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Original poster
Sep 30, 2019
AND has been for a couple of years oddly enough I had just downloaded the mac version of chatgpt from git hub.....??????- if I cant boot it up I cannot fix it. the only thing I know that might work is try to start it is revovery mode.....not good, will lose all my stuff...and take days to get it back in shape any productive- thought's folks? pls- I would rather get water boarded than to deal with the apple folks.,thank you
Maybe I am just tired, but I am having trouble following your post.

Sounds like your 2013 iMac will not boot from the internal drive, but it will boot from an external drive?

Sounds like your internal drive might have failed or is failing.

If that is what is going on:

Do you have a Fusion Drive?

Do you have a back up of your data?

Have you seen if your internal drive can be seen in Disk Utility or mounts to the desktop with you boot with the external drive?

If it mounts, you can try to copy your data to an external drive. Depending on the shape of the drive, you might be able to migrate the data using Apple's Migration Assistant, but I would play it safe and get the important stuff manually first if you don't already have a back up.

Also, you posted this with the iMac Pro tag, probably not the best tag for it.
Boot from the external SSD.

Open disk utilty.

Run "first aid" on the INTERNAL drive, and see what it says.

If you have an internal fusion drive (which is actually TWO drives made to "look like one" in software), it's possible that one of the drives may be failing. Most likely the platter-based HDD.
--disregard first post cannot boot stuck in boot process--- sorry about the lack of clarity--thank you for flopping along with me.....2013 catalina with ext ssd boot up drive will no longer boot up stuck about 90 maybe 100 percent have done most of the usual stuff to try to get to the recovery screen will NOT get out of the loadbar and apple logo....clear? have yet to try "option cmd r".---but will soon. btw I have less and less respect for the apple kids at the c/s support -

-now, I also have an 2017 Imac with ventura which is what I am on now......- one of you can help me from this point point please --I am in no hurry btw--I think I can go to the apple store and download a recovery mode option to a flash or other drive ---yes or no?

and before I do that take the ssd ext boot drive from the catalina 2013 run the disk utility against it for errors reistall it to the 2013 if ok. load the recovery from the apple store to the flash drive but how do I get the 2013 to go to the flash drive to load the recovery option? terminal somehow? long story shorter --there are ways to do this--just not sure which approach to take.....I am an old guy so it is trip, stumble and fall for me on new stuff ....this is new....I do not want to go to or take this to apple -

-I am a kc, guy....dont know what that means to you. to me it means chiefs but I will admit is a crap shoot -I probably have a better chance at fixing this..we will see if mahomes is hot we are in if not....out....-----

*********-one thing I can will buy another new ssd drive load it with catalina figure a way install it on the 2013 and good to go??? ya think?? use this IMac the 2017 to do that with plug in the new drive and set that is think is my best bet

So, I have the time and money what do best approach it seem to me *******

you guys have always helped me immensely in the past- weasle was very helpful to and fish also thank you very clear --phone whereby skype google meet etc all available if like me youy hate hate harte to type-
I may have figured it out I like this what do you think?

i like the new ssd with fresh catalina on it plug in and it should boot ...agree guys?? than you so much no I am not drunk just a careless writer happy to webcam with you if you like thank so much ...
You're going to have to write more clearly if you want others to understand the problems and help...
I also have a mbp with catalina-- this approach seems like it will work ...carbon copy mbp catalina to ext disk- try to boot up the Imac immediately hit option on boot up should give me a startup disk plug in my newly copied version of catalina from my mbp to my imac...should work it seems to me then investigate the original ssd boot up that is obviously corrupted fix or not ...imac is running with mbp verson. clear?
sorry about the confusion it is mine I am trying to stumble my way through this...imac wont boot from normally my bootable ssd. stuck in progress bar- I intend on imac start option change start up disk and boot a cloned copy of Catalina from my laptop that should get me started on the imac
If the iMac has a "fusion" drive inside, it actually has TWO drives:
- small SSD portion
- larger HDD portion (platter-based hard drive)

These are "melded together" -- "fused" -- with software, so that you see only "one" drive.
The "fusion" drive.

It's becoming common (as these iMacs age) for one portion of the fusion drive (usually the HDD) to have problems.
If one part fails, the entire drive fails.

You need to get that external boot drive up-and-running.
Then, boot the iMac.
Open disk utility.
See what disk utility says about the internal drive (or fusion drive).
Try the "repair disk" function.

If it has a fusion drive, and if one of the drives has failed, you can either
- replace the failed drive (may not be worth the trouble on a 10-year-old iMac)
- just use the remaining drive that still works.

I'd boot and run from an external SSD for the remainder of the iMac's lifespan.
I am not drunk, have not been for 30 years ....not bright maybe--apple put a new hard drive in it about 4 years ago whatever specs called for ..non fusion....i suspect --I have very little idea of what I am doing.....that said -I have watched dozens of youtube diy's --most, less informed than I am---i downloaded catalina installers to flash plan was to boot it up- hold down option key make it change start up it turned out I could boot from the old installed hard drive ...last use 5/21--meanwhile checked out the 1 tb ssd...seems ok ....side note had some troubles booting still ...but I am fairly confident it will some how straighten it self out.

I have it cloning the 1 tb version of Catalina to another hard drive as I type ...

but very possible will do a recovery with a new clean version of catalina also..

so one way or another and maybe a few more days all should be ok.....

also I have mbp 2012 with catalina on it that I have copied so good to go with that if I need it.......sooo, I think all in all put ten bucks on me......just not quick...(and a 2017 imac)

.thank you guys for you help and understanding I know how annoying it is for you guys......and will ultimetly have a new ssd and a new clean verson of catalina read as if in bullet points I type like I think.....bullet points.

thank you all again-
if you guys think I am thick you should enjoy the brilliance of the apple c/s' they read the same **** I just read and talk to me Like I am chipmanzee trying to learn ...meanwhile I am unconvinced they are even potty trained.i
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