I know people do this with network connections these days...
I'd like to connect our Smartphones to my Mac via USB-cable and transfer the Files (Camera Media, complete WhatsApp folder, pdfs,...) from the Phone to my Mac.
I used to use an OTG USB stick and currently do, but I'd like to directly copy the files without this step in between. Some time ago I already tried connecting one Phone via USB cable directly and used the App "Android File transfer". But it had some problems. I then learned in an android forum, that the App is indeed not working correctly and probably never has and is not recommended.
But even Google recommends using Android File Transfer still today for Macs: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/2840804?hl=en#zippy=,mac-computer
I am searching for something like Total Commander.
Preferably one that is able to
a) create zip files (because WhatsApp-media looses its "created on"-Date, when you don't zip it) and
b) that the File Manager can create the Zip-file on the target device, instead of first creating the zip of the original folder on the smartphone and you then have to move the zip to the target destination.
Thank you very much!
I know people do this with network connections these days...
I'd like to connect our Smartphones to my Mac via USB-cable and transfer the Files (Camera Media, complete WhatsApp folder, pdfs,...) from the Phone to my Mac.
I used to use an OTG USB stick and currently do, but I'd like to directly copy the files without this step in between. Some time ago I already tried connecting one Phone via USB cable directly and used the App "Android File transfer". But it had some problems. I then learned in an android forum, that the App is indeed not working correctly and probably never has and is not recommended.
But even Google recommends using Android File Transfer still today for Macs: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/2840804?hl=en#zippy=,mac-computer
I am searching for something like Total Commander.
Preferably one that is able to
a) create zip files (because WhatsApp-media looses its "created on"-Date, when you don't zip it) and
b) that the File Manager can create the Zip-file on the target device, instead of first creating the zip of the original folder on the smartphone and you then have to move the zip to the target destination.
Thank you very much!