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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jun 25, 2002
iHotu said:
Never a good sign to see a quality manufacture leave.

And to think I almost saved up for a 645 .…… no not really.

I've been wanting one of those since it wasn't much more than an expensive 35mm camera. Then, they became popular and added a lot of money to go with all the new features and it was totally out of reach. With a digital back, it's either a 645 or a car.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
bousozoku said:
Mamiya isn't looking very healthy. They're not just leaving film, they're leaving photography.

I just sold a Mamiya RB67 system. Body, four lens and a bunch of film backs. The buyer got a real bargin but I figured I'd best sell it before it's value dropped to zero. I put the money into an underwater video system.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Clix Pix said:
This is sad news, indeed.....

Yes, Chip, I have the feeling that Hasselblad won't be far behind. The market for medium format cameras and films is rapidly diminishing as more and more photographers go digital.

You are right -- going digital. But Hasselblad has a good set of digital backs available. In fact Hassy is the best way to go if the small format DSLRs don't quite cut it

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
ChrisA said:
I just sold a Mamiya RB67 system. Body, four lens and a bunch of film backs. The buyer got a real bargin but I figured I'd best sell it before it's value dropped to zero. I put the money into an underwater video system.

Mamiya USA (MAC) seems to be looking at making a stand. They have a well diversified product offering.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
sarge said:
Hasselblad got smart two years ago...

Hasselblad and Imacon merge to take on the professional digital market

One can only guess where Mamiya's new owners will take them. Maybe back to the consumer market. MAC USA is here to stay, since they have a diverse product offering.

I am more concerned about Nikon at this point. Three new products (the D200, 18-200VR, and 105VR Micro are too hard to find). Even "minor" products are hard to find.

To be honest the Hasselblad and Imacon merger came to late with real products to stem of the tide of Canon and their FF sensor cameras IMO. The current price points of MF digital are too steep for many pros to justify.

Maybe the tide will change in the future as digital MF prices drop to a $5K to 10K US level. The ZD, if it can finally ship in the US offers some hope for Mamiya and MAC USA.


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jun 25, 2002
Okay, since the original article, I read that Mamiya is merging with Cosmos Optical, I believe to create a new, stronger company.

Once I find the newer article again, I'll post a link here.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2003
Holding out for Mamiya

One can only guess where Mamiya's new owners will take them

I can only hope Chip is right about this. I have held onto the Mamiya lens' in hopes that I will have a body to use them on but I'm beginning to think it's a lost cause. The glass was amazing, the bodies light and quiet- although I never really got used to using a rangfinder in quick focus situations.

All signs point to canon meeting the resolving power of medium format w/the current crop of 12 and 16mp full frame cameras though, from what i've read.

Oh well, at least i picked it up in japan when the dollar was really strong against the yen...
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