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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today launched a new $49 Mac Pro Security Lock Adapter in its online store, offering users of the new Mac Pro a way to easily secure their machines using existing Kensington locks. Previously, users had to resort to custom building their own locks or ordering more expensive third-party solutions.

Apple's lock adapter is a simple metal bracket that secures the lift-off cover of the Mac Pro to the base of the machine with a security cable, preventing access to the machine's internals. The cable lock can then of course be secured to a bulky object or dedicated security ring found on some desks to make it difficult for thieves to steal the machine.

The Mac Pro Security Lock Adapter lets you use a compatible Kensington or similar style third-party lock (sold separately) to keep your Mac Pro secure. The adapter attaches without tools and does not modify or damage the Mac. With a compatible lock connected, the Mac Pro Lock Adapter secures the housing to the enclosure, preventing access to internal components.
Since the Mac Pro's appearance in its retail stores, even Apple has had to use alternate methods to secure the machines, opting for an Ethernet-based alarm system that simply sets off an alarm when the Mac Pro is removed rather than securing it in place.

The Mac Pro Security Lock Adapter is available now in the Apple Online Store for $49. The adapter is not yet being offered for immediate pickup in Apple's retail stores, but will presumably be making its way to the company's stores around the world in the coming days.

Article Link: Apple Launches $49 Mac Pro Security Lock Adapter in Online Store


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2005
I wonder if this will herald a return of safety mechanism ports to the Retinas and Airs.. Oh, who am I kidding. We'll just have to hold those tight wherever we go.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2008
My heart skipped a beat before reading the last six words of the title. :p


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
I guess they have to offer something.

(And that's exactly the level of enthusiasm they had when designing this ugly product!)

Better option: lock it in a cabinet away from easily-tempted eyes. And turn on Find My Mac in case it walks off anyway.

(No lock or cable will stop more than a casual thief. Which is still protection worth having. But an expensive enough item could attract someone who actually exhibits tool-using behaviors.)

You could probably wedge an old Kensington-style lock into a vent slot--and although it would totally fail to lock into place if you tried twisting it, it would at least LOOK like a lock—and that might be enough to deter the most casual thieves.

P.S. Amazon sells a slightly-nicer-looking (and slightly-more-expensive) 3rd-party option. And I kind of expect cheaper options to come along that use only the vent slots--which would also let you choose exactly where you want the cable lock to connect.


macrumors 68040
May 13, 2010
Washington, DC
P.S. Amazon sells a slightly-nicer-looking (and slightly-more-expensive) 3rd-party option. And I kind of expect cheaper options to come along that use only the vent slots--which would also let you choose exactly where you want the cable lock to connect.

Would the vent slots prevent access to the internals?


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2012
I guess they have to offer something.

(And that's exactly the level of enthusiasm they had when designing this ugly product!)

Better option: lock it in a cabinet away from easily-tempted eyes. And turn on Find My Mac in case it walks off anyway.

(No lock or cable will stop more than a casual thief. Which is still protection worth having. But an expensive enough item could attract someone who actually exhibits toopl-using behaviors.)

You could probably wedge an old Kensington-style lock into a vent slot--and although it would totally fail to lock into place if you tried twisting it, it would at least LOOK like a lock—and that might be enough to deter the most casual thieves.

P.S. Amazon sells a slightly-nicer-looking (and slightly-more-expensive) 3rd-party option. And I kind of expect cheaper options to come along that use only the vent slots--which would also let you choose exactly where you want the cable lock to connect.

This is your personal opinion! The level of excitement and enthusiasm was very high for the video and music businesses ! As my music studio has 4 12 core models locked in environment climate control cases! Locked cases and ADT works for us! We don't care about looks, functionality is paramount !


macrumors 68030
Apr 28, 2003
At least to stop it being opened, in the Shanghai Apple Stores they just glue a tab into the lock slider so you can't open it.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2012
"Can't innovate any more, My ass"... Proves how thick this idiot is, an ass is a donkey, and they cannot innovate...

More to the point, why is the power cord on the same vertical plane as the inputs to the device?? Really for $49 Mr Ive could have at least painted it black!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2012
Agreed, but why now?? Apple had so long to work on this problem, did they only now figure it out, or has some smart rich user sued for bad design, if I had the money, it would be what I would do, class action for bad design, as really it is a shockingly bad design for at least 5 reasons.

Would love to know at what point Mr Ive was told of the need to add this $49 extra, on a $3000 machine, Apple cannot pay the $49!!! Did Dr Beats cost that much??


Dec 6, 2012
It has always seemed weird to me that apple does not build in physical security measures into its hardware. As Apple has continued to improve security with Touch ID and find my Apple tools, they should also build in physical security. Otherwise schools and businesses will continue to hesitate purchasing apple. Other hardware companies build in the physical security into their hardware making it more justifiable from an asset management perspective.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2011
As if these security locks actually prevent theft. I work for a company that deployed 20 tabletop projectors, all locked to sturdy bolted-down conference tables with laptop locks. After a year, 15 of them were stolen. Most by people cutting through the wire (sometimes with simple scissors and a lot of time, but the easy way is a quick snip with bolt cutters), one by someone who actually brought a Dremel or similar tool to work with them to cut the lock right off the projector. We had some laptops secured the same way, and simply pulling them hard enough broke off the part of the case that the lock was connected to.


macrumors member
Mar 15, 2011
No security cable, bracket, or whatever prevents theft. Anyone who believes that they do is deluding themselves. All they are is a deterrent. Okay lock systems will just deter the opportunistic thief; better lock systems will deter the more determined thief. But either way, with the right tools and enough time, any security mechanism will be able to be bypassed.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
No security cable, bracket, or whatever prevents theft. Anyone who believes that they do is deluding themselves. All they are is a deterrent. Okay lock systems will just deter the opportunistic thief; better lock systems will deter the more determined thief. But either way, with the right tools and enough time, any security mechanism will be able to be bypassed.

Very well stated LoadStar. Risk and cost need to be balanced. I have insurance on all my equipment, and data is backed up to a different secure location. If my equipment is stolen, it's inconvenient, but that inconvenience isn't worth much more than $50.


macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2010
Would love to know at what point Mr Ive was told of the need to add this $49 extra, on a $3000 machine, Apple cannot pay the $49!!! Did Dr Beats cost that much??

Agreed! Apple should provide this part to any customer free (well maybe add shipping/handling) and be done with it. Mostly because it was a design error on Apples Part. Damn it, even the silly Fujitsu Box in my Office (which is only ~1000 €) comes with a Kensington "Hole"

robot prom

macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2002
Apple needs to include this free with the Mac Pros. Not putting a Kensington slot on the Mac Pro is a design fail. We're holding off deploying these in offices and labs because there's no way to secure them, even from casual theft. Every other Mac has a slot you can attach a security cable to, why is the Mac Pro different?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2008
That was a really awesome point about faux security...

We had some laptops secured the same way, and simply pulling them hard enough broke off the part of the case that the lock was connected to.

Still, a Kensington Cable has to be one level better than just leaving a $4,000 laptop sitting unattended on a table in a public cafe? To me, it's like the difference between leaving $4,000 in hundred dollar bills sitting out in the open, vs putting it in your wallet in your back pocket. Sure, any pick pocket could still get your wallet, but it seems a little less opportunistic.

As another example, people do use locks for their bicycle, even though you can cut the lock...


Oct 10, 2013
"Can't innovate any more, My ass"... Proves how thick this idiot is, an ass is a donkey, and they cannot innovate...
More to the point, why is the power cord on the same vertical plane as the inputs to the device?? Really for $49 Mr Ive could have at least painted it black!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Its a ****ing lock. Who expects innovation around every turn?


Hmmmmm, if I were a criminal ...Image
Obviously. Nevertheless we also lock houses, cars and bikes, when locks can be broken ...


Jul 31, 2011
Its a ****ing lock. Who expects innovation around every turn?

Speaking of turns, this really improves my favorite MacPro feature. Now when you try and turn the device and light up the ports it doesn't work... for security!


Hmmmmm, if I were a criminal ....

... you would take all of their peripherals?
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