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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
ThinkSecret provides some details from Apple's Shareholders' Meeting as well as the question/answer session.

One question addressed the clock speed issue, to which Jobs made an interesting reply:

[Jobs] then acknowledged that it is a problem, and that Apple is very aware of the issue. He said "there will be a time" when Apple would speak about its relationship with Motorola, and that the particular shareholder who asked the question would be invited, if he desired.

Music-based questions are reported to have gotten "no comment" replies, however, this Reuters article provides some quotes:

"There have been a lot of rumors in the last few weeks," Jobs said in response to a shareholder question. "Many of them are not true and some of them are true."

Jobs knows they are way behind in speed -mhz myth be damned. Everyone knows it.
So, why are they so secretive about their plans to remedy it? sheesh, you'd think they'd be shouting from the mountaintop that the speeds are going to get drastically better...

let's hope may 2nd is more than just the music, let's hope they bump up speeds as well.

..and I'm still waiting to get a 15" powerbook...
this is interesting, due to the rumors of a possible court case between the two companies. It makes me wonder how the whole 970 issue will eventually pan out. I don't know what will happen when they release the 970, which everyone wants, and then they have to deal with the past issue of motorola.

Will they put it behind them?
Will motorola still make chips for Apple?
Will there be a court case?
Will it be messy/bad for the company?

So many unanswered questions...

I can't wait for the day that Apple becomes independant from Motorola so that Steve can lay it in to them :D
color iPods-no
new iPods-yes
new iPod design-hopefully no
new music service-yes

steve jobs does look at the rumor sites! (inless its just workers at apple)
Something tells me that "there will be a time" may mean WWDC, or in the few months following.

Speaking of which, my dream is that Apple moves EVERY G4 system over to the 970 with each scheduled update (PowerMacs, PowerBooks, iMacs, even the eMac) rather than turning the G4 into the G3's replacement. You could then buy almost any Mac, knowing that the only gap between your CPU and the top-end is clock speed (not taking into account the system feature set).
Re: Re: Apple Shareholder's Meeting

Originally posted by vniow
You gots a typo....

Anyhoo, I wonder what this means about the rumors between them and Vinvedi?

Speaking of typo's :rolleyes: :)

Unless you know something about another company named "Vinvedi" and it's relationship with Apple as opposed to Vivendi?:D


Personally, I wouldn't take anything up with Motorola until AFTER the replacement chip is in production. That's the time to file a law suit (and Apple has some grounds, I think, to do so) and to get down and dirty with them (and not while your entire line is dependent on them).
Re: Re: Apple Shareholder's Meeting

Originally posted by vniow
You gots a typo....

Anyhoo, I wonder what this means about the rumors between them and Vinvedi?

Seems like every answer Jobs gives isn't one...

he should act like one of us would act if we were head of apple.
"all of the rumors are 100% true!"

btw, i like your new tar
so, I wonder how long it would take to replace not only all of the G4's, but also the G3's, so that moto can be out the door. Could be a while.
Re: soo...

Originally posted by freundt
you'd think they'd be shouting from the mountaintop that the speeds are going to get drastically better...

Because then they wouldn't sell any current products? Just a wild guess.
If Apple gets their way, motorola's ass is grass...

This year is going to be more than just the year of the laptop. Apple was revived in 1998, and now, it appears as if Jobs is going to go all out, busting open whole truckloads of whoop-ass as required...

Very cool :cool:
Re: soo...

Originally posted by freundt
Jobs knows they are way behind in speed -mhz myth be damned. Everyone knows it.
So, why are they so secretive about their plans to remedy it? sheesh, you'd think they'd be shouting from the mountaintop that the speeds are going to get drastically better...

let's hope may 2nd is more than just the music, let's hope they bump up speeds as well.

..and I'm still waiting to get a 15" powerbook...

Tell me that's a joke. That's the absolute dumbest thing Apple can possible do right now. Nothing screams "DON'T BUY ANY MORE MACS" more than telling everyone how cool your products will be 8 months from now. Thousands of companies have done this. 99% of the time, they're bankrupt by the time the new product comes out.
wow jobs actully to a point answering a question instead "no comment", and they finally admited the mhz problem. This must be the beginning of the new eara lol.

i dunno if im acurate on what i said, so don't yell at me :)

Re: Re: soo...

Originally posted by Nebrie
Tell me that's a joke. That's the absolute dumbest thing Apple can possible do right now. Nothing screams "DON'T BUY ANY MORE MACS" more than telling everyone how cool your products will be 8 months from now. Thousands of companies have done this. 99% of the time, they're bankrupt by the time the new product comes out.

This is not one of those times. (Sometimes circumstances demand that you throw the rule book out. It's okay to break the rules as long as you know what they are, after all.) Apple is probably losing more customers by not holding them in anticipation of something actually worth buiying. Potential customers are not picking up PowerMacs right now. The new Powerbooks could have made a bigger splash. All of Apple's good efforts to raise the product line's profile has been undermined by the serious MHz gap.

Don't dismiss calls for an early 970 announcement as typical naive rumor-site blathering. It's not the same old cliche this time.

As for what Steve meant by "many" of the rumors not being true--I think he's mostly referring to acquring Universal music (and maybe some of the iGadget, iTablet, iPhone, etc rumors that are running rampant in the last 2-3 weeks). That's the rumor that has hurt Apple the most.
Aww, they left out the best quote from Jobs. In this Reuters article:

Asked by one shareholder if Apple were indeed going to launch such a service, Jobs responded: "You'd think so if you haven't been asleep the last two weeks."

In response to a previous post stating that Apple should preannounces their plans for the 970 (whatever), Bill Osborne must be rolling in his grave right now.

Fly on the Mac
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I hope that the rumor that is true is that new iPods are coming, and the one that is not true is that they cost money. Woo hoo! Free iPods!!
Originally posted by idkew
Well, it seems to me pretty obvious that Moto is going to be losing a lot of business in the near future.

Boo Hoo Hoo :(

What's all the sadness for? I'd say this calls for a celebration!
Re: soo...

Originally posted by freundt
So, why are they so secretive about their plans to remedy it?

Because if people know for certain that newer, radically different (read: non-Motorola) Macs are on the horizon, they won't buy the current offerings. This could be very bad:

"In 1982, when Adam Osborne announced the months-away date for the next version of the Osborne portable computer, he killed sales of his current product. Customers wanted the new product and weren?t willing to mark time by buying the current models. So dire was the drop in sales that Osborne Computer Corp. literally withered. By the time the new model was ready, the company was already shaking its death rattle." (from

This is also why Apple is moving away from major announcements at MacWorld Expos... their sales dry up in the months preceeding the show because people don't want their brand new computer to suddenly become obsolete when a newer one is unveiled at the Expo.

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