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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 20, 2007
Quick recap of terms: - simple, low quality, one jack - better quality, three jacks. Comes in RGB and Y'PbPr flavours.

The AppleTV will output Y'PbPr aka YUV component video. Lots of people especially in Europe have "old" TVs, which won't take this. For example, my TV will take simple composite (single yellow RCA jack), or RGB component (three RCA jacks - via SCART).

Without modification, I could get B&W composite by using just the luma component jack. However, in theory with a software tweak Apple might be able to enable either color composite or preferably RGB component (better quality).

Anyway, thanks to a post by ITGuy, I've noticed there is a hack (TVComposite.kext) to get color composite from the AppleTV:

Has anyone here tried this?
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