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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
The constant promise of another day....

Railheaddesign fuels more anticipation with the following:

Tomorrow promises to be a 'big' day for Apple, so get your credit card balances down and your paychecks deposited…

Unfortunately, by this point, there has been very little concrete evidence of the anticipated 20th anniversary updates... Uncharacteristically, Apple has let the date come-and-go without any acknowledgement .

The only remaining evidence is plans for Apple Store floorplan changes this week...
Floor plans?

What are the floor plan changes calling for? Last I heard that was supposed to be on the 19th? Not....

There is little belief that even with an announcement pending that availability is still likely to be weeks I'd be shocked if the minor oversight by Apple to dazzle us on the 24th was due to inventory/stocking delays to get new machines in stores and wearhouses to announce and ship same day....

Can I be any more optimistic? Sure I can! - Stevie J releases dual 3.05gig machines and keeps promise ahead of schedule!

It's Tuesday so there must be new PowerBook G5s or speed bumped PowerMacs or the elusive G5 iMac or new displays or the video iPod or maybe the iBox is coming. So many possibilities.

i think apple is holding out for a superbowl spot. steve jobs might be afraid of not living up to the 1984 commercial, but i doubt they'll do worse than the 2001 space odyssey :)
Hello All

I have just installed the lastest security update and now noticed that if you navigate to home folder of a user that has filevault setup, you are prompted to enter a password to open a diskimage that contains the home folder. Entering the correct password will mount a diskimageo n your desktop

I never had this before must be to do with the security update
am i the only one who is extremely bored and bitterly dissapointed by the total non-event of the 20th anniversary of the mac???

i am also very saddened...

SJ should have launched something at MWSF and have it launch today.

this whole rumor saga is getting boring and if nothing comes tomorrow, (a pretty good da for new product announcments), I will be allotocating a seriously reduced amount of tim to browsing the macweb...
apropos of nothing

I noticed that the Spirit rover's problem seems to be based on the flash memory not being able to store everything (pictures -- and maybe music too :) ). JPL is having to delete stuff so there is room for new pictures. Maybe this is why Apple only wants to produce iPods with hard drives!
I don't expect anything big--maybe some kind of sale for the anniversary, with a little in-store re-arranging. Apple doing NOTHING would be odd. (Then again, they do feature the anniversary on their home page, so it's not being ignored.)

But if there IS a real new product (or even an update) tomorrow, that will really seal the "Tuesday" pattern!

Regardless... new products are coming one day, and probably not far off. One day the iMac will get a G5, if it doesn't get one this time.
you know, normally i wouldn't think anything of this, and i'm really getting sick of the constant reaching for rumors to become true... but as someone above stated, Apple completley let this date pass with absolutley nothing... nothing. very, very un-apple... and there WILL be powermac updates sometime soon... SJ promised 3ghz by summer's end, and you know that WWDC will most likely be the platform for that announcement. can they really wait THAT long to announce something?

i'm not going to keep my hopes up... i just bought the last rev. of 12" powerbook, but i do hope they'll announce something, just for the sake of new products being released and more apple's getting out there to the masses.
It's got to be a Survivor edition of the iMac that comes with DVR built in so you can replay all your favorite challenges.

Available right after the Super Bowl.
i have to say... railhead's been pretty accurate with their rumors in the past couple months. they don't say much, but when they do, they're usually right.

i believe we'll see new powermacs as well as new displays tomorrow. then an update to the powerbooks in about 2 weeks. and while i'm guessing, i predict the powerbook g5's to come on June 22nd.
railheaddesign isn't making this up..

I read Railheaddesign daily, and without fail everytime he has predicted something about Apple(and especially when he gave it a date) he was right. Don't lose hope yet - there's something coming tomorrow.

I am starting to crack under the pressure...

I am SO ready to order a new G5, and know that an upgrade is in the pipe (at least I hope so...). I want one NOW!!!!

My G4 400 TiBook (the original) stills chugs along, but having had the opportunity to use a dual G5 last month has left me with a kind of technology desire/craving that is second only to crack cocaine in terms of intensity.

The G5 means one thing to me: possibilities. Endless possibilities in terms of creativity and entertainment. I dream of a day when I have Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Safari, Mail and iTunes open at the same time, with Final Cut rendering in the background - all while the G5 says, "Is that all you are going to throw at me?"

I think they classify me as a "power user" in the computing world.

If I tried to do that with my TiBook...well, let's just say I know better.

I hope for my sanity's sake that Tuesdays (ie: tomorrow) are the day. I don't know if I could handle the disappointment of a non-announcement.

Satan, grant me patience. Please...
hehe i just can't get over this apple-rumor phenomenon. i mean companies get people to act like little kids over updates to computers? i admit i am one..but still its just funny.

anyway, updates will come and go... heres to hoping they come sooner than later!
While a total non-event for mac's 20th B-day would be strange, I wonder if there's not some internal conflict at infinite loop dr? Jobs commented on "sales guys" ruining companies by focusing on the bottom line. Everytime a large apple event is on the horizon, no one buys anything.

Perhaps some in Apple (sales guys) like to wait to debut the new stuff until a big event. This way, apple can buy its own stock cheap, knowing it will add 4-5% in the days following an event. The apple "core" however, likely want to release stuff ASAP, just because they all get off on it like the rest of us.

Just my crazy, non-true, conspiracy theory....
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