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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple helped celebrate equality at the LGBT Pride festival in San Francisco yesterday and thanked employees who registered to take part in the event by gifting them a limited edition rainbow Apple Watch band.


Participating staff received the bands with a card from the company explaining the idea behind the Apple Watch accessory. Reddit user 'Sakusuhon' shared the above image of the band and card, which reads:
Apple's first Diversity Network Association, Pride, turns 30 this year and we're thrilled to celebrate this tremendous milestone with you! As recognition for everyone who registered to participate in the Pride event this year we created something special.??

This limited-edition band is a symbol of our commitment to equality and we hope you'll wear it with pride.
Apple staff including CEO Tim Cook joined the annual parade on Sunday as a mark of the company's continuing support for equality and diversity, with many employees taking to social media to show off the colorful bands.

Proud to be representing #applepride #sfpride #applewatch #nylonband A photo posted by @rikiri on Jun 26, 2016 at 1:27pm PDT

Sadly, there's no indication that Apple plans to include the nylon rainbow bands in its official Watch accessory range.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple Celebrates Pride Festival With Rainbow Apple Watch Bands for Staff
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macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2006
Very cool, Apple! I want one (and I don't even have an Apple Watch).

On another note...I can't wait for the day a simple, harmless (and beautifully positive) news item like this doesn't need to be regulated to the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. Now THAT will be progress in the world...

Benjamin Frost

May 9, 2015
London, England
Very cool, Apple! I want one (and I don't even have an Apple Watch).

On another note...I can't wait for the day a simple, harmless (and beautifully positive) news item like this doesn't need to be regulated to the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. Now THAT will be progress in the world...

I, too, would like a world without sin.

We are all sinners; it is not a thing to be celebrated. We should condemn all sin, whether it is murder, theft, greed or sexual abuse.

I wish Apple would concentrate more on innovation and less on watch bands and politics that has nothing to do with Apple's products but only serves to divide and alienate its customers and employees.
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macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2009
Warsaw, Poland
Very cool, Apple! I want one (and I don't even have an Apple Watch).

On another note...I can't wait for the day a simple, harmless (and beautifully positive) news item like this doesn't need to be regulated to the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. Now THAT will be progress in the world...

That day will come when people are free to associate with who they wish, instead of having their lives and livelihoods destroyed by really evil people fishing for a lawsuit for not baking them a cake.


Aug 3, 2011
I, too, would like a world without sin.

We are all sinners; it is not a thing to be celebrated. We should condemn all sin, whether it is murder, theft, greed or sexual abuse.

I wish Apple would concentrate more on innovation and less on watch bands and politics that has nothing to do with Apple's products but only serves to divide and alienate its customers and employees.

Hell, how the **** does this equate to celebrating sexual abuse or "sin", whatever that means in the middle ages you're posting from?
How the actual **** can something like this "alienate" customers and employees?
How does this even qualify as "politics"?
It's cheesy, I give you that, but how can this possibly be controversial?

Just... how.

The only way I can imagine somebody being offended over this is if they find the very fact that gay people exist offensive.

In which case, quite frankly, you have a big problem and it goes way beyond Apple or watch bands.


macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2011
Nicely done, posts 5, 6, 7, and especially 9. Perhaps a new record for hijacking a nice topic and pivoting to negative snarkiness.

Which is the reason why this has been posted under the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. It was a forthright and correct decision in hindsight. ;)

Regarding the watch strap ... Godawful ugly to me. What an eyesore. A custom watch face would have been better, IMO, but it would probably require watchOS 3.
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macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
I, too, would like a world without sin.

We are all sinners; it is not a thing to be celebrated. We should condemn all sin, whether it is murder, theft, greed or sexual abuse.

I wish Apple would concentrate more on innovation and less on watch bands and politics that has nothing to do with Apple's products but only serves to divide and alienate its customers and employees.

I'm pleased you support gay rights.


Aug 3, 2011
It is hateful rhetoric such as the above that perpetuates homophobia.

You are directly responsible for attacks on LGBT+ people. You caused the terrorism hate crime at Pulse in Orlando.

I don't know if "hateful rhetoric" is the correct word.

As much as I am making an effort to think of another explanation I think OP simply lives in some fold of the space-time continuum where they don't have electricity and burn the occasional witch.

It does not make sense otherwise, that post was completely at odds with reality.

You can't have It both ways-if you want true freedom of speech/expression, you have to be prepared to hear the other side as well.

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