Just a dry micro fiber cloth. Disinfecting is not really required unless you are loaning out your device to strangers or which I do not think is a good idea. You phone will harbor many germs and bacteria but most will not cause any harm if they came from you.
Most chemicals would need to be applied wet and stay on the surface wet for a minute of so to kill everything. Not good.
Pop it in the microwave for good five minutes and it will be nice and disinfected.
I heard that sand paper helps with those tiny scratches
I feel bad for those poor souls who will unknowingly follow your ruthless advice.
Just a dry micro fiber cloth. Disinfecting is not really required unless you are loaning out your device to strangers or which I do not think is a good idea. You phone will harbor many germs and bacteria but most will not cause any harm if they came from you.
Most chemicals would need to be applied wet and stay on the surface wet for a minute of so to kill everything. Not good.
disagree. you can certainly pick up nasty bugs that will live a long time on your gadgets' screens/surfaces depending on what you do for a living (which does not require "loaning it out to strangers"). I'm an ER physician and I clean my iphone with purrell after each shift.
disagree. you can certainly pick up nasty bugs that will live a long time on your gadgets' screens/surfaces depending on what you do for a living (which does not require "loaning it out to strangers"). I'm an ER physician and I clean my iphone with purrell after each shift.
The problem with the wipes and sprays you guys are mentioning is that they're all solvents. Unless you've got a screen protector on, you're going to deteriorate the oleophobic coating.
The problem with the wipes and sprays you guys are mentioning is that they're all solvents. Unless you've got a screen protector on, you're going to deteriorate the oleophobic coating.
Just a dry micro fiber cloth. Disinfecting is not really required unless you are loaning out your device to strangers or which I do not think is a good idea. You phone will harbor many germs and bacteria but most will not cause any harm if they came from you.
Most chemicals would need to be applied wet and stay on the surface wet for a minute of so to kill everything. Not good.
Is there something better than a wet paper towel to clean iPad/iPhone screens?
paper towel, water, squeeze it out. That's all I use, and it works fine. Apple devices clean up very easily.
A good idea is to get a cleaning solution from iKlear.
You can use the enclosed cloth alone most of the time. Once a week or so use the cleaning solution. If you just use a cloth it tends to just push the cruff around. A cleaning solution actually removes the dirt and grease and such.