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macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
You would seriously, for real, trade your iPhone for a Nexus 7? Do you people actually realize you don't believe what you say on the Internet? Or you don't know the implications of what your saying?

yes, absolutely.

The only thing I need a smartphone for now is that rare occasion that my iPad isn't handy (park with kids, restaurant, etc) and even then it's basic e-mail.

The rest of the time I keep my iPad with me. A 7" tablet would be great out and about. Of course it would require a data plan to really be useful.


Here is an article with tips, posted the landscape tip.

"Rotate screen from portrait to landscape. My Nexus 7 arrived with screen rotation disabled, so I went to Settings -> Display ... but there was no way to enable rotation. It turns out that you've got to swipe down from the top bar to access the notification pulldown "shade," then tap the little icon with the lock and arrows around it."

There is another way to do that as well, but unfortunately they have locked all of the home screen stuff into portrait mode. So you can be using all your apps landscape and every time you exit an app it snaps back to portrait. It is pretty annoying. I understand that it can be hacked but I'm sure it will get a legit fix.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
Download the free "rotate" app from the Google play store and it rotate automatically.

I'm using it an it works flawlessly.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
You would seriously, for real, trade your iPhone for a Nexus 7? Do you people actually realize you don't believe what you say on the Internet? Or you don't know the implications of what your saying?


I don't need luck. It's rational.

The Nexus 7 is just like the Fire and the Galaxy Tab that came before it. It performs better and that's great. But 7" have failed in the market because they're effectively a useless form factor.

It's a no brainer. I'll bet anyone $100 bucks the Nexus 7 falls flat on its face in a few months with sales dropping off of a cliff.

Remember this post when Apple comes out with a smaller form factor. I guess it won't be a useless form factor then right?
It doesn't take over much intelligence for one to realize that there is a market for a smaller device, whether they are Apple devices or Android devices.

Just because the IPad came out with a 9.7" screen size doesn't mean that it is the right size for all. I guess we should have 1 size "everything" for everyone.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Guaranteed you'll end up where we have. You'll be sitting there using it, browsing the web wondering why you're holding something so small with 2 hands. Then you'll realize it's too big to browse with 1 hand and thumb scroll yet you'll feel like it's the retarded version of your smartphone. I have a much better browsing experience on my iPhone. Right next to me right now is my Nexus 7 and I'm using my iPhone. I don't even want to use it the Nexus.

To the other people who are using the Nexus or another 7" tablet: Is this true? Do you need to hod it with two hands? Or is it more like hold it with one hand and scroll/tap with the other?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2010
Or iReader perhaps? Actually, I think the time would be alright for them to reuse the iBook brand. Enough time's passed I think. They did it with the iSight, why not?

They are using the iBook brand...
iBooks 2 even got its own press event.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 28, 2008
I got the Nexus 7, and am very entwined in the apple environment. Household items: 2 MacBook airs, 1 Mac mini w/ LCD, 2 appletv's, 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, and 2 iPod touches. And yet, I have not been fully satisfied with all the offerings. I picked up the Nexus 7 and feel it is pretty much perfect size-wise. The OS is not bad either, not as refined as ios, but certainly usable. I cannot wait for an iPad mini to come out to round out the offerings. Even then I think I would still hang on to the Nexus as a secondary device.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2005
Or is it more like hold it with one hand and scroll/tap with the other?

Dude don't you do that for the iPad too? The secret is get a better case for the iPad so that it's more sturdy holding with one hand. Like a bear motion or snugg case.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
To the other people who are using the Nexus or another 7" tablet: Is this true? Do you need to hod it with two hands? Or is it more like hold it with one hand and scroll/tap with the other?

You can hold it with one hand and scroll and tap with the other. The point is that you can't use it with one hand: holding and using your thumb to tap, scroll, etc. You lose this ability that you get with your smartphone.

Look at these comparison pictures I did showing how the Web actually looks BETTER on my iPhone 4S without any pinching and zooming compared to the Nexus Sexus. Yet, people think they want to use a tweener that is much bigger, more awkward, less portable, heavier... Jobs is right.

Look here: It/


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
To the other people who are using the Nexus or another 7" tablet: Is this true? Do you need to hod it with two hands? Or is it more like hold it with one hand and scroll/tap with the other?

Hold in one....scroll with other. Very easy to hold in 1 hand.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
Remember this post when Apple comes out with a smaller form factor. I guess it won't be a useless form factor then right?
It doesn't take over much intelligence for one to realize that there is a market for a smaller device, whether they are Apple devices or Android devices.

Just because the IPad came out with a 9.7" screen size doesn't mean that it is the right size for all. I guess we should have 1 size "everything" for everyone.

If Apple comes out with a Mini: it will still be a useless form factor, just like walking around with a piano fixed to your back is useless. It'll be the biggest mistake Apple could make and it will fail.

Are any of you getting what Jobs said? It's cool to be geeks like us and develop software, etc. But we also have to be grown up and realize that there's other people out there, the consumers, that have lives and patterns of behaviours. I hate tweeners and think they're useless like Jobs did but I own an Nexus Sexus 7! I have it to test it for our development.

Look at these pictures and ask yourself if anyone needs this when smartphones do such a good job of the Internet in our pockets. One handed use. Everybody needs a smartphone: it's the ultimate, portable communication and entertainment device. The market has spoken with hundreds of millions selling every year. Tweeners are a waste... It/


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
You can hold it with one hand and scroll and tap with the other. The point is that you can't use it with one hand: holding and using your thumb to tap, scroll, etc. You lose this ability that you get with your smartphone.

Look at these comparison pictures I did showing how the Web actually looks BETTER on my iPhone 4S without any pinching and zooming compared to the Nexus Sexus. Yet, people think they want to use a tweener that is much bigger, more awkward, less portable, heavier... Jobs is right.

Look here: It/

If you think the web looks better on your small iPhone are so much of an apple fan that you are blind.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Look at these comparison pictures I did showing how the Web actually looks BETTER on my iPhone 4S without any pinching and zooming compared to the Nexus Sexus. It/

I'm going to have to take your word for it that the iPhone looks better -- I realize that may very well be the case because of the different screen technologies. But from those pictures, I couldn't judge which looks better. The iPhone is definitely smaller, though! ;)


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
If you think the web looks better on your small iPhone are so much of an apple fan that you are blind.

I am not blind and this is a fact. The Retina screen is better than the low resolution Sexus. Second, the rendering of the text on the Sexus is very small to the point where you have to pinch and zoom. All of this is a fact.


I'm going to have to take your word for it that the iPhone looks better -- I realize that may very well be the case because of the different screen technologies. But from those pictures, I couldn't judge which looks better. The iPhone is definitely smaller, though! ;)

No, the iPhone is not rendering things smaller across the board. For instance, the Macrumors site it's the same size and subtext looks even BIGGER on the iPhone.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2005
If you think the web looks better on your small iPhone are so much of an apple fan that you are blind.

The web looks better on an iPad vs the Nexus 7 too. I think the point was that in terms of functionality the 7 incher is not much different than the smartphone, just bigger, while the iPad allows for added utility like reading pdf scientific journals in one original page or reading magazines without reflowing and panning from the original.

I really wanted to love the nexus 7 for its portable form factor while still having the same PDF reading utility as the iPad, but I found out instead the nexus 7 is just a bigger phone, and thus the advantages of the form factor becomes a moot point since my phone is even more portable and I'm not blind. I can't read a scientific PDF on the nexus without panning just as much as on my phone, because the rendering takes a nosedive at small fonts on the nexus. To aggravate matters PDF rendering is slow as molasses on the nexus for any PDF bigger than a couple of pages.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
No, the iPhone is not rendering things smaller across the board. For instance, the Macrumors site it's the same size and subtext looks even BIGGER on the iPhone.

Well, like I said, hard to tell details like that from your pictures, which are kind of blurry. As for MacRumors, are you using the same "theme" on both devices? You know, Fixed, Fluid, Fluid HD?


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
I've had every iPhone since day one.

I've had every iPad since day one.

My point? Simple really... I really like Apple products, as I've been using their laptops since 1991. I like OS X a lot, and I've been deeply enmeshed with the brand day in and day out, since I use them at work at home.

That said...

Those who have read my other posts, know that my one and only major complaint is Apple's hesitancy (at least until the next iPhone is revealed) is their continued use of a 3.5" display on the iPhone.

In a similar vain (discussing display size) I have been quite surprised at how many people on this forum have such hate against a 7" iPad. Although I enjoy the full size iPads, I could also put a 7" iPad to very good use. I know this because I've had 7" tablets from other manufacturers and I find that size perfect for my frequent travel. It's a form factor that fits in well with my constant companion... a MacBook Pro or Air, depending on my needs.

It's the nature of my business that I choose to always carry a MacBook. Despite my best efforts, if I ad my full size iPad to the bag it is simply too much. The 7" size ergonomically is quite nice when traveling by air. While some of my flights are first class which eliminates the space issue, conversely, there are many times I'm commuting by air in a smaller aircraft where space is an issue. Thus I would be delighted if Apple would offer a smaller iPad, something that may finally happen.

In the meantime, I must say I'm very impressed with my Nexus 7. Android's come a long way and the current version shipped on the Nexus is fast, fun and very stable. Likewise their apps have improved and the selection is quite vast.

And yet, if Apple had a 7" iPad available, I would not have bought the Nexus. Why Apple is taking so long to get products out, is something that baffles me. I'm very confident that I'm not the only one that bought a Nexus 7 only because Apple had nothing to offer me.

At the end of the day, if Apple doesn't ramp up their program, Android is going to take a greater slice of the pie. Not everyone will wait patiently for a product they know will be more expensive, and may not even appear.

While Nexus is little, if any threat, at the rate Apple is going, nothing lasts forever. To remain strong, to remain relevant and to remain in high demand, Apple's got to resist the urge to coast along, and use their skills to innovate.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
I've had every iPhone since day one.

I've had every iPad since day one.

My point? Simple really... I really like Apple products, as I've been using their laptops since 1991. I like OS X a lot, and I've been deeply enmeshed with the brand day in and day out, since I use them at work at home.

That said...

Those who have read my other posts, know that my one and only major complaint is Apple's hesitancy (at least until the next iPhone is revealed) is their continued use of a 3.5" display on the iPhone.

In a similar vain (discussing display size) I have been quite surprised at how many people on this forum have such hate against a 7" iPad. Although I enjoy the full size iPads, I could also put a 7" iPad to very good use. I know this because I've had 7" tablets from other manufacturers and I find that size perfect for my frequent travel. It's a form factor that fits in well with my constant companion... a MacBook Pro or Air, depending on my needs.

It's the nature of my business that I choose to always carry a MacBook. Despite my best efforts, if I ad my full size iPad to the bag it is simply too much. The 7" size ergonomically is quite nice when traveling by air. While some of my flights are first class which eliminates the space issue, conversely, there are many times I'm commuting by air in a smaller aircraft where space is an issue. Thus I would be delighted if Apple would offer a smaller iPad, something that may finally happen.

In the meantime, I must say I'm very impressed with my Nexus 7. Android's come a long way and the current version shipped on the Nexus is fast, fun and very stable. Likewise their apps have improved and the selection is quite vast.

And yet, if Apple had a 7" iPad available, I would not have bought the Nexus. Why Apple is taking so long to get products out, is something that baffles me. I'm very confident that I'm not the only one that bought a Nexus 7 only because Apple had nothing to offer me.

At the end of the day, if Apple doesn't ramp up their program, Android is going to take a greater slice of the pie. Not everyone will wait patiently for a product they know will be more expensive, and may not even appear.

While Nexus is little, if any threat, at the rate Apple is going, nothing lasts forever. To remain strong, to remain relevant and to remain in high demand, Apple's got to resist the urge to coast along, and use their skills to innovate.

Because a bunch geeks like us like gadgets... doesn't mean Apple should produce a product like a tweener. Every indication is that they will fail. Tweeners have failed in the market and the 7" form factor offers nothing over a smartphone.

Why doesn't Apple go bigger than a 3.5" screen? Because it gets too hard to one handed use the device. This can't be understated.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
And yet, if Apple had a 7" iPad available, I would not have bought the Nexus. Why Apple is taking so long to get products out, is something that baffles me. I'm very confident that I'm not the only one that bought a Nexus 7 only because Apple had nothing to offer me.

I think the problem may be that there is only one Jonathan Ive, and he was tied up designing the retina MacBook Pro. :D


Because a bunch geeks like us like gadgets... doesn't mean Apple should produce a product like a tweener. Every indication is that they will fail. Tweeners have failed in the market and the 7" form factor offers nothing over a smartphone.

I think the group of people who *think* they want a tweener tablet extends well beyond just geeks. Whether that size is as useful as most people think, it's hard to say. And it's hard to say that tweener tablets have failed because there's something inherently wrong with that size, or if it's because they weren't made by Apple. After all, 9+ inch tablets made by companies other than Apple haven't been doing all that well, either.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
I think the problem may be that there is only one Jonathan Ive, and he was tied up designing the retina MacBook Pro. :D

I think you are 100% correct... or something like that :)

He certainly hasn't been busy on the narrow iPhone (if in fact it's true).

The persistent rumors about the narrow 4.0" model are highly discouraging. I sure hope there's a last minute surprise as unlikely as that seems.

I have yet to see anything he's designed that I didn't like... just some I like better than others.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
I think the problem may be that there is only one Jonathan Ive, and he was tied up designing the retina MacBook Pro. :D


I think the group of people who *think* they want a tweener tablet extends well beyond just geeks. Whether that size is as useful as most people think, it's hard to say. And it's hard to say that tweener tablets have failed because there's something inherently wrong with that size, or if it's because they weren't made by Apple. After all, 9+ inch tablets made by companies other than Apple haven't been doing all that well, either.

From my testing, from Jobs's comments, from everything I've seen in the market, it's the form factor that's a problem: no matter who makes it, they'll fail because nobody needs it. Because it doesn't have a reason to live.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
From my testing, from Jobs's comments, from everything I've seen in the market, it's the form factor that's a problem: no matter who makes it, they'll fail because nobody needs it. Because it doesn't have a reason to live.

While I do think the market for a tweener tablet might be small, I wouldn't go as far as to say *nobody* needs it. Some people obviously have (or think they have) a use for it. In a poll in one of the other threads here at MacRumors, more than half said they would consider buying a smaller iPad. That means there's *some* interest in it, even if it turns out to be a minuscule percentage of the general population, and even if it turns out that most people who buy the 7” tablet find that it's not what they thought it will be. Arguing that the market for a 7" tablet is so small as to be practically non-existent would be reasonable, but when you use absolute terms like "nobody needs it," that just makes things unnecessarily confrontational, IMO.


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
While I do think the market for a tweener tablet might be small, I wouldn't go as far as to say *nobody* needs it. Some people obviously have (or think they have) a use for it. In a poll in one of the other threads here at MacRumors, more than half said they would consider buying a smaller iPad. That means there's *some* interest in it, even if it turns out to be a minuscule percentage of the general population, and even if it turns out that most people who buy the 7” tablet find that it's not what they thought it will be. Arguing that the market for a 7" tablet is so small as to be practically non-existent would be reasonable, but when you use absolute terms like "nobody needs it," that just makes things unnecessarily confrontational, IMO.

First, polls here are probably representative of geeks. Second, I agree: I don't think there isn't a market for tweeners, but I think it's tiny and a waste of time. Like the Newton: Apple had a bunch of fans writing to them about how much they loved it. But in the end, the market was tiny and nobody needed it.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
First, polls here are probably representative of geeks. Second, I agree: I don't think there isn't a market for tweeners, but I think it's tiny and a waste of time. Like the Newton: Apple had a bunch of fans writing to them about how much they loved it. But in the end, the market was tiny and nobody needed it.

You were doing so well... Why can't you just stop at "the market was tiny"? Why do you feel compelled to add the absolute like "nobody needed it"?
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