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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 11, 2012
Windy City
I am looking for a carrier advice in Chicago and northwest suburbs. I currently have T-mobile service (got the service on iPhone 6S release) and I hate it - for what I need/use it it is a garbage service. I am looking to either switch to Verizon or ATT. I had Verizon for about 4 years prior switching to T-mobile. Before that I had Nextel/Sprint.

Below are the pricing/data breakpoints I am considering
Single line pricing (ATT includes work discount)

ATT Verizon T-mobile
$67 $65 $65

In reality 3GB is pretty much all I need/use, but if I had more data, I would not mind and would find the ways to consume that too.

As you can see, the prices between the carriers are very similar. I am tempted to test out ATT only because I never had them; however, I am concerned about band 30. My phone is A1688 which does not have it. Does ATT even have band 30 in Chicago? Is ATT as good as Verizon? Worse case, I can always go back to Verizon.
Are there any good prepaid services that use either Verizon or ATT network? The only requirement I have is that I need a hot spot and also the carrier must support the short text messages (heard a while ago that some cheap/prepaid carriers do not have them - not sure if that is still true).

I appreciate the info.
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