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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2002
Straight out of the box my 14" ibook has a bug.

Whenever I use the AV plug with headphones the screen flashes grey, some kind of power surge happens and weird things happen to the OS and DVD player.

This flaw doesn't exist when I boot from OS9.

Anyone else seen this?


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I have seen almost the same...

Hey there...I got a new iBook 600 Combo (smaller screen) in December and if I plug the headphones in after I start up the computer the DVD player will not show a viewer window even though it is playing. I have not tried it since I updated to 10.1.2 though. Also once I did plug the headphones in and it worked okay, but I had not loaded a DVD yet. It seems if it is running and you have a DVD in and then try to plug the headphones in then it messes up my viewer window. I donno...try plugging in first and then start it up...this is not the way it should be, but I am guessing more of an OSX fault then the iBook fault at least in my case.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2001
Yes precisely, such errors are software related. Although the ibook is generally ****.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2001
What the ****??? What the bloody hell? Why can I swear anymore SPIKEY HELP!!


macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
I said it tons of times!!!!!!!


Every time something new come out for first time is a beta testing on the field. Every single product comes with a problem, thouse problems are corrected after the first 4 months of the assembly line started to produce them.

I've been working with computers, pro audio equipment (keyboards, digital consoles, etc.) and is the same thing over and over in every single brand.

You have to buy the equipment at list 4 months after they came out to let the company check and make revisions.

Remember that at the time of buying even an mp3 player or anything, it is a live time advice. No matter if is a PC or a Mac, it is an industry standart.

They will correct that problem soon.


macrumors newbie
Jan 26, 2002
Helsinki, Finland

I read somewhere in Apple´s support forums that it propably comes with the AV-port. Cause the video signal comes first in order so when you plug headphones iBook might think that its an AV-cable and tries to mirror the image.
I´ve crashed my DVD player several times. You just have to plug headphones first.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
Originally posted by Kela
Yes precisely, such errors are software related. Although the ibook is generally ****.

What do you mean by that statement? Do you even own an iBook...cause I do and for the price it is one heck of a good laptop. Heck we have portable computer labs in our elementary school where I teach and I have seen iBooks dropped to the floor and not even need to re-boot. My iBook has never crashed and other then the mentioned above problem that I have seen...I never have seen another one. You might have the money to just go out and buy a TiBook but not all of us are loaded and I am glad Apple makes a good laptop for us who don't want to go in the hole $3,000+


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
Re: I said it tons of times!!!!!!!

Originally posted by mymemory

Every time something new come out for first time is a beta testing on the field. Every single product comes with a problem, thouse problems are corrected after the first 4 months of the assembly line started to produce them.

I've been working with computers, pro audio equipment (keyboards, digital consoles, etc.) and is the same thing over and over in every single brand.

You have to buy the equipment at list 4 months after they came out to let the company check and make revisions.

Remember that at the time of buying even an mp3 player or anything, it is a live time advice. No matter if is a PC or a Mac, it is an industry standart.

They will correct that problem soon.

If everyone followed this narrow thinking, they would never hear of the problems and then correct them. How many serious, and rampant problems have you heard about from the Mac line in the past two years??? I can count only a few, and they are not massive, nor did they affect me or my company. I have a Rev A TiBook (ordered it within two weeks of it's release) that has been sweet and trouble free. Even though I usually go after the latest and greatest (sold a G3 powerbook when the Pismo came out, then the Pismo when the Tibook was coming out) I seriously intend to keep this one for at least another 2 years. I don't know what will be out then, so I can't say what I will do.

I also have a G4 tower 500MHz (first AGP model) that has been trouble free for me (except my own, self inflicted, software issues).

Apple is also excellent in taking care of any issues that crop up, at least from my experience. We did get ONE G4 TiBook (400MHz) at the office that I didn't like the operational sounds coming from the hard drive. I called Apple about it, they listened over the phone to the noise, and sent me a return box. From the time I talked with them, to the time I received the unit back, was under 5 business days.

From what I can tell, most of the issues are from parts that Apple doesn't make (hard drives, etc.) where they have limited quality control. I say that since I had a first happen to me on Friday. A user called out help desk, which generated a page to me, about how she had the flashing ? on her screen. She has a slot load iMac (built towards the end of 1999). Nothing I did would get the computer to see the hard drive. All of my utilities couldn't get it, or see it. I finally took it apart and pulled the hard drive out. The controller card on the hard drive has a blown chip (which is where the burned smell came from). Since it was out of warranty, I called the drive maker. Actually, since it was a Quantum drive, I called Maxtor. The woman on the phone was very nice, and after she determined that the drive WAS under warranty still, gave me two options. Either send it to them, or they send a replacement so that I can try and get data off of the old drive. I went for the second option, and expect the drive next week. She told me the drive wouldn't be the same model (would be newer) or size (will be larger). So, after over 2 years, we are getting a new, faster, larger drive, for nothing. All that just to show that the problem was NOT in Apple's hardware.

Ok, I need to go ice my hands from all the typing...


Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Re: I said it tons of times!!!!!!!

Originally posted by mymemory

Every time something new come out for first time is a beta testing on the field. Every single product comes with a problem, thouse problems are corrected after the first 4 months of the assembly line started to produce them.

I've been working with computers, pro audio equipment (keyboards, digital consoles, etc.) and is the same thing over and over in every single brand.

You have to buy the equipment at list 4 months after they came out to let the company check and make revisions.

Remember that at the time of buying even an mp3 player or anything, it is a live time advice. No matter if is a PC or a Mac, it is an industry standart.

They will correct that problem soon.

I'm glad I didn't listen to you, I bought the first rev of USB iBooks and I love it and have no prolems with it at all.

Also, if the G5 comes uot soon, I won't be listening to you either, I will nsag one up immediately.

Any prolems with the iPod? I wonder if the new iMac will have problems? I doubt them both.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
I "sort of agree" with mymemory... When I got my iMac DV+ (ordered it of the apple store 3 days after it was announced) it came with a hard drive which was noisy... The thing is, it had one of the older hard drives, from the previous models... When my dad got one iMac 2 months later, his iMac was totally silent, no sounds emitted... I couldn't believe it.

Also when I got my quicksilver, quicksilvers are supposed to have black superdrives, mine was beige indicating it had originally been a part for the older model... :(

Anyway... I realize the first problem was not Apple's fault and nor was the second one. When I got my indigo iBook however, I bought it 5 months after it was released, no probs, no inconsistancies, abosutely perfect! And 2 years later I am still wondering how much longer it's gonna last... ;)


macrumors member
Jan 18, 2002
i get the same problem whenever i plug in headphones or external speakers to my ibook (screen flashes, weird **** happens). but the dvd player has never crashed on me. i have no suggestions but to shrug it off, and just to let u know ur not alone...

and hellz yeah, its all about those first released products! haha, i got my ibook 500 a week after its release and im proud of my scratched up, power supply plug loosening, pixel frying, 66mhz bus speeding, "delete" key popping little buddy ;)


macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2002

I bought my G4 dp800 in late september and still got one with a beige drive bay :(

I want a black one!!!!! *whine*

Otherwise, what can I say, I've had my fair share of crap, my cinema display had 30 dead pixels, and so many stuck ones, that I sent it in TWICE, the second time it came back with a broken leg, and I called apple's customer relations.

The end of the week I had a brand new cinema display on my desk :)
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