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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
It's sitting in my parents' basement. I got it for my birthday about 18 or 19 years ago (good God that's a scary thing to write out). I even have the box. And it's been upgraded to 128k! :) No idea what to do with it. I should boot it up and play some Wasteland or Autoduel next time I'm over there.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
I don't have a digicam unfortunately, but as a matter of fact I've been thinking of getting one pretty quick. So if I do before I head up to visit, I'll snap some shots for you. :)


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Wow, I thought I was the only one! I, too, have an Apple IIe sitting in my basement, which was bought my brother, when I was only about 5 or 6. It's definitely not in mint condition, but was very well used! Ah, the memories...


macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2003
Sum, Ergo Sum.
Holy hell, does that bring back memories... My first computer was an Apple IIe, and I used to play Karateka all the time!

I even learned basic on that bad boy, when I got a little older. I miss that machine, now that you made me remember it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
Yep I learned basic on it too. I probably still have some 5 1/4" floppies with password/security programs and such on them. I remember how proud I was when I made them.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
My favorite games on the IIe were Drol, Wasteland, Wizardry, Ultima III+IV, and AutoDuel. Anyone remember those, or am I alone here? ;)

Man, those were CLASSICS... :cool:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
Originally posted by ~Shard~
My favorite games on the IIe were Drol, Wasteland, Wizardry, Ultima III+IV, and AutoDuel. Anyone remember those, or am I alone here? ;)

Man, those were CLASSICS... :cool:

Indeed, see my original post. :) The whole reason I upgraded from 64k to 128k was to play some Might & Magic or other. I loved those old-school RPGs. But Wasteland was the best, hands down, with Autoduel a close second.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by uv23
Indeed, see my original post. :) The whole reason I upgraded from 64k to 128k was to play some Might & Magic or other. I loved those old-school RPGs. But Wasteland was the best, hands down, with Autoduel a close second.

My apologies, don't know how I missed that through my first read! ;)

Yep, Wasteland is still my all-time favorite. Discovering the laser weapons in the sewers under Vegas for the first time, unlocking the secrets of Sleeper Base, taking on the Guardian Citadel, the list goes on and on. One of my all-time favorite games EVER, and my favorite on the Mac for sure. If I could play it again right now I would in a heartbeat. :cool:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
I actually found Wasteland and Autoduel on the web last year. I can't remember what format it was in, probably an .exe as I ran it on my XP box. I betcha there are different ports around though, just have to search around a bit. Let me know if you find it!


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by uv23
I actually found Wasteland and Autoduel on the web last year. I can't remember what format it was in, probably an .exe as I ran it on my XP box. I betcha there are different ports around though, just have to search around a bit. Let me know if you find it!

Definitely will do! :cool:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2003
Sum, Ergo Sum.
Originally posted by ~Shard~
My favorite games on the IIe were Drol, Wasteland, Wizardry, Ultima III+IV, and AutoDuel. Anyone remember those, or am I alone here? ;)

Man, those were CLASSICS... :cool:

Drol! Ultima!

Shard, you keep getting cooler every time you post, as far as I'm concerned. ;) I can't count the number of hours I wasted over the keyboard of my IIe. Of course, my favorite game was one I programmed with some help from a couple of baisc books and a having too much time.

Also, I can't remember the name of the game anymore, but does anyone else remember one that let you create your own worlds by making the sprite art a 'pixel' at a time, defining the objects, and throwing it all together? It had a sci-fi, Alice in Wonderland, Epic of Gligamesh, and a couple of other settings all thrown in on the basic game.


macrumors 68040
Jan 6, 2002
Yes, my first computer was also a Apple 2e I boght it for I think $1299 I don't remember it has been so long. I now have a Apple 2c But have no sofware for it so it is out in the garage doing notihing kinda sad. Can You buy games online on the Big floppy Disk? If so where?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 16, 2003
Calgary, AB
Ahh I loved the IIc. A friend of mine in elementary school had one and I was quite jealous. Sexiest thing ever at the time.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
i started on the //e in elementary

wasnt much into comps then...but loved the oregon trail and number munchers


macrumors regular
May 3, 2002
UK - Rushden, Northants
I started with a 2+, then a EuroPlus (over here) before the 2e - did all of you get the enhanced chipsets for your '2e's?

I have kept all my old kit, even including things like the mousecard and 'Jeeves" - does anyone here remember that (a mouse controlled GUI) for the 2e?

Here's reminiscing....



macrumors member
Jun 25, 2003
South Beach
What memories... I started programming Basic and Pascal on an Apple II Plus. A couple of years later, my school got an Apple Clone made by Franklin (I believe). Does any one remember those?

Ambrose Chapel

macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
i vaugely remember wizardry..what about arcticfox? was that an apple ][ game or an early mac game? i can't rememeber...

we had an apple ][e in elementary school. i think at home i had a ][c, then we moved up to a GS. ahh, the 80s!


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Ultima III was my personal favorite. Fighting the grass, attacking backwards, the moongates and pirate ships, needing to destroy the computer with LOVE.... Oh yah, and killing Lord British - that never got old! :cool:

Still have to say Wasteland is my favorite game from that era though - and one of my favorite games of all time. An amazing game, truly a classic, and one of a kind. I know I've said this before, but I had to say it again. :cool:


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
Tech hardware USUALLY drops in price dramatically after many years unless there is some special historical value or something along those lines. And from my understanding, there is nothing special about the IIe.

So unfortunately, I think you can only get about 50 bucks at a yard sale.

Apple //e

macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2003
its not a MAC

its spelled:

apple ][
apple ][+
apple //e
apple //c

there are many emulators you can download, as well as disk images.

my parents sold our apple //e (my first computer) while i was away in college, along with my vectrex vector based arcade game system
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