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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2004
Johannesburg, South Africa
I have to submit my masters to a language editor before i can do my final submission, she (the language editor) wants it in word format whitch is no problem, but her mailbox has a limit of 4megs. I tried zipping my document (20 megs - lots of diagrams and images) but it’s nowhere close to 4megs, so how do I split the document into 4megs chunks that a normal windows user can easily reassemble?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Do you HAVE to use email? Can't you put the document someplace on a web or FTP server and then send your editor a link to where you put the document?

As for breaking the document up, that's easy ithe UNIX utility "split" was made for exactly your purpose and the "cat" utility would be used to reassemble the parts. This is easy to do on a Mac or other UNIX machine (See man split)

Using just Word you could try deleting all of your document except (say) the first
page, doinf a Save->As, undoing to delete, delting al but the second page do the
Save->As and continue the result is a who;e lot of one page .doc files Big hassel.
That's why someone about 30 years ago invented "split".

I think Word does have a feature called "Chapters" where a long document is made from a set of chapters where each chapter is kept in it's own file.

Lollypop said:
I have to submit my masters to a language editor before i can do my final submission, she (the language editor) wants it in word format whitch is no problem, but her mailbox has a limit of 4megs. I tried zipping my document (20 megs - lots of diagrams and images) but it’s nowhere close to 4megs, so how do I split the document into 4megs chunks that a normal windows user can easily reassemble?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2004
Johannesburg, South Africa
I can use split but the other side is a windows machine, so no unix utilities can be used.

The document does comprise of sub documents, but she wants to use the change tracking feature and make sure all my references, figs and tables references are correct, and for that she says she needs a complete document.

I will see if I can have her download it from a website or something.

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