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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2015
So, I've looked around and found that my MagSafe has broken in a way that is much different than a lot of folks here have had. Any suggestions on how to fix a MagSafe Charger when the magnet separates? Cause right now I have unplug my charger from the power strip to plug it into my computer, otherwise, I get a bunch of sparks. As well, between pictures one and two, one of the prongs broke off inside the charger end. Just wondering if there's a simple fix for this, or if I should drop the money on a FOURTH charger for this MBP. I'm almost at the point to where I just want to get a new one, but with the new ones, I couldn't have the two hard drives that I have in this one. At least I don't think I could, could I mount another Hard drive mount in the space of a SuperDrive in the rMBPs?


Retina MacBook Pros don't have SuperDrives, so unfortunately you're stuck with what you have at the time of purchase. Fortunately, it is solid state so at least it's quick.
Yeah I got a SSD as my Boot drive in my current set up and the original HDD where i keep all my files.
It's funny, I'd never seen one break like that yet, no sooner do I read you post and I realize that one of mine is coming apart that way.

I suppose you could try superglue, but I'd say it's time to replace the magsafe again or, if you're okay with soldering, the cable of that one.
Superglue. Use a toothpick to drop some ion the hole where the pin on the plug that came off fits into the charger and to put some on the plastic, as well as a small amount on the metal piece. Do't over do it and don't use the gell version. Worst comes to worse it doesn't work and you need to buy a new charger anyway.
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