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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 1, 2002
Dallas, TX
The People's Daily, said China would surpass the US this year and attract a staggering $50 billion foreign direct investment.

The report quoted Shi Guangsheng, minister of foreign trade and economic investment, as saying that China is close to being the biggest recipient of foreign capital this year.

The country approved 27,630 foreign funded enterprises in 2002, a year on year growth of 35%.


This is a real shame. The USA was once a great country. Now, every foreigner hates the USA and it has been taken over by corporate masters that are moving all the tech jobs to China to exploit the 50 cents an hour skilled labor.

At least poor people can still get a job at McDonald's and Wal-Mart.

Peter :(


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC

the peoples daily eh??

how about not believe everything you read for one.

two...developing countries are going to get more money...labor is cheaper, materials are closer, etc etc etc.


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2002
some God forsaken place
Are beanie babies still holding value? Man, I had a Star Wars Empire Strikes Back comic book from way back when. My Dad bought it for me. It was one of those big sized ones too. Unfortunately, it got lost somewhere. Oh well, as a kid I kind of ravaged it not really caring about its value down the road. I wonder how much it'd be worth now.
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