I hope for a long time - just so the option is there.
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macrumors 601
Jun 22, 2006
The thick of it
Maybe I'm just gullible, but I do believe Tim. For instance, he wouldn't be spending so much of Apple's resources on renewable energy if he didn't truly feel it was important. As shocking as it might seem, there are still some people in the world with integrity.

Now, whether Apple can deliver on its promises is another thing. They have a checkered history with cloud services. But perhaps they now have the ability to hire the best minds and implement the best technology to get it right.

BTW, there's now a stand-alone YouTube clip of his address:


Mar 21, 2011
If this video was in HTML5, them i'd be able to view it, Apple TV is there for me later.

Anyone can say anything to be all high and mightily, make themselves look good with security and a pro, when they may not even come close...

IT staff do it all the time... :)

Privacy and Security would be a grey area here i would think, because anything having any kind of interaction with the cloud automatically means privacy issues too..

Take it, or leave it, but i dust my hands of the whole idea of the cloud, or only use it when i want to...... Just because i use an Apple device, it shouldn't mean everyone must use it as a form of convenience, possibly sacrificing security as a "go between" then a more effort on the users part is all that would take and u know its safe because You do it..

- Apple Pay would be secure, but that's only because customers don't keep their cards on them, they loose them etc,, just like their phones,,,, so its up to the company to protect us.... Again,,,, not a huge issue.. But I've used credit cards my entire life,, not going to use Apple Pay.. and have never been compromised...

People just gotta always know... Its like saying "well i do not lock my doors sometimes neither." that's why we get locks, yet we all have a tendency to forget too..

All of this convenience, just takes the burden of us and onto someone else... Let them deal with the security, while users couldn't care less, while at the same time, a dim wit can use it.

Cook summed this up all in 10 minutes ?


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2005
In the Nexus.
But that model isn't true in software. You can make two keys for an account, and hold one, the government's key, on a secure proxy site. Then a judge would issue a warrant, and if they handle the proxy storage well, they search your personal effects. That would have to leave a clear forensic trail in case some cop does an unauthorized search.

You are putting a lot of thrust in the security of the proxy and the build-in clear forensic trail. Securing a lot of information with two keys, one of which is within goverment reach, might be too tempting for some agencies.

You know, as they say in every crime you should think about means, motive, and opportunity. The secret services have the means (as Snowdens relevations showed), the motive (by goverment mandate and executive orders)—perhaps we should not build a treasure chest full of secret keys, because this could be a bad idea since opportunity might meet means and motives sometime in the future.
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