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macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I have a full time job for a major corp. I work 45 hours+/- a week while taking a full time load in grad school. I never went to school without having a full time job. I'm a way better person for it...and I never had to utter the words, "but I'm a student so give me a discount on...." because I simply do not believe that being a student gives anyone a right to say that.

I think that anyone attending any college should be required to work 10 hours a week. That 10 hours has to be legit, none of this "if you want to work for uncle joe just come in when you're broke." That is the exact opposite of what the real world really is about. One can still party and work 10 hours a week...I know for a fact because I had the time of my life in college (under grad) and worked 40.


macrumors 68030
Dec 21, 2004
I think a lot of your ability to work depends on the load you're taking. I, for one, spent pretty much ALL my spare time in the computer lab my first three years of undergrad. I was certainly not a partier--maybe the occassional movie or sporting event for sanity's sake, but that's it. Finally, when my schedule calmed down a bit I took on a part-time 20hr/week job my senior year (still taking a full load of classes). I worked full-time during the summers to help compensate for the lack of working during the school year.

I know working a full school schedule and full work schedule can be done, but I don't see the overall benefit of doing that if you don't have to (so long as you already have a good work ethic). Frankly, I felt burnt out by the time I was done and didn't fully recover sleep- and heatlh-wise until months after it was over. More power to you if you can do that.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
I just wanted to thank people for contributing to this thread.

It's really interesting (at least for me) to hear about everyone's situation. The costs and social culture of the DC area certainly influence my study and work habits. Seeing how other people manage their time has allowed me to see my situation somewhat more objectively. Thanks again.



macrumors 68000
Mar 4, 2004
State College, PA
Full time student.

34+ hours a week working.

Add in my three characters on WoW (60 rogue, 29 hunter, 28 shaman), and you can imagine how much free time I've got.
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