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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 7, 2001
I live here in Pittsburgh and I heard a rumor about Apple buying out a company called Bluefish Laboratories (or something like that). I went over to the place (about 10mins from my house) and indeed they changed their sign to an Apple logo! I went inside and asked them about their company. All they could tell me was "software development".

Does anyone know of this company? I heard rumors about them working on iTunes, but I'm not sure. Even if this turns out to be nothing major, then it still proves that Apple is still ever expanding thier business.


P.S. I asked for a graphics job opportunity, and one guy said that he would transfer my resume on to "the proper people". Sweet! Now I just need to make my resume...
Early 2001? That doesn't sound right. I was over there two weeks ago and they still had a bluefish logo outside the building. Only this week did they change it.

Proof of Mobility

The acquisition of Bluefish labs is further evidence that something mobile from apple may really in fact be in the works for the near future.

The above link is rangled from google shows one guys history..he looks like a mobile computing freak...and he openly admits to now working for will stimulate the synapses...believe
Originally posted by ptrauber
Early 2001? That doesn't sound right. I was over there two weeks ago and they still had a bluefish logo outside the building. Only this week did they change it.

he he

even apple is corporate, dude

Is it me, or is anyone else having problems connecting to I keep getting a connection failure.
Originally posted by dukestreet
Is it me, or is anyone else having problems connecting to I keep getting a connection failure.

Doesn't load for me either, perhaps apple has transfered the domains to there servers and our ISPs haven't updated yet.


I know someone who was one of the early
employees at BlueFish. They were a Java
consulting shop specializing in web
technologies using XML and servlets.
My guess would be that they were bought
out to contribute to WebObjects, which has
been steadily moving to a Java architecture.
hey! where in pitt are you from?

Im from ny, but I just graduated from Duquesne U.

I live in Observatory Hill... The only place I've worked that you may have heard of is Sneakerlabs... Which was actually where I worked with the guy that ended up at Bluefish...:)

I'm actually new to the Mac, I'm a Linux geek that's been seduced by OS X and the technologies from NeXT (I probably use my wife's iMac more than she does...)
You can still view their site using the Google Cache feature:

Here's what was last on their website:

We've been acquired!

We're proud to announce that Blue Fish Labs was acquired by Apple Computer in early 2001. Details of the acquisition are confidential.

We're tremendously excited about our new direction. Unfortunately, Blue Fish Labs will no longer provide technology services. We want to extend heartfelt thanks to all the people who have worked with us and the Pittsburgh high technology community in general.
I forgot about the cache feature on google, its a great feature, real useful!

I made a website a few years back (my first) and I wish I had a copy, it was really cool (Although badly designed) but I wish I could get a copy from somewhere!

All this things are telling me that Apple plans to take over the SGI market, I mean the low end market of the SGI's that envolves the O2 line and the indigo. A high end graphical market for the near future (2 years).

What I see is that Apple based on the succes of the iMac and iBook line is planning to increase the industry taking all the graphical, networking market first, then audio for sure to be come THE multimedia platform.
Emailed my old friend

I emailed my buddy in Seattle that used to work for Bluefish and is now at Apple... All I know at the moment is that my earlier speculation that they are working on WebObjects was incorrect. If I get any info I can share I'll post it :D
The reply from an ex-Bluefish employee

Hi, Jason-Paul,

As I suspect you know, I can't really comment on this kind of stuff. :)

Speaking as a private individual, I sympathize with you on the problem of
finding a decent portable solution -- I have found that both my Palm and
Pocket PC became less useful to me as the novelty wore off. The form factor
is small enough to be carryable (more so with the Palm), but difficult to
actually use for anything other then reference. I actually predominately
rely on my Titanium Powerbook these days, which is portable but not exactly
pocket sized.

"name withheld to protect the innocent"

This is a kind response to a few random questions about Apple's dabbling in portable fields of study. The guy who wrote me this is definately someone Apple would turn to for expertise in all things mobile. One could read almost nothing into to this mail...but I choose to be optimistic. I believe that this is a testimonial from with Apple that the current available portable are useless. So the replyer states that he uses his Titanuim all the time for least until he completes his work on something new....



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