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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
screenshot-01_300px.jpg screenshot-02_300px.jpg screenshot-03_300px.jpg screenshot-04_300px.jpg screenshot-05_300px.jpg

Link: CameraPixels - manual camera + RAW ($2.99)
Link: CameraPixels Free - manual camera + RAW (Free)

CameraPixels is a manual camera app with multiple capture modes and raw support. Do you own iPhone 7/Plus? Then take stunning 8 MPx selfies!

Capture modes:
- Photo
- Raw (iPhone 6S/Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7/Plus with iOS 10)
- Video
- Slow Motion mode (iPhone 5S and later)
- Burst Mode
- Bracketing Mode
- Time Lapse
- Multi-shot (slow shutter, light painting, long exposure)

Video resolutions :
- 640p - all supported devices
- 720p - all supported devices
- 1080p - all supported devices
- 4K - iPhone 6s / Plus and later

Video frame rates:
- 24 fps, 30 fps - all supported devices
- 60 fps @ 720p - iPhone 5 and later
- 60 fps @ 1080p - iPhone 6 and later

Slow motion frame rates:
- 120 fps @ 720p - iPhone 5S and later
- 120 fps @ 1080p - iPhone 6s / Plus and later
- 240 fps @ 720p - iPhone 6 and later

Manual controls:
- Manual controls include: ISO, shutter speed, EV compensation, white balance and focus distance
- ISO and Shutter speed priority modes
- White balance using grey card (long press on White balance icon)
- Separate focus and exposure areas (use tap with two fingers to separate areas)
- All manual controls have real-time visual feedback
- Manual controls are supported in all capture modes

Additional features:
- 8 MPx selfie on iPhone 7/Plus
- RAW image capture with DNG or DNG+JPG output (requires iOS 10)
- Single or bracket of up to 7 images for Raw capture (iOS 10 and above)
- Self-timer to postpone the capture (up to 30 sec)
- Series of images in Photo and Raw capture modes (iOS 10 and above)
- Multiple resolutions in photo and video modes (ISO and shutter speed ranges, as well as digital zoom depend on selected resolution)
- Torch with brightness level control in all capture modes
- Output format in Photo capture mode (JPG or TIFF) with selectable compression level
- Night mode in Photo and Raw capture modes
- Output video format for video modes (MOV or MP4)
- Output video and audio quality in video modes
- Geo-tagging of MOV videos and JPG/TIFF photos
- Number of images in Bracketing mode - up to 15
- Adjustable Slow Motion playback frame rate
- Adjustable screen brightness during time lapse recording
- Switch between wide and tele lenses on iPhone 7 Plus
- Over/under-exposed indicator and histogram
- Horizon levels
- Volume button to capture/start recording

Link: CameraPixels - manual camera + RAW ($2.99)
Link: CameraPixels Free - manual camera + RAW (Free)
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macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
I tested Camera++.. looks good, the UI and controls are simple to use - doesn't require too much swiping, clicking or digging into settings for quick adjustments, that's really necessary for a camera app.
Haven't compared photos taken with other apps - I wonder if all 3rd party camera apps take the same photo or they have their own tricks for processing? For HDR and Low light, many have special filters and processing, but what about regular photos, are they same from all the apps?

Camera++ is an advanced camera app with multiple capture modes and manual controls.

Capture modes:
- Photo
- RAW (iPhone 6S/Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7/Plus with iOS 10)
- Video
- Slow Motion mode (iPhone 5S and later)
- Burst Mode
- Bracketing Mode
- Time Lapse

Video resolutions :
- 640p - all supported devices
- 720p - all supported devices
- 1080p - all supported devices
- 4K - iPhone 6s / Plus and later

Video frame rates:
- 24 fps, 30 fps - all supported devices
- 60 fps @ 720p - iPhone 5 and later
- 60 fps @ 1080p - iPhone 6 and later

Slow motion frame rates:
- 120 fps @ 720p - iPhone 5S and later
- 120 fps @ 1080p - iPhone 6s / Plus and later
- 240 fps @ 720p - iPhone 6 and later

Manual controls:
- Manual controls include: ISO, shutter speed, EV compensation, white balance and focus distance
- White balance using grey card (long press on White balance icon)
- Separate focus and exposure areas (use tap with two fingers to separate areas)
- All manual controls have real-time visual feedback
- Manual controls are supported in all capture modes

Additional features:
- RAW image capture with DNG or DNG+JPG output (requires iOS 10)
- Single or bracket of 3 images for RAW capture (requires iOS 10)
- Self-timer to postpone the capture (up to 30 sec)
- Multiple resolutions in photo and video modes (ISO and shutter speed ranges, as well as digital zoom depend on selected resolution)
- Output format in Photo capture mode (JPG or TIFF) with selectable compression level
- Night mode in Photo capture mode
- Output video format for video modes (MOV or MP4)
- Output video and audio quality in video modes
- Geo-tagging of MOV videos and JPG/TIFF photos
- Number of images in Bracketing mode - up to 15
- Adjustable Slow Motion playback frame rate
- Adjustable screen brightness during time lapse recording

Price: 2.99$ (or free with low resolution output)
App Store link: (for free low res version:


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
There are no more codes at this point. Apple allows only 100 of them and all of them now scheduled for various promo actions/reviewers. Sorry! To try you still can use the free version of Camera++ (without RAW unfortunately)
I tested Camera++.. looks good, the UI and controls are simple to use - doesn't require too much swiping, clicking or digging into settings for quick adjustments, that's really necessary for a camera app.
Haven't compared photos taken with other apps - I wonder if all 3rd party camera apps take the same photo or they have their own tricks for processing? For HDR and Low light, many have special filters and processing, but what about regular photos, are they same from all the apps?

Thanks for your feedback! Regarding photo quality, yes, with a given compression level/resolution they all should be the same. Just pay attention to what app uses as a default compression level. Camera++ uses 100% quality, means minimum compression, but maximum size. With TIFF it's even easier, they all the same. The compression algorithm is lossless, means no data is lost during compression. With video, things may be a bit different. Quality depends on the bit rate. Every developer can choose his own method to calculate average bit rate, that result in different video quality/file size. For example, in Camera++ High video quality produces video with slightly higher bit rate then built-in camera. Max video quality has double, compared to High bit rate (for 4K video it goes as high as 270 Mbits per sec)


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Camera v2.1 is now available in App Store.

What's new in v2.1.0
- added ISO priority mode
- added Shutter speed priority mode
- small UI adjustments
- bug fixes

To enter in ISO or Shutter priority mode just select the corresponding setting, and switch it to manual mode. The non-selected setting will be adjusted automatically. In Bracketing mode, setting in manual or locked mode will be fixed during different exposure and therefore exposure precision step may be lower.

Please remember, Photos cannot open or edit DNG files and therefore what you see is an embedded preview JPG of a much smaller size!


macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2016
I have had Camera++ for a couple years now. It is my favorite camera app by the far. It has the awesome features. I would like to recommend this app to all. I guarantee you all will like this app will not be disappointed.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
I have had Camera++ for a couple years now. It is my favorite camera app by the far. It has the awesome features. I would like to recommend this app to all. I guarantee you all will like this app will not be disappointed.

I think you confuse this app with some other, unless you're an ex-BlackBerry user ;)


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
Is this app not available on the Canadian App store? Can't seem to find it there.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Camera++ v3.0.0 has been released!

In this release:
- UI adjustments
- Added support for custom capture modes
- Added support for series of images in Photo and Raw capture modes
- Added support for wide/tele lens switch on iPhone 7 Plus device
- Added option to auto lock focus and exposure during time-lapse and image series in Photo and Raw capture modes (use global settings to adjust these settings)
- Restored persistent settings (last used capture mode and/or last used capture settings). Use the global settings to activate them

Custom capture mode allows you to save current settings into a dedicated mode which later can be selected from the list. You can save as many modes as needed. Use button "..." (right most on bottom toolbar) to access "Save as custom mode" command.

I would highly appreciate if you leave a review in App Store (or update your previous. if you left one before). Thank you very much in advance!
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
As was noted by one of our customers (huge thanks to him), CameraPixels on iPhone 7/Plus is capable of taking 8 MPx selfies (16:9 aspect ratio) instead of 7 MPx (4:3 aspect ratio) when you use standard or most other 3d party apps :)
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Comparison of standard JPG (100% quality) and new JPG option on all raw enabled devices (upcoming version) - use full res image to see the differences

Left - standard JPG
Right - new JPG option

Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 10.54.01.png


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Camera++ is being renamed to CameraPixels in next update to prevent name clashes in App Store. Now it also will be possible to find the app by its name :) Thank you all for your support, please, don't forget to leave reviews in App Store and contact us for any problems/suggestions/complains.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
CameraPixels v3.1.0 has been released (the paid version)! In this release we provide the BETA feature for Raw capture mode - DNG + JPG-M and DNG + TIFF-M modes. In these modes DNG is converted on the fly using user provided settings which appear in extra settings toolbar (bottom right button "..."). Do not use these modes in extremely low light situations, because you'll get very noisy photo. In general converted JPG or TIFF have less water-paint effect, but may have a bit more noise. Just remember, these modes are not for quick point and shoot, unless you previously set all necessary settings and saved them to a custom capture mode.

Few examples (left BETA mode, right - standard JPG at 100% quality):

Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 00.16.05.png
Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 00.17.48.png
Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 00.18.18.png


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
I have been using Camera++, now CameraPixels.. I think that's a better name, and thanks for providing some comparison.
Why does DMG + JPG-M mode produce more noise but less watercolor effect?


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
The "water color" or "oil paint" effect is caused by severe noise reduction (NR) and over-sharpening during JPG creation. When you get DNG and convert it manually to JPG (or better yet, TIFF) you can control the NR and sharpening contributions to the final image. By default, in DNG+JPG-M mode you have 2 NR methods active (color NR and luminance NR), but overall NR is off most of the time. One one hand this prevents final images from blurring, on the other hand leaves more noise in the image (this is mostly visible in poor lighting conditions when ISO is high). During noise reduction images are also sharpen, and that's where Apple JPG is seriously overdone. At screen size image looks sharp, but it's enough to zoom in 100% to see all those sharpening artefacts. In DNG to JPG conversion sharpening does not needed to be so aggressive, because the image initially has more details.

Few more samples from DNG+TIFF-M mode, these are screenshots of a iPhone 7 Plus screen with image 100% zoomed in, no post-processing (all settings in default):

fullsizeoutput_f48.jpeg fullsizeoutput_f4a.jpeg fullsizeoutput_f4b.jpeg

EDIT: quality maybe a bit reduced, because png was converted to jpg automatically while posting on the forum (png was too big)
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2016
The Netherlands
Your help is needed for decision!

As part of upcoming version 4.0.0 of CameraPixels there a UI refresh is scheduled. I need your help to make decision which UI to choose and maybe change something in it. We have posted a blog post on our official website (in my signature) with few screenshots (I cannot give direct link, just go to official website, at the top there is a section Blog). If you have few seconds to spare, please vote! Thank you in advance
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