ThinkSecret provides some details from Apple's Shareholders' Meeting as well as the question/answer session.
One question addressed the clock speed issue, to which Jobs made an interesting reply:
Music-based questions are reported to have gotten "no comment" replies, however, this Reuters article provides some quotes:
One question addressed the clock speed issue, to which Jobs made an interesting reply:
[Jobs] then acknowledged that it is a problem, and that Apple is very aware of the issue. He said "there will be a time" when Apple would speak about its relationship with Motorola, and that the particular shareholder who asked the question would be invited, if he desired.
Music-based questions are reported to have gotten "no comment" replies, however, this Reuters article provides some quotes:
"There have been a lot of rumors in the last few weeks," Jobs said in response to a shareholder question. "Many of them are not true and some of them are true."