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macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2004
Lions Gate was supposedly deep in discussions with Apple around the same time Disney's films were added to iTunes, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Steve Jobs include Lions Gate in any announcement of new content providers.

Lions Gate's catalog includes the three "Saw" movies and the two "Hostel" movies, and they also produce "Weeds," which is on Showtime (and iTunes).


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2004
Doesn't Paramount also hold the rights to the Indiana Jones trilogy?

Paramount distributed the first three theatrically and on DVD and will distribute the upcoming fourth film, so yeah probably. I'll be curious to see whether Paramount tiptoes in with a small slate of lesser known films or brings out the big catalog titles right away.

Paramount has some heavy hitters: the "Mission: Impossible" films, the "Star Trek" films, "Braveheart," "Forrest Gump," "Top Gun," etc.

Since Warner Brothers and Fox both have TV shows on iTunes, I can't imagine those guys sitting out for very long either.


macrumors 68030
Jan 25, 2002
Orange County, CA
any news on a European movie / television store for iTunes would be good :)

I don't know why the networks don't jump on this one straight away...I'm sure a lot of piracy takes place over people hooked on junk American television that doesn't make it's way across the pond for a year or so.

And of course, it would be nice if it went both ways...I'm sure there are people who would love to watch some of the european stuff that are currently getting it off torrents as well.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
I don't know why the networks don't jump on this one straight away...I'm sure a lot of piracy takes place over people hooked on junk American television that doesn't make it's way across the pond for a year or so.

Old farts who fear distributed technology.


macrumors member
Dec 5, 2006

The Wall Street Journal (paid subscription required) claims that CEO Steve Jobs may announce today the availability of Paramount Pictures' catalog, which includes titles such as "Forrest Gump," "Mission: Impossible," and "Star Trek." However, it does not appear as though new releases would be included in the deal (yet).

Definitely a good thing. However, I would like to see a lot of the movie prices go down, mainly the catalog titles. One of the reasons that iTMS was so successful in the first place is that the music albulms on iTMS were $10 but the CDs were around $15. However, you can pretty much go into any Best Buy or Circuit City and there will be a whole rack of DVDs - no DRM or anything - for $6.99. Right now, movies on iTunes is real good - but without any subtitles (im hard-of-hearing), DVD extras, etc.- I can't really justify the cost, except for the brand-new release titles: Pirates of the Carribean DMC was $12.99 in the first week and pretty hard to find for any less than $20 elsewhere.

Side note - Steve announced CC for quicktime back at the leopard preview (WWDC, right?) so I'm betting that subtitles for iTMS material will come around the release of leopard.


macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2003
Melbourne, FL
Rentals needed

Unlike music purchase, movies should have a rent option.

Here are the issues with buying movies:

1) Effective backup - movies need to be backed up to DVDs. Many people might forget to do that.

2) Disk space - Even with backup, many people don't know how to manage their hard drive. It might fill up with movies that they buy.

3) Quality - Currently, all movies support only Dolby Surround (prologic) instead of Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS

4) Buyers like keep sake box - Movie collectors typically like more physical stuff and special features, etc.

Advantages of renting.

1) It is like pay-per-view instead of subscribing to cable/satellite.
2) Much bigger library to choose from compared to pay-per-view or even video on demand.
3) Order from iTV, store in iTV and watch from iTV. No trip to computer. No computer even needed. Only broadband internet.
4) iTV could have a 40-60 GB HD just for caching and storing rented movies.
5) To make sure rented movies are not pirated, Apple could prevent you from copying the rented movies out of iTV.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
Seems a bit dumb if new releases aren't included in the deal...

some movies are better than no movies. any step that increases the catalog of the itunes movie store is a good one. it's also a good way for paramount to test the viability of the online music store. and when they realize it's a good means of distribution, i'm sure new releases won't be too far behind.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2005
California, US
I knew they were updating something. The store was needing rebuffers on everything last night. I didnt say anthing cause I was afraid it was on my end but this makes sense now!


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2006
9.99 for old movies I can find in the bargain bin at the grocery store for a little over 5 bucks? Are they insane?

I mean really, the collectors edition (2 disc) of Forest Gump at amazon is only 8 bucks with free shipping. Who came up with these prices?


macrumors 603
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Paramount = CBS Which Is A Good Thing

I love CBS most of all the networks. They are the Jerry Bruckheimer network. CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, Close To Home, Katie Couric etc. ;)

Very exciting for those who can afford to buy TV shows.

The Toon Master

macrumors 6502
Jul 10, 2006
Sorry if this has already been said, but look at this

go to, and try the iPhone demo. Click to slide out, and go to widescreen iPod, then go to videos. One of the videos is Zoolander, which is from Paramount Pictures

Pic in a sec..




macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2002
I'm waiting for "Popeye" with Robin Williams... it's a Paramount release and Amazon had it in their downloads.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2006
Yep Paramount Movies are being added but at the time of writing Star Trek III isn't there yet but all the others are oO



macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
Just checked and there is actually one movie I have not seen. Gotta get the Mickey Spillane block of cheese called Ring of Fear. Love old movies even it they are bad. Orca may be next.:rolleyes:
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