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Had this issue with the early versions. Since 10.14.2 still 100% after 8 hours sleep. Across a few machines. Problem resolved.
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Lost 17% last night. Still atrocious compared to Sierra, but a slight improvement.
I lose about 2-4% max. Maybe try turning off App Nap in the prefs to see if that changes things for you.
Back to 14% lost. Looks like it's slightly improved over 10.14.0, but not significantly or with any regularity.
Back to 14% lost. Looks like it's slightly improved over 10.14.0, but not significantly or with any regularity.
On Battery power- In terminal run the following (this only displays current settings):
pmset -g

What is the output of the command?
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On Battery power- In terminal run the following (this only displays current settings):
pmset -g

What is the output of the command?

System-wide power settings:

Currently in use:

 lidwake              1

 autopoweroff         1

 standbydelayhigh     86400

 autopoweroffdelay    28800

 proximitywake        0

 standby              1

 standbydelaylow      10800

 ttyskeepawake        1

 hibernatemode        3

 powernap             0

 gpuswitch            2

 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage

 highstandbythreshold 50

 displaysleep         5

 sleep                5 (sleep prevented by fud, coreaudiod, iTunes)

 acwake               0

 halfdim              1

 tcpkeepalive         1

 disksleep            10
Yes, sleep works (on MBA for reference), and no I'm not losing sleep (except when i'm up posting on MR) :D

I did have to do SMC reset, but that wasan't the reason. unrelated
System-wide power settings:

Currently in use:

 lidwake              1

 autopoweroff         1

 standbydelayhigh     86400

 autopoweroffdelay    28800

 proximitywake        0

 standby              1

 standbydelaylow      10800

 ttyskeepawake        1

 hibernatemode        3

 powernap             0

 gpuswitch            2

 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage

 highstandbythreshold 50

 displaysleep         5

 sleep                5 (sleep prevented by fud, coreaudiod, iTunes)

 acwake               0

 halfdim              1

 tcpkeepalive         1

 disksleep            10
Your standbydelayhigh is set to 24 hours. *If* you ran the command while on battery power, this explains why you lose so much overnight- the machine is never going to full sleep.
sudo pmset -b standbydelay SECONDS
(change seconds to something more fitting.) I set mine to half an hour.
All settings while on AC power will remain the same.
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Your standbydelayhigh is set to 24 hours. *If* you ran the command while on battery power, this explains why you lose so much overnight- the machine is never going to full sleep.
sudo pmset -b standbydelay SECONDS
(change seconds to something more fitting.) I set mine to half an hour.
All settings while on AC power will remain the same.

Thanks. I did originally run the commend with power connected, then re-ran it with the power unconnected (which is what I posted).

I just tried again to ensure that I'm not insane.

In both cases (power connected vs on battery) there were changes to some of the settings but the standbydelayhigh remained unchanged at 86400.

I've set this for 30 minutes. Thanks for your help, I'll try it again over the next few weeks and see how it performs.

I don't need to be concerned about the AC Power message right?

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.18.31 AM.png

Current pmsettting on battery and on power.

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.21.01 AM.png


Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.21.46 AM.png
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